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Relationship between foot posture measures and force platform parameters during two balance tasks in older and young subjects

Carvalho Carlos E., da Silva Rubens Alexandre, de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Nascimento Juliana A. et Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires. (2015). Relationship between foot posture measures and force platform parameters during two balance tasks in older and young subjects. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27, (3), p. 705-710.

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[Purpose] The aim of this study was to compare age-related differences in balance and anthropometric posture measurements of the foot and to determine any relationship between them. [Subjects and Methods] Sixty-eight older and 42 younger adults participated in this study. Foot posture was tested for four domains: 1) hallux flexion and extension range of motion using a goniometer, 2) navicular height and 3) length of the foot using a pachymeter, and 4) footprint (width of forefoot, arch index and hallux valgus). Balance was tested under two conditions on a force platform: bipodal in 60-s trials and unipodal in 30-s trials. The sway area of the center of pressure and velocity in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions were computed. [Results] Older individuals showed significantly poorer balance compared with younger adults under in the unipodal condition (center of pressure area 9.97 vs. 7.72 cm2). Older people presented a significantly lower hallux mobility and higher values for width of the forefoot and transverse arch index than younger adults. The correlations between all foot posture and center of pressure parameters varied across groups, from weak to moderate (r −0.01 to −0.46). Low hallux mobility was significantly related to higher center of pressure values in older people. [Conclusion] These results have clinical implications for balance and foot posture assessments.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue sans comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 705-710
Sujets:Sciences de la santé
Sciences de la santé > Sciences de l'activité physique et réadaptation
Sciences de la santé > Sciences de l'activité physique et réadaptation > Physiothérapie
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences de la santé > Unité d'enseignement en physiothérapie
Mots-clés:posture, aging, foot, vieillissement, pied
Déposé le:04 oct. 2017 01:21
Dernière modification:30 oct. 2017 18:33
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