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Secondary disturbances of low and moderate severity drive the dynamics of eastern Canadian boreal old-growth forests

Martin Maxence, Morin Hubert et Fenton Nicole J.. (2019). Secondary disturbances of low and moderate severity drive the dynamics of eastern Canadian boreal old-growth forests. Annals of Forest Science, 76, (108), p. 1-16.

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Key message

Both low- and moderate-severity secondary disturbances are drivers of eastern Canadian boreal old-growth forests dynamics. Moderate-severity disturbances reflect mainly spruce budworm outbreaks. Low-severity disturbances are produced by both spruce budworm outbreaks and random events such as windthrow. Each level of disturbance severity has a specific impact on stand dynamics, and both shape the diversity of boreal old-growth forests.


A regular succession of low-severity disturbances is seen as determining the dynamics of the old-growth stage (gap dynamics); however, recent studies suggest that moderate-severity secondary disturbances also play an important role in the dynamics of eastern Canadian boreal forests.


This study aims to determine if eastern Canadian boreal old-growth forests are driven by a combination of low- and moderate-severity secondary disturbances.


We reconstructed the 200-year disturbance history of 20 boreal old-growth stands using dendrochronological analysis. We discriminated low- from moderate-severity disturbances based on their respective influence on mean stand growth.


The secondary disturbance regime of eastern Canadian boreal old-growth forests varies highly over time, reflected by disturbance peaks in the chronological record. Most peaks occurred during spruce budworm outbreaks related to both low- and moderate-severity disturbances. Between each peak, low-severity disturbances dominate. Each level of disturbance severity has specific consequences for stand dynamics.


Both low and moderate secondary disturbances are drivers of forest dynamics in eastern Canadian boreal old-growth stands and shape the structural diversity of these stands. The complexity of these dynamics should be recognized in management planning to ensure the efficiency of old-growth forest conservation policies.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 1-16
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Biologie et autres sciences connexes
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Mots-clés:Low severity, moderate severity, natural disturbance, succession, spruce budworm, windthrow
Déposé le:18 févr. 2020 21:48
Dernière modification:11 déc. 2020 05:10
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