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The virtual environment for rapid prototyping of the intelligent environment

Francillette Yannick, Boucher Eric, Bouzouane Abdenour et Gaboury Sébastien. (2017). The virtual environment for rapid prototyping of the intelligent environment. Sensors, 17, (11), p. 2562.

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Advances in domains such as sensor networks and electronic and ambient intelligence have allowed us to create intelligent environments (IEs). However, research in IE is being held back by the fact that researchers face major difficulties, such as a lack of resources for their experiments. Indeed, they cannot easily build IEs to evaluate their approaches. This is mainly because of economic and logistical issues. In this paper, we propose a simulator to build virtual IEs. Simulators are a good alternative to physical IEs because they are inexpensive, and experiments can be conducted easily. Our simulator is open source and it provides users with a set of virtual sensors that simulates the behavior of real sensors. This simulator gives the user the capacity to build their own environment, providing a model to edit inhabitants’ behavior and an interactive mode. In this mode, the user can directly act upon IE objects. This simulator gathers data generated by the interactions in order to produce datasets. These datasets can be used by scientists to evaluate several approaches in IEs.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 2562
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.3390/s17112562
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences mathématiques > Informatique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département d'informatique et de mathématique
Mots-clés:smart home, intelligent environment, simulation, sensor, visualisation
Déposé le:11 nov. 2020 21:53
Dernière modification:11 nov. 2020 21:53
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