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Shrub facilitation promotes advancing of the Fagus sylvatica treeline across the Apennines (Italy)

Bonanomi Giuliano, Mogavero Valentina, Rita Angelo, Zotti Maurizio, Saulino Luigi, Tesei Giulio, Allegrezza Marina, Saracino Antonio, Rossi Sergio et Allevato Emilia. (2021). Shrub facilitation promotes advancing of the Fagus sylvatica treeline across the Apennines (Italy). Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, (4), e13054.

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Questions: Elevational treelines are expected to shift upwards in response to warming climate. However, worldwide upward shifts of treelines are inconsistent because local scale factors can affect the response to temperature. In this study, we explore the hypothesis that in the Apennines, where the current altitudinal treeline position is largely depressed because of past human activity, shrubs act as nurse plants promoting the upward migration of Fagus sylvatica.

Location: A 500–km-long latitudinal gradient in the Apennines, Italy.

Methods: We selected, along this gradient, nine treeline sites with different elevations, rock substrates, and physiognomic types including Juniperus communis, Pinus mugo, Vaccinium myrtillus shrublands, and grasslands. Here, in 68 transects we collected and analysed spatially fine-scale distribution data of F. sylvatica individuals in relation to both their age and their position, associated or not with shrubs.

Results: Fagus sylvatica regeneration is rare in open secondary grasslands at 1,600–2,100 m a.s.l., highlighting a bottleneck in the regeneration phase of this species. On the contrary, we systematically observed a strong association between shrubs and F. sylvatica individuals. Compared with the adjacent grassland, F. sylvatica regeneration was 58.3 times higher under Pinus mugo, 131.5 timeshigher under Juniperus communis and 102.4 times higher under Vaccinium myrtillus. The age structure of F. sylvatica population indicates that, in the last 50 years, recruitment under shrubs is continuous, while in grassland it is episodic.

Conclusions: Above the current treeline of the Apennines, F. sylvatica individuals develop only in the presence of shrubs, which act as nurse species. Shrubs are a necessary condition for F. sylvatica re-colonization of the high-altitude open areas affected, in the last centuries, by intense human land use.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:Juillet 2021
Identifiant unique:10.1111/jvs.13054
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées > Foresterie et sciences du bois
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Biologie et autres sciences connexes
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Unités de recherche > Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB)
Mots-clés:competition, drought stress, facilitation, forest, microclimate buffering, nurse plant, shrubland, treeline advancing, Fagus sylvatica
Déposé le:05 juin 2023 18:01
Dernière modification:05 juin 2023 18:01
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