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Screening of antiradical and antioxidant activity of monodesmosides and crude extract from Leontice smirnowii tuber

Gülçin İ., Mshvildadze Vakhtang, Gepdiremen A. et Elias Riad. (2006). Screening of antiradical and antioxidant activity of monodesmosides and crude extract from Leontice smirnowii tuber. Phytomedicine, 13, (5), p. 343-351.

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Leontice smirnowii is a member of the Berberidaceae family. In the current study we investigated the possible antiradical and antioxidant activity of the monodesmosides (MLS) and crude extract (CELS) of Leontice smirnowii using different antioxidant tests: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging, scavenging of superoxide anion radical-generated non-enzymatic system, ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method, reducing power, hydrogen peroxide scavenging and metal chelating activities. Experiment revealed that MLS and CELS have an antioxidant effect concentration-dependently. Total antioxidant activity was performed according to FTC method. At the 30 μg/ml concentration, the inhibition effects of MLS and CELS on peroxidation of linoleic acid emulsion were found to be 95.3% and 95.6%, respectively. On the other hand, percentage inhibition of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), α-tocopherol and trolox were found to be 98.2%, 98.5%, 84.0% and 87.9% inhibition of peroxidation of linoleic acid emulsion, respectively, at the same concentration. In addition, MLS and CELS had effective DPPH radical scavenging, superoxide anion radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide scavenging, reducing power and metal chelating activities. Also, these various antioxidant activities were compared with BHA, BHT, α-tocopherol and trolox which were accepted as references antioxidants.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 343-351
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.1016/j.phymed.2005.03.009
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Biologie et autres sciences connexes
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Chimie
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Unités de recherche > Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB)
Mots-clés:antioxidant activity, Leontice smirnowii, metal chelating, monodesmosides, radical scavenging
Déposé le:07 juin 2023 13:59
Dernière modification:07 juin 2023 13:59
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