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Assessing soil carbon dynamics following mechanical site preparation in boreal lichen woodlands of Québec, Canada

Marty Charles, Ouimet Rock, Fradette Olivier, Paré Maxime, Faubert Patrick et Villeneuve Claude. (2024). Assessing soil carbon dynamics following mechanical site preparation in boreal lichen woodlands of Québec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 553, e121600.

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Soil scarification is a common soil mechanical preparation (MSP) method in forestry aimed to enhance the success of reforestation. However, by turning over and displacing the humus (forming a mound; M), and producing furrows of bare mineral soil (F), it is believed that this method has a substantial effect on soil C stocks. Here, we assessed the influence of this MSP on soil C stocks in two boreal lichen woodlands (LWs) in Québec, Canada, scarified ten and two years before sampling (2012 and 2020 sites, respectively).

Carbon stocks averaged 11.8–15.4 kg C m−2 in the undisturbed section of the LWs (IF) with 9–15 % located in the vegetation, 36–42 % in the humus and 42–55 % in the mineral soil (0–30 cm). MSP caused a C concentration decline of ∼105 g C kg−1 in the displaced humus. Unexpectedly, this decrease was similar at both sites, suggesting that most C losses from this horizon occurred within two years. Higher C stock in the mineral horizons of the M than of the IF compartment at the 2012 site, suggests that a fraction of the C lost from the displaced humus may not have been released to the atmosphere but rather translocated to the underlying mineral soil. However, no such phenomenon was detected at the 2020 site, where a net C loss from the mineral soil was observed. Overall, the use of mass balance equations did not show evidence of net C losses at the scale of the whole profile in the disturbed sections of both LWs following MSP. This was partly due to site heterogeneity and a sampling bias, but also to mechanisms such as C translocation from the organic to the mineral soil horizons, and the replenishment of the soil C pool owing to natural regeneration occurring at the surface of the furrows. Overall, this study suggests that MSP may not have as strong an impact on soil C stocks as previously believed. Additionally, it highlights the challenges associated with estimating C changes in the soil following MSP and discusses ways to improve the assessment of C dynamics in such heterogeneous habitats.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:Février 2024
Nombre de pages:1
Identifiant unique:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121600
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées > Foresterie et sciences du bois
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Biologie et autres sciences connexes
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Unités de recherche > Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB)
Unités de recherche > Carbone boréal
Mots-clés:boreal forest, soil scarification, open woodlands, soil carbon, carbon budget, carbon emissions
Déposé le:02 févr. 2024 19:39
Dernière modification:17 juin 2024 19:17
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