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Nombre de documents archivés : 48.

Abi Attoumane, Walter Julien, Saeidi Ali et Chesnaux Romain. (2022). A cluster-based multiparametric similarity test for the compartmentalization of crystalline rocks into structural domains. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,

Askaripour Mahdi, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Mercier-Langevin Patrick. (2022). Rockburst in underground excavations: A review of mechanism, classification, and prediction methods. Underground Space,

Boumaiza Lamine, Saeidi Ali et Quirion Marco. (2019). Determining relative block structure rating for rock erodibility evaluation in the case of non-orthogonal joint sets. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 11, (1), p. 72-87.

Boumaiza Lamine, Saeidi Ali et Quirion Marco. (2019). A method to determine relevant geomechanical parameters for evaluating the hydraulic erodibility of rock. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 11, (5), p. 1004-1018.

Boumaiza Lamine, Saeidi Ali et Quirion Marco. (2021). A method to determine the relative importance of geological parameters that control the hydraulic erodibility of rock. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,

Brahami Yassine, Saeidi Ali, Fiset Mathieu et Ba Kadiata. (2022). The effects of the type and quantity of recycled materials on physical and mechanical properties of concrete and mortar: A review. Sustainability, 14, (22), e14752.

Farid H., Farzaneh Masoud, Saeidi Ali et Erchiqui Fouad. (2016). A contribution to the study of the compressive behavior of atmospheric ice. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 121, p. 60-65.

Foulon Thomas, Saeidi Ali, Chesnaux Romain, Nastev Miroslav et Rouleau Alain. (2017). Spatial distribution of soil shear-wave velocity and the fundamental period of vibration : a case study of the Saguenay region, Canada. Georisk, p. 1-13.

Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2018). Assessing the effect of open stope geometry on rock mass brittle damage using a response surface methodology. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 106, p. 60-73.

Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2021). The damage-failure criteria for numerical stability analysis of underground excavations: A review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 107, (e103633),

Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2019). Evaluation of the effect of geometrical parameters on stope probability of failure in the open stoping method using numerical modeling. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 29, (3), p. 399-408.

Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2019). Use of probabilistic numerical modeling to evaluate the effect of geomechanical parameter variability on the probability of open-stope failure: a case study of the Niobec Mine, Quebec (Canada). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

Hosseinpour Vahid, Saeidi Ali, Nollet Marie-Josée et Nastev Miroslav. (2021). Seismic loss estimation software: A comprehensive review of risk assessment steps, software development and limitations. Engineering Structures, 232, e111866.

Jacob Sarah, Chavali Rama Vara Prasad, Saeidi Ali et Sadrekarimi Abouzar. (2023). Remoulding energy as a criterion in assessing retrogressive landslides in sensitive clays: a review and its applicability to Eastern Canada. Natural Hazards,

Jalili Kashtiban Yavar, Saeidi Ali, Farinas Marie-Isabelle et Patarroyo Javier. (2023). Evaluation of the Effect of Surface Irregularities on the Hydraulic Parameters within Unlined Dam Spillways. Water, 15, (16), e3004.

Jalili Kashtiban Yavar, Saeidi Ali, Farinas Marie-Isabelle et Quirion Marco. (2021). A review on existing methods to assess hydraulic erodibility downstream of dam spillways. Water, 13, (22), p. 3205.

Koulibaly Aboubacar Sidiki, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Quirion Marco. (2021). Identification of hydraulic parameters influencing the hydraulic erodibility of spillway flow channels. Water, 13, (21), p. 2950.

Koulibaly Aboubacar Sidiki, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Quirion Marco. (2022). A Reduced-Scale Physical Model of a Spillway to Evaluate the Hydraulic Erodibility of a Fractured Rock Mass. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

Koulibaly Aboubacar Sidiki, Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain, Quirion Marco et Chesnaux Romain. (2023). Advancements in rock block volume calculation by analytical method for geological engineering applications. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, e344.

Lévesque Yan, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2017). An earth pressure coefficient based on the geomechanical and geometric parameters of backfill in a mine stope. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 8, p. 27.

McLean John, Saeidi Ali, Chavali Rama Vara Prasad, Seifaddini Rashk Olia Mahdiyeh, Clement Andreanne, Barbarisque Thomas et Bilodeau Jean-Pascal. (2023). Adfreeze Strength of Wooden Piles in Warm Permafrost Soil. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 37, (2),

Richer Blanche, Saeidi Ali, Boivin Maxime et Rouleau Alain. (2020). Overview of retrogressive landslide risk analysis in sensitive clay slope. Geosciences, 10, (8), p. 279.

Saeidi Ali, Cloutier Come, Kamalibandpey Abbas et Shahbazi Alireza. (2022). Evaluation of the Effect of Geomechanical Parameters and In Situ Stress on Tunnel Response Using Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb and Generalized Hoek-Brown Criteria. Geosciences, 12, (7), e262.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier, Al Heib Marwan et Verdel Thierry. (2015). Development of a damage simulator for the probabilistic assessment of building vulnerability in subsidence areas. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 73, p. 42-53.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier, Al Heib Marwan, Verdel Thierry et Rouleau Alain. (2013). Adjusting the influence function method for subsidence prediction. Key Engineering Materials, 553, p. 59-66.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier, Marwan Al Heib et Verdel Thierry. (2012). Methodology for adjusting the influence function method for subsidence prediction. Dans : 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2012 , July 1-4, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier, Seifaddini Rashk Olia Mahdiyeh, Heib Marwan A. L. et Verdel Thierry. (2021). An improved methodology for applying the influence function for subsidence hazard prediction. Georisk,

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier et Verdel Thierry. (2013). Comparison of building damage assessment methods for risk analysis in mining subsidence regions. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 31, (4), p. 1073-1088.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier et Verdel Thierry. (2012). Development of building vulnerability functions in subsidence regions from analytical methods. Geotechnique, 62, (2), p. 107-120.

Saeidi Ali, Deck Olivier et Verdel Thierry. (2015). An extension of analytical methods for building damage evaluation in subsidence regions to anisotropic beams. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 19, (6), p. 756-772.

Saeidi Ali, Eslami Esmaeil, Quirion Marco et Seifaddini Rashk Olia Mahdiyeh. (2019). Assessment of rock mass erosion in unlined spillways using developed vulnerability and fragility functions. Georisk, 14, (4), p. 280-292.

Saeidi Ali, Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Lalancette Sandra et Rouleau Alain. (2021). The effects of in situ stress uncertainties on the assessment of open stope stability: Case study at the Niobec Mine, Quebec (Canada). Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 25, e100194.

Saeidi Ali, Maazallahi V. et Rouleau Alain. (2016). Assessment of slide surface and pre-slide topography using site investigation data in back analysis. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 88, p. 29-33.

Salsabili Mohammad, Saeidi Ali et Rouleau Alain. (2020). Probabilistic 3D modeling of layered soil deposits: Application in seismic risk assessment. Dans : GeoVirtual 2020 , September 14-16, 2020

Salsabili Mohammad, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Nastev Miroslav. (2021). 3D probabilistic modelling and uncertainty analysis of glacial and post-glacial deposits of the City of Saguenay, Canada. Geosciences, 11, (5), p. 204.

Salsabili Mohammad, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Nastev Miroslav. (2022). Development of empirical CPTu-Vs correlations for post-glacial sediments in Southern Quebec, Canada, in consideration of soil type and geological setting. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 154, e107131.

Salsabili Mohammad, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Nastev Miroslav. (2022). Probabilistic approach for seismic microzonation integrating 3D geological and geotechnical uncertainty. Earthquake Spectra, p. 875529302211325.

Salsabili Mohammad, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Nastev Miroslav. (2021). Seismic microzonation of a region with complex surficial geology based on different site classification approaches. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 8, e27.

Sanou Amande-Gaston, Saeidi Ali, Heidarzadeh Shahriyar, Chavali Rama Vara Prasad, Samti Hamza Es et Rouleau Alain. (2022). Geotechnical Parameters of Landslide-Prone Laflamme Sea Deposits, Canada: Uncertainties and Correlations. Geosciences, 12, (8), p. 297.

Seifaddini Rashk Olia Mahdiyeh, Saeidi Ali et Farzaneh Masoud. (2020). Ice stress‐strain curve prediction in uniaxial compression loading in the objective of atmospheric icing risk evaluation. Materials Science & Engineering Technology, 51, (5), p. 676-684.

Shahbazi Alireza, Chesnaux Romain et Saeidi Ali. (2021). A new combined analytical-numerical method for evaluating the inflow rate into a tunnel excavated in a fractured rock mass. Engineering Geology, 283, e106003.

Shahbazi Alireza, Chesnaux Romain et Saeidi Ali. (2021). A new combined analytical-numerical method for evaluating the inflow rate into a tunnel excavated in a fractured rock mass. Engineering Geology, 283, e106003.

Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali et Chesnaux Romain. (2020). Numerical modeling for determining the local vertical hydraulic gradient at the wall of a tunnel. Dans : GeoVirtual 2020 - 73rd annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) , September 14-16, 2020

Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali et Chesnaux Romain. (2020). A review of existing methods used to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of a fractured rock mass. Engineering Geology, 265, p. 105438.

Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali, Chesnaux Romain et Rouleau Alain. (2024). An index based on fracture length and aperture to predict groundwater inflow rates in tunnels excavated in fractured-rock. Transportation Geotechnics, 45, e101217.

Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali, Chesnaux Romain et Rouleau Alain. (2021). The Specific Length of an Underground Tunnel and the Effects of Rock Block Characteristics on the Inflow Rate. Geosciences, 11, (12), p. 517.

Urmi Zinan Ara, Saeidi Ali, Yerro Alba et Chavali Rama Vara Prasad. (2023). Prediction of post-peak stress-strain behavior for sensitive clays. Engineering Geology, 323, e107221.

Wisse Marie-Hélène, Saeidi Ali et Quirion Marco. (2023). Comparison of Existing Joint Orientation Parameters and Their Effect on Rock Erodibility in Dam Spillways. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,

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