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Documents publiés par "Buttò, Valentinà"

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Nombre de documents : 19.

Mura Claudio, Charrier Guillaume, Buttò Valentina, Delagrange Sylvain, Surget-Groba Yann, Raymond Patricia, Rossi Sergio et Deslauriers Annie. (2025). Local conditions have greater influence than provenance on sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) frost hardiness at its northern range limit. Tree Physiology, 45, (1), tpae167.

Guo Xiali, Buttò Valentina, Mohytych Vasyl, Klisz Marcin, Surget-Groba Yann, Huang Jianguo, Delagrange Sylvain et Rossi Sergio. (2023). Plasticity plays a dominant role in regulating the phenological variations of sugar maple populations in Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, e1217871.

Dutra Rafaella, Nogueira Anselmo, Rossi Sergio, Chacon Dória Larissa, Buttò Valentina et Marcati Carmen Regina. (2023). The role of organ and leaf habit on the secondary xylem anatomy variation across 15 species from Brazilian Cerrado. Forests, 14, (2), p. 269.

Butto Valentina, Khare Siddhartha, Jain Pratiksha, de Lima Santos Gian et Rossi Sergio. (2023). Spatial patterns and climatic drivers of leaf spring phenology of maple in eastern North America. Science of The Total Environment, 857, (1), e159064.

Pereira Lopes Olívia, Buttò Valentina, Rossi Sergio, Zanatto Bruna, Angeles Guillermo et Longui Eduardo Luiz. (2023). Hydraulic architecture of crown in three Brazilian species. IAWA Journal, 44, (2), p. 156-169.

Silvestro Roberto, Zeng Qiao, Butto Valentina, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Drolet Guillaume, Mencuccini Maurizio, Thifault Nelson, Yuan Shaoxiong et Rossi Sergio. (2023). A longer wood growing season does not lead to higher carbon sequestration. Scientific reports, 13, (1), e4059.

Mura Claudio, Buttò Valentina, Silvestro Roberto, Deslauriers Annie, Charrier Guillaume, Raymond Patricia et Rossi Sergio. (2022). The early bud gets the cold : diverging spring phenology drives exposure to late frost in a Picea mariana [(Mill.) BSP ] common garden. Physiologia Plantarum, 174, (6), e13798.

Silvestro Roberto, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Drolet Guillaume, Butto Valentina, Auger Isabelle, Mencuccini Maurizio et Rossi Sergio. (2022). Upscaling xylem phenology : sample size matters. Annals of Botany, 130, (6), p. 811-824.

Butto Valentina, Millan Mathilde, Rossi Sergio et Delagrange Sylvain. (2021). Contrasting carbon allocation strategies of ring-porous and diffuse-porous species converge toward similar growth responses to drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, e760859.

Butto Valentina, Rozenberg Philippe, Deslauriers Annie, Rossi Sergio et Morin Hubert. (2021). Environmental and developmental factors driving xylem anatomy and micro‐density in black spruce. New Phytologist, 230, (3), p. 957-971.

Butto Valentina. (2021). Facteurs développementaux et de l’environnement déterminant l’anatomie et les variations de densité du bois d’épinette noire à l’échelle intra-annuelle. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Butto Valentina, Khare Siddhartha, Drolet Guillaume, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Gennaretti Fabio, Deslauriers Annie, Morin Hubert et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Regionwide temporal gradients of carbon allocation allow for shoot growth and latewood formation in boreal black spruce. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, (8), p. 1657-1670.

Deslauriers Annie, Garcia Léa, Charrier Guillaume, Buttò Valentinà, Pichette André et Paré Maxime C.. (2021). Cold acclimation and deacclimation in wild blueberry: direct and indirect influence of environmental factors and non-structural carbohydrates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301-302, e108349.

Guo Xiali, Huang Jian-Guo, Butto Valentina, Luo Dawei, Shen Chunyu, Li Jingye, Liang Hanxue, Zhang Shaokang, Hou Xingliang, Zhao Ping et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Auxin concentration and xylem production of Pinus massoniana in a subtropical forest in south China. Tree Physiology, 42, (2), p. 317-324.

Butto Valentina, Shishov Vladimir, Tychkov Ivan, Popkova Margarita, He Minhui, Rossi Sergio, Deslauriers Annie et Morin Hubert. (2020). Comparing the cell dynamics of tree-ring formation observed in microcores and as predicted by the Vaganov–Shashkin model. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, (01268), p. 1-16.

Butto Valentina, Deslauriers Annie, Rossi Sergio, Rozenberg Philippe, Shishov Vladimir et Morin Hubert. (2020). The role of plant hormones in tree-ring formation. Trees, 34, (2), p. 315-335.

Klisz Marcin, Butto Valentina, Rossi Sergio, Morin Hubert et Jastrzębowski Szymon. (2020). Intra-annual stem size variations converge across marginal populations of European beech. Trees, 34, (1), p. 255-265.

Zhang Shaokang, Butto Valentina, Khare Siddhartha, Deslauriers Annie, Morin Hubert, Huang Jian-Guo, Ren Hai et Rossi Sergio. (2020). Calibrating phenoCam data with phenological observations of a black spruce stand. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 46, (2), p. 154-165.

Butto Valentina, Rossi Sergio, Deslauriers Annie et Morin Hubert. (2019). Is size an issue of time? Relationship between the duration of xylem development and cell traits. Annals of Botany, 123, (7), p. 1257-1265.

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