Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A., Prichard Hazel Margaret, Fisher Peter C., McDonald Iain, Maier Wolfgang D. et Andreoli Marco A.G.. (2008). Siderophile and chalcophile elements in sulphides from the Morokweng LL meteorite and implications for platinum-group element deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, 72, (12), A57.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Cox Richard A., Fisher Peter C. et Godel Bélinda. (2008). The location of the chalcophile and siderophile elements in platinum-group element ore deposits (a textural, microbeam and whole rock geochemical study) : implications for the formation of the deposits. Chemical Geology, 248, (3), p. 295-317.
Tollari N., Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Nabil Hassan. (2008). Trace element concentrations in apatites from the Sept-Îles Intrusive Suite, Canada —implications for the genesis of nelsonites. Chemical Geology, 252, (3-4), p. 180-190.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Cox Richard A., Fisher Peter C. et Godel Bélinda. (2007). Highly siderophile elements in platinum-group element ore deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (15), A62.
Pagé Philippe, Barnes Sarah-Jane et Cox Richard A.. (2007). Laser ablation study of trace elements in chromite : Thetford Mines ophiolite chromitite ores. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Supplement, 71, (15), A748.
Savard Dany, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Bédard L. Paul et Cox Richard A.. (2007). Sulfur/Selenium ratios in Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, 71, (15), A878.
Tollari Nadège, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Nabil Hassan et Cox Richard A.. (2007). Trace elements concentrations in apatites from the Sept-Îles intrusive suite – implications for the genesis of nelsonites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (15), A1027.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2006). Platinum-group element, gold, silver and base metal distribution in compositionally zoned sulfide droplets from the Medvezky Creek Mine, Noril'sk, Russia. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 152, (2), p. 187-200.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2006). Platinum-group element, gold, silver and base metal distribution in compositionally zoned sulfide droplets from the Medvezky Creek Mine, Noril’sk, Russia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 152, (2), p. 187-200.
Cox Richard A. et Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2005). In-situ analysis of Os and Pb isotope ratios using laser ablation and collision-cell quadrupole ICP-MS. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Supplement, 69, (10), A375.
Cox Richard A., Bédard L. Paul, Barnes Sarah-Jane et Constantin Marc. (2007). Selenium distribution in magmatic sulfide minerals : rapport annuel 2007 : sous projet SC26. Divex.
Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2005). Cobalt, gold and platinum-group element distribution in compositionally zoned sulphide droplets from the Medvezhy Creek Mine, Noril’sk, Russia. Dans : 10th International Platinum Symposium, "Platinum-Group Elements - from Genesis to Beneficiation and Environmental Impacts" , August 8-11, 2005, Oulu, Finlande.
Cox Richard A. et Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2005). A method for in-situ analysis of trace-element variations in sulfides using LA-HEX-ICP-MS. Dans : 10th International Platinum Symposium, "Platinum-Group Elements - from Genesis to Beneficiation and Environmental Impacts" , August 8-11, 2005, Oulu, Finland.
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