Arguin Jean-Philippe, Pagé Philippe, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Girard Réjean et Duran Charley J.. (2018). An integrated model for ilmenite, Al-spinel, and corundum exsolutions in titanomagnetite from oxide-rich layers of the Lac Doré Complex (Québec, Canada). Minerals, 8, (11), p. 476.
Néron Alexandre, Girard Réjean, Tremblay Jonathan, Bédard L. Paul et Bouchard Kévin. (2018). Reducing the learning population size for morphological classification of natural materials : example of gold grains from backscattered electron images. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, (S1), p. 522-523.
Néron Alexandre, Girard Réjean, Bédard L. Paul et Bouchard Kévin. (2018). L'intelligence artificielle au service de la classification morphologique des grains d'or. Dans : 86e Congrès de l'ACFAS , 7 au 11 mai 2018, Chicoutimi, Québec.
Néron Alexandre, Bédard L. Paul et Girard Réjean. (2017). Automated gold grain counting: a quantum leap in drift exploration. Dans : 14th SGA biennal meeting proceedings : Mineral resources to discover , August 20-23 2017, Québec City, Canada.
Arguin Jean-Philippe, Pagé Philippe, Girard Réjean et Barnes Sarah-Jane. The spatial variation of mineralogy in the vanadiferous magnetite deposit of the Lac Doré Complex (Chibougamau, Québec) and its implications on the chemical purity of magnetite concentrates. Dans : 14th SGA Biennial Meeting - Mineral Resources to Discover , 20-23 aout 2017, Quebec, QC.
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