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Documents publiés par "Jabbari, Marouane"

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Nombre de documents : 13.

Sékongo Beki, Brettschneider Stephan, Rao U. Mohan, Fofana Issouf, Jabbari Marouane, Picher Patrick et Yeo Zie. (2022). Pre-Breakdown and Breakdown Behavior of Synthetic and Natural Ester Liquids under AC Stress. Energies, 15, (1), p. 167.

Lamine Amrani Mohamed, Bouazabia Slimane, Fofana Issouf, Meghnefi Fethi, Jabbari Marouane, Khelil Djazia et Boudiaf Amina. (2021). Modelling surface electric discharge propagation on polluted insulators under AC voltage. Energies, 14, (20), p. 6653.

Sékongo Beki, Ungarala Mohan Rao, Fofana Issouf, Jabbari Marouane, Akre Simplice et Yeo Zie. (2020). Temperature dependence of the pre-breakdown and breakdown phenomena in natural esters under AC stress. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 14, (9), p. 762-769.

Amrani M.L., Bouazabia S., Fofana Issouf, Meghnefi Fethi et Jabbari Marouane. (2020). On discharge inception voltage for insulators under non-uniform field with AC voltage. Dans : 2019 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) , 19-21 Nov. 2019, Algiers, Algeria.

Amrani M.L., Bouazabia S., Fofana Issouf, Meghnefi Fethi et Jabbari Marouane. (2019). Modified Peek formula for calculating positive DC corona inception voltage on polluted insulator. Electrical Engineering, 101, p. 489-498.

Jabbari Marouane, Volat Christophe et Fofana Issouf. (2018). Numerical modelling of ice-covered insulator flashover : the influence of arc velocity and arc propagation criteria. Energies, 11, (10), p. 2807.

Jabbari Marouane, Volat Christophe et Fofana Issouf. (2018). Development of a new bi-arc dynamic numerical model for modeling AC flashover processes of EHV ice-covered insulators. Energies, 11, (10), p. 2792-2814.

Jabbari Marouane, Volat Christophe et Fofana Issouf. (2018). Comparison of different residual resistance calculation methods used in predictive insulator flashover models. 2018 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), 2018, (18304515), p. 301-304.

Jabbari Marouane. (2018). Développement d’un modèle numérique générique de prédiction de la tension de contournement des isolateurs recouverts de glace. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Jabbari Marouane, Volat Christophe et Fofana Issouf. (2014). Application of a new dynamic numerical model to predict polluted insulator flashover voltage. 2014 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), 2014, (14501800), p. 102-106.

Bessedik Sid Ahmed, Hadi Hocine A., Volat Christophe et Jabbari Marouane. (2014). Refinement of residual resistance calculation dedicated to polluted insulator flashover models. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 21, (3), p. 1207-1215.

Jabbari Marouane, Volat Christophe et Farzaneh Masoud. (2013). A new single-arc AC dynamic FEM model of arc propagation on ice surfaces. 2013 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), 2013, (13642123), p. 360-364.

Volat Christophe, Jabbari Marouane, Farzaneh Masoud et Duvillaret Lionel. (2013). New method for in live-line detection of small defects in composite insulator based on electro-optic E-field sensor. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20, (1), p. 194-201.

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