Sayadi Ahmed, Mahi Djillali, Fofana Issouf, Bessissa Lakhdar, Bessedik Sid Ahmed, Arroyo-Fernandez Oscar Henry et Jalbert Jocelyn. (2023). Modeling and Predicting the Mechanical Behavior of Standard Insulating Kraft Paper Used in Power Transformers under Thermal Aging. Energies, 16, (18), e6455.
Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Jalbert Jocelyn, Rodriguez-Celis Esperanza, Duchesne Steve, Morin Brigitte et Fofana Issouf. (2020). Changes in mechanical properties of impregnated Nomex papers 410 and 910 during accelerated aging. Polymer Testing, 83, (106358), p. 1-13.
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Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Fofana Issouf, Jalbert Jocelyn, Gagnon Sylvie, Rodriguez-Celis Esperanza, Duchesne Steve et Ryadi Mohamed. (2018). Aging characterization of electrical insulation papers impregnated with synthetic ester and mineral oil : correlations between mechanical properties, depolymerization and some chemical markers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 25, (1), p. 217-227.
Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry. (2017). Étude des corrélations entre les propriétés mécaniques des papiers et les traceurs chimiques issus de son vieillissement pour surveiller l’état de l’isolation solide des transformateurs de puissance. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Fofana Issouf, Jalbert Jocelyn, Rodriguez Esperanza, Rodriguez Lidia et Ryadi Mohamed. (2017). Assessing Changes in Thermally Upgraded Papers with Different Nitrogen Contents under Accelerated Aging. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24, (3), p. 1829-1839.
Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Jalbert Jocelyn, Fofana Issouf et Ryadi Mohamed. (2017). Temperature dependence of methanol and tensile strength of insulation paper: Kinetics of the changes of mechanical properties during ageing. Cellulose, 24, (2), p. 1031-1039.
Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Fofana Issouf, Jalbert Jocelyn et Ryadi Mohamed. (2015). Relationships between methanol marker and mechanical performance of electrical insulation papers for power transformers under accelerated thermal aging. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22, (6), p. 3625-3632.
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