Ahmed Mohamed. (2024). Developing novel high strength 4xxx filler alloys for aluminum fusion welding of AA6xxx alloys. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Algendy Ahmed Y., Javidani Mousa, Khangholi Siamak Nikzad, Pan Lei et Chen X.-Grant. (2023). Enhanced Mechanical Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Al–Ni‐Based Conductor Cast Alloys Containing Mg and Si. Advanced Engineering Materials, e2301241.
Qassem Mohamed, Javidani Mousa, Larouche Daniel, Colbert Josée et Chen X-Grant. (2023). Temperature dependence of elastic properties of Al-Mg-Si direct-Chill-cast AA6111 alloy at near-solidus temperatures. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,
Heidarzadeh Akbar, Javidani Mousa, Mofarrehi Mohammadreza, Motalleb-nejad Pouyan, Mohammadzadeh Roghayeh, Jafarian Hamidreza et Chen X-Grant. (2023). Grain Structure Formation and Texture Modification through Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing in AlSi10Mg Alloy Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials, 16, (3), e944.
Ahmed Mohamed, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2023). Welding of AA6061-T6 Sheets Using High-Strength 4xxx Fillers: Effect of Mg on Mechanical and Fatigue Properties. Materials, 16, (10), e3832.
Heidarzadeh Akbar, Khorshidi Mahsa, Mohammadzadeh Roghayeh, Khajeh Rasoul, Mofarrehi Mohammadreza, Javidani Mousa et Chen X-Grant. (2023). Multipass friction stir processing of laser-powder bed fusion AlSi10Mg: microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials, 16, e1559.
Qassem Mohamed, Javidani Mousa, Larouche Daniel, Colbert Josée et Chen X-Grant. (2022). Effect of chemical composition on the semisolid tensile properties and hot tearing susceptibility of AA6111 DC cast alloys. Journal of Materials Science,
Ahmed Mohamed, Javidani Mousa, Mirakhorli Fatemeh, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2022). Developing High-Strength Al-Si-Mg Filler Metals for Aluminum Fusion Welding. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,
Khangholi Siamak Nikzad, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2022). Effect of Ag and Cu addition on the strength and electrical conductivity of Al-Mg-Si alloys using conventional and modified thermomechanical treatments. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 914, e165242.
Khangholi Siamak Nikzad, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2022). Review on recent progress in Al–Mg–Si 6xxx conductor alloys. Journal of Materials Research, 37, (3), p. 670-691.
Nikzad Khangholi Siamak, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2021). Effects of natural aging and pre-aging on the strength and electrical conductivity in Al-Mg-Si AA6201 conductor alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 820, p. 141538.
Mofarrehi Mohammadreza, Javidani Mousa et Chen X-Grant. (2021). On the intermetallic constituents in the sodium-induced edge cracking of hot-rolled AA5182 aluminum alloys. Philosophical Magazine, 101, (16), p. 1849-1870.
Rakhmonov Jovid, Qassem Mohamed, Larouche Daniel, Liu Kun, Javidani Mousa, Colbert Josée et Chen X-Grant. (2021). A new approach to determine tensile stress-strain evolution in semi-solid state at near-solidus temperature of aluminum alloys. Metals, 11, (3), p. 396.
Heidarzadeh Akbar, Javidani Mousa, Mofarrehi Mohammadreza, Farzaneh Amir et Chen X-Grant. (2021). Submerged dissimilar friction stir welding of AA6061 and AA7075 aluminum alloys: microstructure characterization and mechanical property. Metals, 11, (10), e1592.
Nikzad Khangholi Siamak, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2020). Investigation on electrical conductivity and hardness of 6xxx aluminum conductor alloys with different Si levels. Dans : The 17th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 2020 (ICAA17) , October 26-29, 2020, Grenoble, France.
Nikzad Khangholi Siamak, Javidani Mousa, Maltais Alexandre et Chen X-Grant. (2020). Optimization of mechanical properties and electrical conductivity in Al–Mg–Si 6201 alloys with different Mg/Si ratios. Journal of Materials Research, 35, (20), p. 2765-2776.
Javidani Mousa, Fortier Martin et Colbert Josée. (2019). Impact of the main casting process parameters on floating crystals in Al alloy DC-Cast ingots. Dans : Light Metals 2019 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition , March 10-14, 2019, San Antonio, Texas.
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Javidani Mousa, Larouche Daniel et Chen X-Grant. (2016). Dissolution of Cu/Mg bearing intermetallics in Al-Si foundry alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47, (10), p. 4818-4830.
Javidani Mousa, Larouche Daniel et Chen X-Grant. (2015). Assessment of post-eutectic reactions in multicomponent Al-Si foundry alloys containing Cu, Mg, and Fe. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46, (7), p. 2933-2946.
Javidani Mousa. (2015). Effect of Cu, Mg and Fe on solidification processing and microstructure evolution of Al-7Si based foundry alloys. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval.
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