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Documents publiés par "Jeon, Gwanggil"

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Nombre de documents : 28.

Chehri Abdellah, Jeon Gwanggil, Fofana Issouf, Imran Ahmed et Saadane Rachid. (2021). Accelerating Power Grid Monitoring with Flying Robots and Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 5, (4), p. 48-54.

Ahmed Imran, Jeon Gwanggil, Chehri Abdellah et Hassan Mohammad Mehedi. (2021). Adapting Gaussian YOLOv3 with transfer learning for overhead view human detection in smart cities and societies. Sustainable Cities and Society, 70, e102908.

Slalmi Ahmed, Chaibi Hasna, Saadane Rachid, Chehri Abdellah, Jeon Gwanggil et Kharraz Hatim. (2021). Energy-efficient and self-organizing Internet of Things networks for soil monitoring in smart farming. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 92, e107142.

Bellandi Valerio, Chehri Abdellah, Cuomo Salvatore et Jeon Gwanggil. (2021). Special issue on deep learning for emerging big multimedia super-resolution. Multimedia Systems, 2021,

Slalmi Ahmed, Chaibi Hasna, Chehri Abdellah, Saadane Rachid et Jeon Gwanggil. (2021). Toward 6G: understanding network requirements and key performance indicators. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 32, (3), e4201.

Jeon Gwanggil, Abdellah Chehri, Cuomo Salvatore, Din Sadia et Jabbar Sohail. (2021). Special issue on real‐time behavioral monitoring in IoT applications using big data analytics. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33, (4), e5529.

Jeon Gwanggil, Ahmad Awais, Chehri Abdellah et Albertini Marcelo Keese. (2021). Guest editorial : Special Issue on Design Architecture and Applications of Smart Embedded Devices in Internet of Things. Journal of Systems Architecture, 115, e102018.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Computing techniques for environmental research and public health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (18), e9851.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Introduction to the special section on Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Grid by Applying Deep Learning Techniques (VSI-gridl). Computers & Electrical Engineering, 93, e107331.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Security analysis using deep learning in IoT and Intelligent Transport System. Dans Xiaobo Qu, Lu Zhen, Robert J. Howlett et Lakhmi C. Jain (dir.), Smart Transportation Systems 2021. (). Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore : Springer.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Special issue on applied computational intelligence. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33, (22),

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Special issue on deep learning for emerging embedded real-time image and video processing systems. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 18, (4), p. 1167-1171.

Slalmi Ahmed, Chaibi Hasna, Saadane Rachid, Chehri Abdellah, Jeon Gwanggil et Kharraz Aroussi Hatim. (2021). Energy-efficient and self-organizing Internet of Things networks for soil monitoring in smart farming. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 92, e107142.

Slalmi Ahmed, Chaibi Hasna, Saadane Rachid, Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2020). 5G NB‐IoT: Efficient network call admission control in cellular networks. Concurrency and Computation : Practice and Experience, e6047.

Jeon Gwanggil, Bellandi Valerio et Chehri Abdellah. (2020). Editorial for the Special Issue “Advanced Machine Learning for Time Series Remote Sensing Data Analysis”. Remote Sensing, 12, (17), p. 2815.

Quadar Nordine, Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2020). Visual analytics methods for eye tracking data. Dans Alfred Zimmerman, Robert J. Howlett et Lakhmi C. Jain (dir.), Human centred intelligent systems. (p. 3-12). Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore : Springer.

Quadar Nordine, Chehri Abdellah, Jeon Gwanggil et Ahmad Awais. (2020). Smart water distribution system based on IoT networks, a critical review. Dans Alfred Zimmermann, Robert J Howlett et Lakhmi C. Jain (dir.), Human centred intelligent systems. (p. 293-303). Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapore : Springer.

Jeon Gwanggil, Ahmad Awais, Chehri Abdellah et Cuomo Salvatore. (2020). Special issue on video and imaging systems for critical engineering applications [SI 1096]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, p. 8327-8335.

El Rharras Abdessamad, Saber Mohammed, Chehri Abdellah, Saadane Rachid, Hakem Nadir et Jeon Gwanggil. (2020). Optimization of spectrum utilization parameters in cognitive radio using genetic algorithm. Procedia Computer Science, 176, p. 2466-2475.

Fu Shipeng, Meng Weihua, Jeon Gwanggil, Chehri Abdellah, Zhang Rongzhu et Yang Xiaomin. (2020). Two-path network with feedback connections for pan-sharpening in remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 12, (10), p. 1674.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2020). Entropy-based algorithms for signal processing. Entropy, 22, (6), p. 621.

Slalmi Ahmed, Chaibi Hasna, Chehri Abdellah, Saadane Rachid, Jeon Gwanggil et Hakem Nadir. (2020). On the Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications for Tactile Internet in 5G Era. Procedia Computer Science, 176, p. 3853-3862.

Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2019). The Industrial Internet of Things: examining how the IIoT will improve the predictive maintenance. Dans : Proceedings of KES-InMed-19 and KES-IIMSS-19 Conferences : Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare Systems, and Multimedia , 17-19 June 2019, St. Julians, Malta.

Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2019). Routing protocol in the industrial Internet of Things for smart factory monitoring. Dans : Proceedings of KES-InMed-19 and KES-IIMSS-19 Conferences : Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare Systems, and Multimedia , 17-19 June 2019, St. Julians, Malta.

Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2018). Optimal matching between energy saving and traffic load for mobile multimedia communication. Concurrency and Computation : Practice and Experience, 33, (4), e5035.

Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2018). Real‐time multiuser scheduling based on end‐user requirement using big data analytics. Concurrency and Computation : Practice and Experience, 33, (4), e5021.

Anisetti Marco, Bellandi Valerio, Chehri Abdellah, Qian Yurong et Jeon Gwanggil. (2016). Embedded systems for mobile sensors. Journal of Sensors, 2016, e8312032.

Wu Wei, Anisetti Marco, Chehri Abdellah et Jeon Gwanggil. (2015). Image enlargement using multiple sensors. Journal of Sensors, 2016, e1498796.

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