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Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Dubois Marie-France, Roberge Pasquale, Loignon Christine, Tchouaket Éric, Lambert Mireille, Hudon Émilie, Diadiou Fatoumata et Bouliane Danielle. (2018). Case management in primary care for frequent users of health care services: A mixed methods study. Annals of Family Medicine, 16, (3), p. 232-239.
Joober Heithem, Chouinard Maud-Christine, King Jenny, Lambert Mireille, Hudon Émilie et Hudon Catherine. (2018). The Patient Experience of Integrated Care Scale: A Validation Study among Patients with Chronic Conditions Seen in Primary Care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18, (4), p. 1-8.
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