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Smart cities and resilience plans : a multi-agent based simulation for extreme event rescuing

Mustapha Karam, Mcheick Hamid et Melouli Sehl. (2016). Smart cities and resilience plans : a multi-agent based simulation for extreme event rescuing. Dans J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Theresa A. Pardo et Taewoo Nam (dir.), Smarter as the new urban agenda : a comprehensive view of the 21st century city. (p. 149-170). Public Administration and Information Technology. Texas : Springer.

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The concept of smart Cities is one that relies on the use of new Information and Communication Technologies in order to improve services that cities provide to their citizens. The resilience of a city is one of the services that it can provide to its citizens. Resilience is defined as its capacity degree to continue working normally by serving citizens when Extreme Events (EEs) occur. This chapter will propose a new framework based on multi-agent systems to help cities build simulation scenarios for rescuing citizens in the case of an EE. The main contribution of the framework will provide a set of models, at different levels of abstraction, to reflect the organizational structure and policies within the simulation, which involves the integration of truly dynamic dimensions of this organization. The framework will also propose methods to go from one model to another (conceptual to simulation). This framework can be applied in different domains, such as smart cities, earthquakes, and building fires.

Type de document:Chapitre de livre
Lieu de publication:Texas
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences mathématiques > Informatique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département d'informatique et de mathématique
Éditeurs:Ramon Gil-Garcia, J.
Pardo, Theresa A.
Nam, Taewoo
Mots-clés:extreme events, city resilience, agent based simulation, multi-agent systems, organization, architecture, modeling, simulation
Déposé le:08 nov. 2016 00:53
Dernière modification:02 mars 2018 02:36
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