Constellation, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on tensile behavior of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys at solid and near-solid states

Liu Kun, Cao X., Bolouri Amir et Chen X-Grant. (2019). Effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on tensile behavior of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys at solid and near-solid states. Dans : TMS-2019 Shape Casting: 7th International Symposium celebrating Prof. John Campbell’s 80 th Birthday , March 10-14, San Antonio, Texas.

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Iron is one of the most common impurity elements in Al-Cu 206 cast alloys as it often causes the precipitation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases during solidification due to its extremely low solid solubility in aluminum. The characteristics of the Fe-rich intermetallics, such as type, morphology, size, and distribution, have significant influences on the tensile behaviors of the Al alloys. In the present work, two Al-Cu 206 cast alloys containing different types of Fe-rich intermetallics (dominated by either platelet β-Fe or Chinese script α-Fe) were cast and their tensile tests were performed at both solid (room temperature) and near-solid (2.8 vol. % liquid) states. It is found that the tensile properties in both solid and near-solid states are improved when the Fe-rich intermetallics change from platelet to Chinese script morphologies. During the solid state tensile deformation, the failure occurs mainly along the platelet β-Fe intermetallics/Al matrix interface or within the Chinese script α-Fe particles. In the near-solid state, the alloy containing mainly Chinese script α-Fe is found to have more free flow paths for liquid feeding, leading to improved tensile properties. By contrast, the platelet β-Fe can cause the blockage of the liquid flow paths, leading to the degraded tensile properties and worsened susceptibility to hot tearing.

Type de document:Matériel de conférence (Non spécifié)
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie > Génie des matériaux et génie métallurgique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées
Mots-clés:Al-Cu alloy, Fe-rich intermetallics, tensile properties, solid and near-solid state, hot tearing
Déposé le:08 mai 2019 20:23
Dernière modification:08 mai 2019 20:26
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