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Geospatial environments for hurricane risk assessment: Applications to situational awareness and resilience planning in New Jersey

Kijewski-Correa Tracy, Taflanidis Alexandros, Vardeman Charles, Sweet James, Zhang Jize, Snaiki Reda, Wu Teng, Silver Zachariah et Kennedy Andrew. (2020). Geospatial environments for hurricane risk assessment: Applications to situational awareness and resilience planning in New Jersey. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6, p. 549106.

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Mitigation of losses due to coastal hazards has become an increasingly urgent and challenging problem in light of rising seas and the continued escalation of coastal population density. Unfortunately, stakeholders responsible for assuring the safety of these coastal communities are not equipped with the engineering research community’s latest tools for high-fidelity risk assessment and geospatial decision support. In the event of a hurricane or nor’easter, such capabilities are exceptionally vital to project storm impacts on critical infrastructure and other municipal assets and to inform preemptive actions that can save lives and mitigate property damage. In response, a web-based visualization environment was developed using the GeoNode content management system, informed by the needs of municipal stakeholders. Within this secure platform, registered users with roles in planning, emergency management and first response can simulate the impact of hurricanes and nor’easters using the platform’s storm Hazard Projection (SHP) Tool. The SHP Tool integrates fast-to-compute windfield models with surrogate models of high-fidelity storm surge and waves to rapidly simulate user-defined storm scenarios, considering the effects of tides, sea level rise, dune breaches and track uncertainty. In the case of a landfalling hurricane, SHP tool outputs are automatically loaded into the user’s dashboard to visualize the projected wind, storm surge and wave run-up based on the latest track information published by the National Hurricane Center. Under either use case, outputs of the SHP Tool are visualized within a robust collaborative geospatial environment supporting the seamless exploration of centralized libraries of geographic information system (GIS) data from federal, state, county and local authorities, with tools to add user-supplied annotations such as notes or other geospatial mark-ups. This paper will overview the development and deployment of this platform in the State of New Jersey, detailing the cyberinfrastructure design and underlying computational models, as well as the user stories that inspired the platform’s functionalities and interfaces. The study concludes with reflections from the process of piloting this project with stakeholders at the state and municipal level to support more risk-responsive and data-informed decision making.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 549106
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées
Mots-clés:risk assessment, hurricane, nor’easter, wind, storm surge, waves, cyberinfrastructure, risque d'ouragan, planification de la résilience, New Jersey, environnements géospatiaux
Déposé le:03 févr. 2021 19:49
Dernière modification:03 févr. 2021 19:49
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