Constellation, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Endocrine disruptors in cosmetics: a review

Chantelouve Marine et Ripoll Lionel. (2022). Endocrine disruptors in cosmetics: a review. Molecules,

[thumbnail of Review_Endocrine_disruptors_in_cosmetics_preprint.pdf]
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The body is regulated by the endocrine system; thus it is important that it is functional. However, we encounter more and more endocrine disruptors in our lives. As cosmetics represent daily exposure to many chemicals, concerns raise about the eventual presence of endocrine disruptors in cosmetics. Endocrine disrupting abilities of chemicals were widely investigated, as they can be found in food, materials, and environment. Considering the amount of data, one might find clear information with difficulty. The purpose of this review is to establish the state-of-the-art of endocrine disrupting properties of cosmetic ingredients. The method used was to read several articles related to skin penetration, nuclear receptor binding, epigenetic effects, adverse effects, and diseases. The toxic doses were not always found. The overall data was confronted to draw definite conclusion on the endocrine disruptor nature of each compound. If not enough information was found to bring out a sturdy conclusion, leads for further research were given. An overview of novel methods used to assess endocrine disruptors’ effects was also done. The major studied compounds were not clearly identified as endocrine disruptors when applied topically because of the skin barrier. Synergism and inhibition effects between several endocrine disruptors must be a subject of further investigation because it represents the reality of cosmetic formulations. Epidemiological studies should also be conducted to better assess risks of the ingredients. Overall, cosmetic ingredients applied via cosmetics do not have endocrine disrupting effects.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Version évaluée par les pairs:Non
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Chimie
Sciences de la santé > Sciences médicales > Endocrinologie
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Mots-clés:endocrine disruptors, cosmetics, parabens, phthalates, perfluorinated chemicals, aluminum salts, triclosan, organic UV filters, nanoparticles, fragrances, cyclic voltaic methylsiloxanes, nonylphenol, synthetic phenolic antioxidants, essential oils, phenoxyethanol, bisphenol A
Déposé le:19 oct. 2022 19:44
Dernière modification:19 oct. 2022 19:44
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