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Ahmed Sara, Ware Patrick, Visca Regina, Bareil Celine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Desforges Johanne, Finlayson Roderick, Fortin Martin, Gauthier Josée, Grimard Dominique, Guay Maryse, Hudon Catherine, Lalonde Lyne, Lévesque Lise, Michaud Cecile, Provost Sylvie, Sutton Tim, Tousignant Pierre, Travers Stella, Ware Mark et Gogovor Amede. (2015). The prevention and management of chronic disease in primary care: recommendations from a knowledge translation meeting. BMC Research Notes, 8, p. 571.

Ajami Hicham, Mcheick Hamid et Laprise Catherine. (2022). First steps of asthma management with a personalized ontology model. Future Internet, 14, (7), e190.

Aubin Michèle, Vézina Lucie, Verreault René, Simard Sébastien, Desbiens Jean-François, Tremblay Lise, Dumont Serge, Dogba Maman Joyce et Gagnon Pierre. (2020). A randomized clinical trial assessing a pragmatic intervention to improve supportive care for family caregivers of patients with lung cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care, p. 1-8.

Aubin Michèle, Vézina Lucie, Verreault René, Simard Sébastien, Desbiens Jean-François, Tremblay Lise, Dumont Serge, Fillion Lise, Dogba Maman J. et Gagnon Pierre. (2017). Effectiveness of an intervention to improve supportive care for family caregivers of patients with lung cancer : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18, p. 304.

Audrain-Pontevia Anne-Françoise, Menvielle Loick et Ertz Myriam. (2019). Effects of three antecedents of patient compliance for users of peer-to-peer online health communities: cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, (11), e14006.

Augeard Nathan, Bostick Geoff, Miller Jordan, Walton David, Tousignant-Laflamme Yannick, Hudon Anne, Bussières André, Cooper Lynn, McNiven Nicol, Thomas Aliki, Singer Lesley, Fishman Scott M., Bement Marie H., Hush Julia M., Sluka Kathleen A., Watt-Watson Judy, Carlesso Lisa C., Dufour Sinead, Fletcher Roland, Harman Katherine, Hunter Judith, Ngomo Suzy, Pearson Neil, Perreault Kadija, Shay Barbara, Stilwell Peter, Tupper Susan et Wideman Timothy H.. (2022). Development of a national pain management competency profile to guide entry-level physiotherapy education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Pain, 6, (1), p. 1-11.

Baillot Aurélie, St-Pierre Maxime, Bernard Paquito, Burkhardt Laura, Chorfi Wafaa, Oppert Jean-Michel, Bellicha Alice et Brunet Jennifer. (2022). Exercise and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the feasibility and acceptability of exercise and controlled trial methods. Obesity Reviews, 23, (9), e13480.

Baillot Aurélie, St-Pierre Maxime, Lapointe Josyanne, Bernard Paquito, Bond Dale, Romain Ahmed Jérôme, Garneau Pierre Y, Biertho Laurent, Tchernof André, Blackburn Patricia, Langlois Marie-France et Brunet Jennifer. (2022). Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioral Intervention to Increase Physical Activity: Protocol for a Single-Case Experimental Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11, (9), e39633.

Bélair Nicolas, Côté Isabelle, Gagnon Cynthia, Mathieu Jean et Duchesne Elise. (2022). Explanatory factors of dynamic balance impairment in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Muscle & Nerve, 65, (6), p. 683-687.

Bernier Jessica, Poitras Marie-Ève et Lavoie Mélissa. (2020). Trajectoire et vécu des personnes traitées pour un infarctus du myocarde en région éloignée : étude exploratoire descriptive. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 2020/3, (142), p. 111-122.

Blais Audrey-Ann, Tremblay Cynthia, Guarnaccia Laury, Tremblay Léane, Laflamme-Thibault Sandrine, Côté Sharlene, Tremblay Patrice, Bouchard Julie et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2021). The Importance of adapting functional test instructions for older adults with neurocognitive disorders. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 39, (4), p. 370-386.

Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Dufresne Sébastien S. et Frenette Jérôme. (2016). A short-term statin treatment changes the contractile properties of fast-twitch skeletal muscles. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17,

Brault Marie-Christine, Degroote Emma, Jean Mireille et Van Houtte Mieke. (2022). Relative Age Effect in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at Various Stages of the Medicalization Process. Children, 9, (6), p. 1-14.

Brédart Anne, Dolbeault Sylvie, Savignoni Alexia, Simard Sébastien, Gomme Stéphanie, Asselain Bernard et Copel Laure. (2009). Pilot evaluation of a French interdisciplinary supportive care department. Supportive Care in Cancer, 17, (12), p. 1507-1516.

Bujold Mathieu, Pluye Pierre, Légaré France, Haggerty Jeannie, Gore Geneviève C., El Sherif Reem, Poitras Marie-Ève, Beaulieu Marie-Claude, Beaulieu Marie-Dominique, Bush Paula Li, Couturier Yves, Débarges Béatrice, Gagnon Justin, Giguère Anik, Grad Roland, Granikov Vera, Goulet Serge, Hudon Catherine, Kremer Bernardo, Kröger Edeltraut, Kudrina Irina, Lebouché Bertrand, Loignon Christine, Lussier Marie-Thérèse, Martello Cristiano, Nguyen Quynh, Pratt Rebekah, Rihoux Benoit, Rosenberg Ellen, Samson Isabelle, Senn Nicolas, Tang David L., Tsujimoto Masashi, Vedel Isabelle, Ventelou Bruno et Wensing Michel. (2017). Decisional needs assessment of patients with complex care needs in primary care : a participatory systematic mixed studies review protocol. BMJ Open, 7, (11),

Casault Lucie, Savard Josée, Ivers Hans, Savard Marie-Hélène et Simard Sébastien. (2012). Utilization of hypnotic medication in the context of cancer : predictors and frequency of use. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20, (6), p. 1203-1210.

Cherblanc Jacques, Côté Isabelle, Cadell Susan, Verdon Chantal, Grenier Josée, Simard Chantale, Wright David Kenneth, Bergeron-Leclerc Christiane et Laguna-Muñoz Isaac. (2023). L’aide médicale à mourir a-t-elle protégé la santé mentale des personnes endeuillées pendant la pandémie de COVID-19?

Chouinard Maud-Christine, Hudon Catherine, Dudois Marie-France, Roberge Pascale, Loignon Christine, Tchouaket Éric, Fortin Martin, Couture Éva-Marjorie et Sasseville Maxime. (2013). Case management and self-management support for frequent users with chronic disease in primary care : a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research, 13, (49), p. 1-13.

Chouinard Maud-Christine, Lambert Mireille, Lavoie Mélissa, Lambert Sylvie, Hudon Émilie, Dumont-Samson Olivier et Hudon Catherine. (2022). Measuring Health Literacy in Primary Healthcare: Adaptation and Validation of a French-Language Version of the Brief Health Literacy Screening among Patients with Chronic Conditions Seen in Primary Care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (13), p. 7669.

Coats Valérie, Maltais François, Simard Sébastien, Fréchette Éric, Tremblay Lise, Ribeiro Fernanda et Saey Didier. (2013). Feasibility and effectiveness of a home-based exercise training program before lung resection surgery. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 20, (2), e10-e16.

Conte Talita C., Duran-Bishop Gilberto, Orfi Zakaria, Mokhtari Inès, Deprez Alyson, Côté Isabelle, Molina Thomas, Kim Tae-Yeon, Tellier Lydia, Roussel Marie-Pier, Maggiorani Damien, Benabdallah Basma, Leclerc Severine, Feulner Lara, Pellerito Ornella, Mathieu Jean, Andelfinger Gregor, Gagnon Cynthia, Beauséjour Christian, McGraw Serge, Duchesne Elise et Dumont Nicolas A.. (2023). Clearance of defective muscle stem cells by senolytics restores myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Nature Communications, 14, e4033.

Conte Talita C., Duran-Bishop Gilberto, Orfi Zakaria, Mokhtari Inès, Deprez Alyson, Roussel Marie-Pier, Côté Isabelle, Pellerito Ornella, Maggiorani Damien, Benabdallah Basma, Leclerc Severine, Feulner Lara, Mathieu Jean, Gagnon Cynthia, Andelfinger Gregor, Beauséjour Christian, McGraw Serge, Duchesne Élise et Dumont Nicolas A.. (2022). Clearance of defective muscle stem cells by senolytics reduces the expression of senescence-associated secretory phenotype and restores myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type 1. bioRxiv, e497227.

Couture Éva-Marjorie, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Fortin Martin et Hudon Catherine. (2018). The relationship between health literacy and patient activation among frequent users of healthcare services: a cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice, 19, (38),

da Silva Carolina S. Martins, Costa Giselle A. N., Aguiar Andreo F., Camargo Mariana Z., Fernandes Karen B.P., Oliveira Marcio R. et da Silva Rubens A.. (2022). Effect of the use of a cream with leucine and lactic acid associated with electrostimulation in contouring and facial tonus: A randomized clinical controlled trial. Cosmetics, 9, (2), p. 36.

David Romain, Billot Maxime, Ojardias Etienne, Parratte Bernard, Roulaud Manuel, Ounajim Amine, Louis Frédéric, Meklat Hachemi, Foucault Philippe, Lombard Christophe, Jossart Anne, Mainini Laura, Lavallière Martin, Goudman Lisa, Moens Maarten, Laroche Davy, Salga Marjorie, Genêt François, Daviet Jean-Christophe, Perrochon Anaick, Compagnat Maxence et Rigoard Philippe. (2022). A 6-Month Home-Based Functional Electrical Stimulation Program for Foot Drop in a Post-Stroke Patient: Considerations on a Time Course Analysis of Walking Performance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (15), e9204.

de Almeida Isabela Andrelino, Terra Marcelle Brandão, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Ferraz Henrique Ballalai et Santos Suhaila Mahmoud Smaili. (2016). Comparing postural balance among older adults and Parkinson’s disease patients. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 22, (4), p. 261-265.

de Lima Maria do Carmo Correia, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Beaupré Priscilla et Chevrette Tommy. (2022). Mental health status and life satisfaction in women aged 45 to 64 with hip pain: preliminary results. Journal of pain management & medecine, 8, (3), e1000170.

de Lima Maria do Carmo Correia, Dallaire Mathieu, Tremblay Catherine, Nicole Alexis, Fortin Émilie, Maluf Isabela Calixto, Nepton Josée, Severn Anne-France, Tremblay Patrice, Côté Sharlène, Bouchard Julie et da Silva Rubens A.. (2022). Physical and Functional Clinical Profile of Older Adults in Specialized Geriatric Rehabilitation Care Services in Saguenay-Québec: A Retrospective Study at La Baie Hospital. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (16), e9994.

dos Santos Denis C., de Freitas Eliane Regina Sernache, Liboni Renata Dinardi Borges, Marquez Audrey de Souza, Bignardi Paulo Roberto, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Parron Fernandes Karen Barros. (2020). Pulmonary function impairment in diabetic older individuals. British Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 2, (8), p. 351-356.

Dufresne Sébastien S., Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Bossé Sabrina, Argaw Anteneh, Hamoudi Dounia, Marcadet Laetitia, Gamu Daniel, Fajardo Val A., Yagita Hideo, Penninger Josef M., Tupling A. Russell et Frenette Jérôme. (2018). Genetic deletion of muscle RANK or selective inhibition of RANKL is not as effective as full-length OPG-fc in mitigating muscular dystrophy. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 6, p. 31.

Eising Else, Mirza-Schreiber Nazanin, de Zeeuw Eveline L., Wang Carol A., Truong Dongnhu T., Allegrini Andrea G., Shapland Chin Yang, Zhu Gu, Wigg Karen G., Gerritse Margot L., Molz Barbara, Alagöz Gökberk, Gialluisi Alessandro, Abbondanza Filippo, Rimfeld Kaili, van Donkelaar Marjolein, Liao Zhijie, Jansen Philip R., Andlauer Till F. M., Bates Timothy C., Bernard Manon, Blokland Kirsten, Bonte Milene, Børglum Anders D., Bourgeron Thomas, Brandeis Daniel, Ceroni Fabiola, Csépe Valéria, Dale Philip S., de Jong Peter F., DeFries John C., Démonet Jean-François, Demontis Ditte, Feng Yu, Gordon Scott D., Guger Sharon L., Hayiou-Thomas Marianna E., Hernández-Cabrera Juan A., Hottenga Jouke-Jan, Hulme Charles, Kere Juha, Kerr Elizabeth N., Koomar Tanner, Landerl Karin, Leonard Gabriel, Lovett Maureen W., Lyytinen Heikki, Martin Nicholas G., Martinelli Angela, Maurer Urs, Michaelson Jacob J., Moll Kristina, Monaco Anthony P., Morgan Angela T., Nöthen Markus M., Pausova Zdenka, Pennell Craig E., Pennington Bruce F., Price Kaitlyn M., Rajagopal Veera M., Ramus Franck, Richer Louis, Simpson Nuala H., Smith Shelley D., Snowling Margaret J., Stein John, Strug Lisa J., Talcott Joel B., Tiemeier Henning, van der Schroeff Marc P., Verhoef Ellen, Watkins Kate E., Wilkinson Margaret, Wright Margaret J., Barr Cathy L., Boomsma Dorret I., Carreiras Manuel, Franken Marie-Christine J., Gruen Jeffrey R., Luciano Michelle, Müller-Myhsok Bertram, Newbury Dianne F., Olson Richard K., Paracchini Silvia, Paus Tomáš, Plomin Robert, Reilly Sheena, Schulte-Körne Gerd, Tomblin J. Bruce, van Bergen Elsje, Whitehouse Andrew J. O., Willcutt Erik G., St Pourcain Beate, Francks Clyde et Fisher Simon E.. (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, (35), e2202764119.

Ennab Mohammad et Mcheick Hamid. (2022). Designing an interpretability-based model to explain the artificial intelligence algorithms in healthcare. Diagnostics, 12, (7), e1557.

Ferreira Daiene Cristina, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Araújo Cynthia Gobbi Alves, Mantovani Paula Renata et Macedo Christiane de Souza Guerino. (2020). McConnell patellar taping on postural control of women with patellofemoral pain syndrome: randomized clinical trial. Fisioterapia em Movimento, 33, e003357.

Fortin Martin, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Boubacar-Diallo Bayero et Bouhali Tarek. (2019). Integration of chronic disease prevention and management services into primary care (PR1MaC): findings from an embedded qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 20, (7),

Fortin Martin, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Bouhali Tarek, Dubois Marie-France, Gagnon Cynthia et Bélanger Martin. (2013). Evaluating the integration of chronic disease prevention and management services into primary health care. BMC Health Services Research, 13, (132), p. 1-13.

Fortin Martin, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Dubois Marie-France, Bélanger Martin, Almirall José, Bouhali Tarek et Sasseville Maxime. (2016). Integration of chronic disease prevention and management services into primary care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (PR1MaC). CMAJ Open, 4, (4), e588.

Fortin Martin, Contant Eric, Savard Catherine, Hudon Catherine, Poitras Marie-Ève et Almirall José. (2011). Canadian guidelines for clinical practice : an analysis of their quality and relevance to the care of adults with comorbidity. BMC Family Practice, 12, p. 74.

Fortin Martin, Dubois Marie-France, Hudon Catherine, Soubhi Hassan et Almirall José. (2007). Multimorbidity and quality of life : a closer look. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 5, (52),

Fortin Martin, Haggerty Jeannie, Almirall José, Bouhali Tarek, Sasseville Maxime et Lemieux Martin. (2014). Lifestyle factors and multimorbidity: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health, 14, p. 686.

Fortin Martin, Hudon Catherine, Dubois Marie-France, Almirall José, Lapointe Lise et Soubhi Hassan. (2005). Comparative assessment of three different indices of multimorbidity for studies on health-related quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 3, (74),

Fortin Martin, Hudon Catherine, Gallagher Frances, Ntetu Antoine Lutumba, Maltais Danielle et Soubhi Hassan. (2010). Nurses joining family doctors in primary care practices : perceptions of patients with multimorbidity. BMC Family Pratice, 11, (84), 9 pages.

Fortin Martin, Soubhi Hassan, Hudon Catherine, Bayliss Elizabeth A et Van den Akker Marjan. (2007). Multimorbility's many challenges. BMJ Open, 334, p. 1016-1017.

Gagnon Marie-Pierre, Sasseville Maxime et LeBlanc Annie. (2021). Une approche de synthèse des connaissances par paliers pour informer rapidement les décisions cliniques : méthode et leçons apprises durant la pandémie de COVID-19= A Stepped Approach for Knowledge Synthesis to Rapidly Inform Clinical Decisions : Methods and Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 4, (1), p. 1-9.

Gagnon Philippe, Maltais François, Bouyer Laurent, Ribeiro Fernanda, Coats Valérie, Brouillard Cynthia, Noël Martin, Rousseau-Gagnon Mathieu et Saey Didier. (2013). Distal leg muscle function in patients with COPD. Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 10, (2), p. 235-242.

Georgeto Sérgio M., Carvalho-Andraus Rodrigo Antonio, de Oliveira Junior Eros, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Ngomo Suzy et Fernandes Karen Barros Parron. (2022). Study designs and statistical approaches for bilateral carpal tunnes syndrome: An overview. Dans Luis Henrique Almeida Castro (dir.), Saúde: Referencial médico, clínico e/ou epidemiológico 2. (p. 154-163). Paraná, Brésil : Athena Editora.

Georgeto Sergio Murilo, Andraus Rodrigo Antônio Carvalho, de Oliveira Júnior Eros, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Ngomo Suzy et Fernandes Karen Barros Parron. (2023). Bilateral Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Clinical‐Functional Characterization and Efficacy of Two Combined Postoperative Physiotherapeutic Treatments. Orthopaedic Surgery, 15, (6), p. 1654-1663.

Gobeil-Lavoie Annie-Pier, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Danish Alya et Hudon Catherine. (2019). Characteristics of self-management among patients with complex health needs: a thematic analysis review. BMJ Open, 9, (5), e028344.

Goodwin Katie, Syme Catriona, Abrahamowicz Michal, Leonard Gabriel, Richer Louis, Perron Michel, Veillette Suzanne, Gaudet Daniel, Paus Tomáš et Pausova Zdenka. (2013). Routine clinical measures of adiposity as predictors of visceral fat in adolescence : a population-based magnetic resonance imaging study. PLoS ONE, 8, (11),

Hervouet Séverine, Savard Josée, Simard Sébastien, Ivers Hans, Laverdière Jacques, Vigneault Éric, Fradet Yves et Lacombe Louis. (2005). Psychological functioning associated with prostate cancer : cross-sectional comparison of patients treated with radiotherapy, brachytherapy, or surgery. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 30, (5), p. 474-484.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Aubrey-Bassier Kris, Burge Fred, Doucet Shelley, Ramsden Vivan R., Brodeur Magaly, Bush Paula L., Couturier Yves, Dubois Marie-France, Guénette Line, Légaré France, Morin Paul, Poder Thomas G., Poitras Marie-Ève, Roberge Pasquale, Valaitis Ruta, Bighead Shirley, Campbell Cameron, Couture Martine, Davis Breanna, Deschenes Élaine, Edwards Lynn, Gander Sarah, Gauthier Gilles, Gauthier Patricia, Gibson Richard J., Godbout Julie, Landry Geneviève, Longjohn Christine, Rabbitskin Norma, Roy Denis A., Roy Judy, Sabourin Véronique, Sampalli Tara, Saulnier Amanda, Spence Claude, Splane Jennifer, Warren Mike, Young Joanne et Pluye Pierre. (2018). Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: an implementation and realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open, 8, (11), e026433.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Aubrey-Bassier Kris, Muhajarine Nazeem, Burge Fred, Pluye Pierre, Bush Paula L., Ramsden Vivan R., Légaré France, Guenette Line, Morin Paul, Lambert Mireille, Groulx Antoine, Couture Martine, Campbell Cameron, Baker Margaret, Edwards Lynn, Sabourin Véronique, Spence Claude, Gauthier Gilles, Warren Mike, Godbout Julie, Davis Breanna et Rabbitskin Norma. (2017). Case management in primary care among frequent users of healthcare services with chronic conditions : protocol of a realist synthesis. BMJ Open, 7, (9), e017701.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Bayliss Elizabeth, Nothelle Stéphanie, Senn Nicolas et Shadmi Effrat. (2018). Challenges and next steps for primary care research. Annals of Family Medicine, 16, (1), p. 85-86.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Couture Martine, Brousselle Astrid, Couture Éva-Marjorie, Dubois Marie-France, Fortin Martin, Freund Tobias, Loignon Christine, Mireault Jean, Pluye Pierre, Roberge Pasquale et Rodriguez Charo. (2014). Partners for the optimal organisation of the healthcare continuum for high users of health and social services : protocol of a developmental evaluation case study design. BMJ Open, 4, (12),

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Diadiou Fatoumata, Bouliane Danielle, Lambert Mireille et Hudon Émilie. (2016). The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program: the experience of frequent users of health care services and peer leaders. Family Practice, 33, (2), p. 167-171.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Diadiou Fatoumata, Lambert Mireille et Bouliane Danielle. (2015). Case management in primary care for frequent users of health care services with chronic diseases: A qualitative study of patient and family experience. Annals of Family Medicine, 13, (6), p. 523-528.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Dubois Marie-France, Roberge Pasquale, Loignon Christine, Tchouaket Éric, Lambert Mireille, Hudon Émilie, Diadiou Fatoumata et Bouliane Danielle. (2018). Case management in primary care for frequent users of health care services: A mixed methods study. Annals of Family Medicine, 16, (3), p. 232-239.

Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Lambert Mireille, Dufour Isabelle et Krieg Cynthia. (2016). Effectiveness of case management interventions for frequent users of healthcare services: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 6, (9), e012353.

Hudon Catherine, Fortin Martin, Poitras Marie-Ève et Almirall José. (2012). The relationship between literacy and multimorbidity in a primary care setting. BMC Family Practice, 13, (1), p. 33.

Hudon Catherine, Fortin Martin, Rossignol Francis, Bernier Susie et Poitras Marie-Ève. (2011). The Patient Enablement Instrument-French version in a family practice setting: a reliability study. BMC Family Practice, 12, p. 71.

Hudon Catherine, Soubhi Hassan et Fortin Martin. (2008). Relationship between multimorbidity and physical activity : Secondary analysis from the Quebec health survey. BMC Public Health, 8, (304),

Hudon Émilie, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Ellefsen Édith, Beaudin Jérémie et Hudon Catherine. (2023). The experience of pregnant women in contexts of vulnerability of prenatal primary nursing care: a descriptive interpretative qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23, e187.

Hudon Émilie, Chouinard Maud-Christine, Krieg Cynthia, Lambert Mireille, Joober Heithem, Lawn Sharon, Smith David, Lambert Sylvie et Hudon Catherine. (2019). The French adaptation and validation of the Partners in Health (PIH) scale among patients with chronic conditions seen in primary care. PLoS ONE, 14, (10), e0224191.

Hudon Émilie, Hudon Catherine, Lambert Mireille, Bisson Mathieu et Chouinard Maud-Christine. (2021). Generic self-reported questionnaires measuring self-management: a scoping review. Clinical Nursing Research, 30, (6), p. 855-865.

Imhoff Sarah, Lavallière Martin, Germain-Robitaille Mathieu, Teasdale Normand et Fait Philippe. (2017). Training driving ability in a traumatic brain-injured individual using a driving simulator: a case report. International Medical Case Reports Journal, 10, p. 41-45.

Jones Jenny, Kane Paul, Polson Rob, Leslie Stephen J., Hulbert-Williams Nicholas J., Simard Sébastien, Ozakinci Gozde et Hubbard Gill. (2015). Protocol for a systematic review of screening tools for fear of recurrent illness in common life-threatening diseases. Systematic Reviews, 4, (1), p. 10.

Joober Heithem, Chouinard Maud-Christine, King Jenny, Lambert Mireille, Hudon Émilie et Hudon Catherine. (2018). The Patient Experience of Integrated Care Scale: A Validation Study among Patients with Chronic Conditions Seen in Primary Care. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18, (4), p. 1-8.

Khareis Malak, Zaarour Iyad et Mcheick Hamid. (2016). SMILE: smart monitoring intelligent learning engine. An ontology-based context-aware system for supporting patients subjected to severe emergencies. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management (IJHTM), 15, (3), p. 194-209.

Krieg Cynthia, Hudon Catherine, Chouinard Maud-Christine et Dufour Isabelle. (2016). Individual predictors of frequent emergency department use: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 16, p. 594.

Lane Breanna E., Garland Sheila N., Chalifour Karine, Eaton Geoff, Lebel Sophie, Galica Jacqueline, Maheu Christine et Simard Sébastien. (2019). Prevalence and factors associated with fear of recurrence in a mixed sample of young adults with cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 13, (6), p. 842-851.

Lapointe Patrick, Chapron Kévin, Lessard Isabelle, Bouchard Kevin, Lavoie Mélissa, Gagnon Cynthia, Duchesne Elise et Gaboury Sébastien. (2022). Monitoring changes in physical activity data during strength training of people with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Procedia Computer Science, 198, p. 51-58.

Lauzier Sophie, Gagné Myriam, Guillaumie Laurence, Lemay Martine, Provencher Louise, Simard Chantale et Loiselle Carmen G.. (2021). Telephone-based motivational interviewing consultations to enhance adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy: A qualitative study on the experiences of women with non-metastatic breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 30, (S1), p. 38-39.

Lévesque Mylène, Savard Josée, Simard Sébastien, Gauthier Janel et Ivers Hans. (2004). Efficacy of cognitive therapy for depression among women with metastatic cancer : a single-case experimental study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 35, (4), p. 287-305.

Lin Ching-Rong, Chen Shu-Ching, Simard Sébastien, Chang Joseph Tung-Chien et Lai Yeur-Hur. (2018). Psychometric testing of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory-caregiver Chinese version in cancer family caregivers in Taiwan. Psycho-Oncology, 27, (6), p. 1580-1588.

Luigjes‐Huizer Yvonne L., Tauber Nina M., Humphris Gerry, Kasparian Nadine A., Lam Wendy W. T., Lebel Sophie, Simard Sébastien, Smith Allan Ben, Zachariae Robert, Afiyanti Yati, Bell Katy J. L., Custers José A. E., de Wit Niek J., Fisher Peter L., Galica Jacqueline, Garland Sheila N., Helsper Charles W., Jeppesen Mette M., Liu Jianlin, Mititelu Roxana, Monninkhof Evelyn M., Russell Lahiru, Savard Josée, Speckens Anne E. M., van Helmondt Sanne J., Vatandoust Sina, Zdenkowski Nicholas et van der Lee Marije L.. (2022). What is the prevalence of fear of cancer recurrence in cancer survivors and patients? A systematic review and individual participant data meta‐analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 31, (6), p. 879-892.

Mackrous Isabelle, Lavallière Martin et Teasdale Normand. (2014). Adaptation to simulator sickness in older drivers following multiple sessions in a driving simulator. Gerontechnology, 12, (2), p. 101-111.

Malenfant Simon, Brassard Patrice, Paquette Myriam, Le Blanc Olivier, Chouinard Audrey, Nadeau Valérie, Allan Philip D., Tzeng Yu-Chieh, Simard Sébastien, Bonnet Sébastien et Provencher Steeve. (2017). Compromised cerebrovascular regulation and cerebral oxygenation in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6, (10), e006126.

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