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A three-year increase in soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition has minor effects on the xylogenesis of mature balsam fir

D’Orangeville Loïc, Côté Benoît, Houle Daniel, Morin Hubert et Duchesne Louis. (2013). A three-year increase in soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition has minor effects on the xylogenesis of mature balsam fir. Trees, 27, (6), p. 1525-1536.

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Tree growth in most boreal forests is strongly regulated by temperature and nitrogen (N) availability. The expected increases in soil temperature and N deposition over the next decades have the potential to affect the phenology of tree growth and xylogenesis. To test for these changes on xylogenesis of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill), 12 mature trees were subjected to a combination of experimentally increased soil temperature (+4 °C) with an earlier snowmelt (2-3 weeks) and N deposition (3 × ambient rain N concentrations using NH4-NO3 in artificial precipitation) over a 3-year period. Increased soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition had no significant effect on the number of tracheids produced (38-51), tracheid diameter (27.2-29.0 μm) and cell wall thickness (2.5-3.1 μm). For the 3 years of treatment, xylogenesis was initiated at minimum and average daily air temperatures of 0.6 ± 0.5 and 6.5 ± 0.6 °C, respectively, with inter-annual differences of 17 days in the onset of xylogenesis. The earlier snowmelt induced by soil warming did not hasten resumption of xylogenesis, and the time dynamics of xylogenesis was not affected by higher N deposition. Our results suggest that soil temperature and the timing of snowmelt have no direct influence on the breaking of cambium dormancy in balsam fir. The short-term effects of increased soil temperature and N deposition on xylogenesis of mature balsam fir appear to be small compared with the effects of air temperature and are likely to be associated with a persistent N limitation.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 1525-1536
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.1007/s00468-013-0899-4
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées > Climatologie et météorologie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Biologie et autres sciences connexes
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Unités de recherche > Centre de recherche sur la Boréalie (CREB)
Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Mots-clés:Abies balsamea, climate change, radial/secondary growth, soil warming, wood production, balsam fir, xylogenesis
Déposé le:06 juin 2023 14:11
Dernière modification:06 juin 2023 14:11
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