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Allevato Emilia, Saulino Luigi, Cesarano Gaspare, Chirico Giovanni Battista, D'Urso Guido, Falanga Bolognesi Salvatore, Rita Angelo, Rossi Sergio, Saracino Antonio et Bonanomi Giuliano. (2019). Canopy damage by spring frost in European beech along the Apennines: effect of latitude, altitude and aspect. Remote Sensing of Environment, 225, p. 431-440.

Antonucci Serena, Rossi Sergio, Lombardi Fabio, Marchetti Marco et Tognetti Roberto. (2019). Influence of climatic factors on silver fir xylogenesis along the Italian Peninsula. IAWA Journal, 40, (2), p. 259.

Arandia Martinez Fabian Tito. (2015). Conception d'un système de prévisions hydrologiques d'ensemble multimodèle en contexte opérationnel. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Bachmann Roger W., Canfield Daniel E., Sharma Sapna et Lecours Vincent. (2020). Warming of near-surface summer water temperatures in Lakes of the Conterminous United States. Water, 12, (12), e3381.

Balducci Lorena, Deslauriers Annie, De Barba Daniele, Rossi Sergio, Houle Daniel, Bergeron Yves et Morin Hubert. (2021). Influence of soil warming and N‐addition on sap flux density and stem radius variation in boreal stands in Quebec, Canada. Ecohydrology, 14, (2), e2261.

Balducci Lorena, Deslauriers Annie, Rossi Sergio et Giovannelli Alessio. (2019). Stem cycle analyses help decipher the nonlinear response of trees to concurrent warming and drought. Annals of Forest Science, 76, e88.

Baltzer Jennifer L., Day Nicola J., Walker Xanthe J., Greene David, Mack Michelle C., Alexander Heather D., Arseneault Dominique, Barnes Jennifer, Bergeron Yves, Boucher Yan, Bourgeau-Chavez Laura, Brown Carissa D., Carrière Suzanne, Howard Brian K., Gauthier Sylvie, Parisien Marc-André, Reid Kirsten A., Rogers Brendan M., Roland Carl, Sirois Luc, Stehn Sarah, Thompson Dan K., Turetsky Merritt R., Veraverbeke Sander, Whitman Ellen, Yang Jian et Johnstone Jill F.. (2021). Increasing fire and the decline of fire adapted black spruce in the boreal forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, (45), e2024872118.

Biondi Franco et Rossi Sergio. (2015). Plant-water relationships in the Great Basin Desert of North America derived from Pinus monophylla hourly dendrometer records. International Journal of Biometeorology, 59, (8), p. 939-953.

Boivin Maxime, Buffin-Bélanger Thomas et Piégay Hervé. (2017). Estimation of large wood budgets in a watershed and river corridor at interdecadal to interannual scales in a cold-temperate fluvial system. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, (13), p. 2199-2213.

Bonanomi Giuliano, Rita Angelo, Allevato Emilia, Cesarano Gaspare, Saulino Luigi, Di Pasquale Gaetano, Allegrezza Marina, Pesaresi Simone, Borghetti Marco, Rossi Sergio et Saracino Antonio. (2018). Anthropogenic and environmental factors affect the tree line position of Fagus sylvatica along the Apennines (Italy). Journal of Biogeography, 45, (11), p. 2595-2608.

Bosio Fabio, Rossi Sergio et Marcati Carmen R.. (2016). Periodicity and environmental drivers of apical and lateral growth in a Cerrado woody species. Trees, 30, (5), p. 1495-1505.

Bouchard Danielle. (1984). Solution numérique de la captation de gouttes de pluies verglacantes en présence de gravité sur une forme cylindrique. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Boucher Jean-François, Munson Alison D. et Bernier Pierre Y.. (1995). Foliar absorption of dew influences shoot water potential and root growth in Pinus strobus seedlings. Tree Physiology, 15, (12), p. 819-823.

Boucher Jean-François, Tremblay Pascal, Gaboury Simon et Villeneuve Claude. (2012). Can boreal afforestation help offset incompressible GHG emissions from Canadian industries? Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 90, (6), p. 459-466.

Boulanger Yan, Arseneault Dominique, Boucher Yan, Gauthier Sylvie, Cyr Dominic, Taylor Anthony R., Price David T. et Dupuis Sébastien. (2019). Climate change will affect the ability of forest management to reduce gaps between current and presettlement forest composition in southeastern Canada. Landscape Ecology, 34, (1), p. 159-174.

Boulet Yan, Boivin Maxime et Biron Pascale. (2023). Développement de courbes de géométrie hydraulique adaptées à différents contextes physiographiques au Québec présenté au Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP). Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université Concordia.

Bourgault Marc-André, Boivin Maxime, Roy René, Desrochers Georges et Anctil François. (2022). Regards sur les mécanismes et les facteurs contrôlant les inondations des bassins versants du Québec méridional. Dans Thomas Buffin-Bélanger, Danielle Maltais et Mario Gauthier (dir.), Les inondations au Québec : Risques, aménagement du territoire, impacts socioéconomiques et transformation des vulnérabilités. (p. 7-28). Collection Science régionale. Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec.

Butto Valentina, Khare Siddhartha, Drolet Guillaume, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Gennaretti Fabio, Deslauriers Annie, Morin Hubert et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Regionwide temporal gradients of carbon allocation allow for shoot growth and latewood formation in boreal black spruce. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, (8), p. 1657-1670.

Butto Valentina, Khare Siddhartha, Jain Pratiksha, de Lima Santos Gian et Rossi Sergio. (2023). Spatial patterns and climatic drivers of leaf spring phenology of maple in eastern North America. Science of The Total Environment, 857, (1), e159064.

Butto Valentina, Rozenberg Philippe, Deslauriers Annie, Rossi Sergio et Morin Hubert. (2021). Environmental and developmental factors driving xylem anatomy and micro‐density in black spruce. New Phytologist, 230, (3), p. 957-971.

Chavardès Raphaël D., Balducci Lorena, Bergeron Yves, Grondin Pierre, Poirier Véronique, Morin Hubert et Gennaretti Fabio. (2023). Greater tree species diversity and lower intraspecific competition attenuate impacts from temperature increases and insect epidemics in boreal forests of western Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53, (1), p. 48-59.

Chavardès Raphaël D., Gennaretti Fabio, Grondin Pierre, Cavard Xavier, Morin Hubert et Bergeron Yves. (2021). Role of mixed-species stands in attenuating the vulnerability of boreal forests to climate change and insect epidemics. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, (e658880), p. 1-12.

Chen Lei, Hänninen Heikki, Rossi Sergio, Smith Nicholas G., Pau Stephanie, Liu Zhiyong, Feng Guanqiao, Gao Jie et Liu Jianquan. (2020). Leaf senescence exhibits stronger climatic responses during warm than during cold autumns. Nature Climate Change,

Chen Lei, Huang Jian-Guo, Ma Qianqian, Hänninen Heikki, Rossi Sergio, Piao Shilong et Bergeron Yves. (2018). Spring phenology at different altitudes is becoming more uniform under global warming in Europe. Global Change Biology, 24, (9), p. 3969-3975.

Danneyrolles Victor, Boucher Yan, Fournier Richard et Valeria Osvaldo. (2023). Positive effects of projected climate change on post-disturbance forest regrowth rates in northeastern North American boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters, 18, (2), e024041.

de Lima Santos Gian. (2024). Évaluation du calendrier de la saison des sucres de l’érable dans un contexte de réchauffement climatique. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Delpierre Nicolas, Lireux Ségolène, Hartig Florian, Camarero Jesus Julio, Cheaib Alissar, Čufar Katarina, Cuny Henri, Deslauriers Annie, Fonti Patrick, Gričar Jožica, Huang Jian‐Guo, Krause Cornelia, Liu Guohua, de Luis Martin, Mäkinen Harri, del Castillo Edurne Martinez, Morin Hubert, Nöjd Pekka, Oberhuber Walter, Prislan Peter, Rossi Sergio, Saderi Seyedeh Masoumeh, Treml Vaclav, Vavrick Hanus et Rathgeber Cyrille B. K.. (2019). Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology, 25, (3), p. 1089-1105.

Desjardins France, Ouedraogo Salmata et Simard Jeanne. (2023). Lise Tremblay, directrice générale de la Fédération de l’Union des producteurs agricoles du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Revue Organisations & territoires, 32, (1), p. 135-140.

Deslauriers Annie, Garcia Léa, Charrier Guillaume, Buttò Valentinà, Pichette André et Paré Maxime C.. (2021). Cold acclimation and deacclimation in wild blueberry: direct and indirect influence of environmental factors and non-structural carbohydrates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301-302, e108349.

Deslauriers Annie, Morin Hubert, Urbinati Carlo et Carrer Marco. (2003). Daily weather response of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) stem radius increment from dendrometer analysis in the boreal forests of Quebec (Canada). Trees - Structure and Function, 17, p. 477-484.

Deslauriers Annie et Rossi Sergio. (2019). Metabolic memory in the phenological events of plants : looking beyond climatic factors. Tree Physiology, 39, (8), p. 1272-1276.

D’Orangeville Loïc, Côté Benoît, Houle Daniel, Morin Hubert et Duchesne Louis. (2013). A three-year increase in soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition has minor effects on the xylogenesis of mature balsam fir. Trees, 27, (6), p. 1525-1536.

D'Orangeville Loïc, Houle Daniel, Cote Benoît, Duchesne Louise et Morin Hubert. (2013). Increased soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition have no effect on the N status and growth of a mature balsam fir forest. Biogeosciences, 10, (7), p. 4627-4639.

Dória Larissa Chacon, Sonsin-Oliveira Julia, Rossi Sergio et Marcati Carmen R.. (2022). Functional trade-offs in volume allocation to xylem cell types in 75 species from the Brazilian savanna Cerrado. Annals of Botany, 130, (3), p. 445-456.

Du Qiqi, Rossi Sergio, Lu Xiaoming, Wang Yafeng, Zhu Haifeng, Liang Eryuan et Camarero J. Julio. (2020). Negative growth responses to temperature of sympatric species converge under warming conditions on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees, 34, (2), p. 395-404.

Dufour Boris et Morin Hubert. (2013). Climatic control of tracheid production of black spruce in dense mesic stands of eastern Canada. Tree Physiology, 33, (2), p. 175-186.

Ertz Myriam, Addar Walid, Ouerghemmi Chourouk et Takaffoli Mahdi. (2023). Overview of factors influencing consumer engagement with plastic recycling. WIREs Energy and Environment, e493.

Faubert Patrick, Marty Charles et Bouchard Sylvie. (2024). Comment éviter l’écoblanchiment dans la compensation carbone? La Conversation,

Faubert Patrick, Marty Charles, Villeneuve Claude et Bouchard Sylvie. (2024). Carbon credits are useful for stabilizing the climate, but are they used effectively? The Conversation,

Faubert Patrick, Marty Charles, Villeneuve Claude et Bouchard Sylvie. (2024). Les crédits carbone sont utiles pour stabiliser le climat… mais sont-ils utilisés efficacement ? La Conversation,

Faubert Patrick, Ribeiro Paula Ranieri, Bouchard Sylvie, Marty Charles, Fradette Olivier et Villeneuve Claude. (2023). Funding research using climate change mitigation: The case of the Carbone boréal research infrastructure. PLOS Climate, 2, (6), e0000232.

Faubert Patrick, Tiiva Päivi, Michelsen Anders, Rinnan Åsmund, Ro-Poulsen Helge et Rinnan Riikka. (2012). The shift in plant species composition in a subarctic mountain birch forest floor due to climate change would modify the biogenic volatile organic compound emission profile. Plant and Soil, 352, (1-2), p. 199-215.

Faubert Patrick, Tiiva Päivi, Nakam Tchamga Achille, Holopainen Jarmo K., Holopainen Toini et Rinnan Riikka. (2011). Non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from boreal peatland microcosms under warming and water table drawdown. Biogeochemistry, 106, (3), p. 503-516.

Faubert Patrick, Tiiva Päivi, Rinnan Åsmund, Michelsen Anders, Holopainen Jarmo K. et Rinnan Riikka. (2010). Doubled volatile organic compound emissions from subarctic tundra under simulated climate warming. New Phytologist, 187, (1), p. 199-208.

Faubert Patrick, Tiiva Päivi, Rinnan Åsmund, Räsänen Janne, Holopainen Jarmo K., Holopainen Toini, Kyrö Esko et Rinnan Riikka. (2010). Non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a subarctic peatland under enhanced UV-B radiation. Ecosystems, 13, (6), p. 860-873.

Faubert Patrick, Tiiva Päivi, Rinnan Åsmund, Räty Sanna, Holopainen Jarmo K., Holopainen Toini et Rinnan Riikka. (2010). Effect of vegetation removal and water table drawdown on the non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in boreal peatland microcosms. Atmospheric Environment, 44, (35), p. 4432-4439.

Faubert Patrick, Villeneuve Claude et Tremblay David. (2023). Is it possible to measure sustainable development? The Conversation,

Fernández-de-Uña Laura, Aranda Ismael, Rossi Sergio, Fonti Patrick, Cañellas Isabel et Gea-Izquierdo Guillermo. (2018). Divergent phenological and leaf gas exchange strategies of two competing tree species drive contrasting responses to drought at their altitudinal boundary. Tree Physiology, 38, (8), p. 1152-1165.

Fierravanti Angelo, Fierravanti Elio, Cocozza Claudia, Tognetti Roberto et Rossi Sergio. (2017). Eligible reference cities in relation to BVOC-derived O3 pollution. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 28, p. 73-80.

Fierravanti Angelo, Rossi Sergio, Kneeshaw Daniel, De Grandpré Louis et Deslauriers Annie. (2019). Low non-structural carbon accumulation in spring reduces growth and increases mortality in conifers defoliated by spruce budworm. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, e15.

Fu Ting, Liang Eryuan, Lu Xiaoming, Gao Shan, Zhang Lin, Zhu Haifeng, Rossi Sergio et Camarero J. Julio. (2020). Tree growth responses and resilience after the 1950-Zayu-Medog earthquake, southeast Tibetan Plateau. Dendrochronologia, 62, e125724.

Gao Jiani, Rossi Sergio et Yang Bao. (2021). Origin of intra-annual density fluctuations in a semi-arid area of northwestern China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, e777753.

Gao Jiani, Yang Bao, Peng Xiaomei et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Tracheid development under a drought event producing intra-annual density fluctuations in the semi-arid China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309, e108572.

Gauthier Majella J.. (2016). La température à Saint-Fulgence,Québec, Canada : étude exploratoire sur les microclimats favorables à l'horticulture : rapport de recherche. Laboratoire d'expertise et de recherche en géographique appliquée (LERGA).

Gauthier Majella J., Lambert Mélanie et Brisson Carl. Délimitation de microclimats favorables à l’agriculture à Saint-Fulgence, Québec (Canada). Dans : Consultation publique sur le Plan de développement de la zone agricole (PDZA) de la MRC du Fjord , 7 avril 2015, Saint-Honoré.

Gauthier Majella J., Lambert Mélanie et Brisson Carl. (2017). Microclimats et agriculture à Saint-Fulgence (Québec) : leurs potentiels pour l'horticulture : une analyse géographique. Laboratoire d’expertise et de recherche en géographie appliquée.

Gauthier Maud. (2013). Reconstitution paléolimnologique des conditions environnementales récentes dans la région de Saglek, Labrador. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Gennaretti Fabio, Carrer Marco, García-González Ignacio, Rossi Sergio et von Arx Georg. (2022). Editorial: Quantitative wood anatomy to explore tree responses to global change. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, e998895.

Ghalmi Zahira. (2006). Contribution au développement d'un capteur ultrasonique pour mesurer l'épaisseur de la glace. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Girard Catherine, Langlois Valérie, Vigneron Adrien, Vincent Warwick F. et Culley Alexander I.. (2020). Seasonal regime shift in the viral communities of a permafrost thaw lake. Viruses, 12, (11), p. 1204-1218.

Girard Catherine, Leclerc Maxime et Amyot Marc. (2016). Photodemethylation of methylmercury in Eastern Canadian Arctic thaw pond and lake ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology, 50, (7), p. 3511-3520.

Girard Catherine, Vincent Warwick F. et Culley Alexander I.. (2023). Arctic bacterial diversity and connectivity in the coastal margin of the Last Ice Area. ISME Communications, 3, e105.

Girard Patrick. (2024). L’impact de Réemploi+ sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des opérations des écocentres de la Régie des matières résiduelles du Lac-Saint-Jean. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Gu Hongshuang, Qiao Yuxin, Xi Zhenxiang, Rossi Sergio, Smith Nicholas G., Liu Jianquan et Chen Lei. (2022). Warming-induced increase in carbon uptake is linked to earlier spring phenology in temperate and boreal forests. Nature Communications, 13, e3698.

Guesdon Cyril. (2000). Etudes des répartitions des événements de verglas et de givre à travers le Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Guo Xiali, Huang Jian-Guo, Butto Valentina, Luo Dawei, Shen Chunyu, Li Jingye, Liang Hanxue, Zhang Shaokang, Hou Xingliang, Zhao Ping et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Auxin concentration and xylem production of Pinus massoniana in a subtropical forest in south China. Tree Physiology, 42, (2), p. 317-324.

Guo Xiali, Khare Siddhartha, Silvestro Roberto, Huang Jianguo, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Delagrange Sylvain, Rossi Sergio et Tognetti Roberto. (2020). Minimum spring temperatures at the provenance origin drive leaf phenology in sugar maple populations. Tree Physiology, 40, (12), p. 1639-1647.

Guo Xiali, Klisz Marcin, Puchałka Radosław, Silvestro Roberto, Faubert Patrick, Belien Evelyn, Huang Jianguo et Rossi Sergio. (2022). Common‐garden experiment reveals clinal trends of bud phenology in black spruce populations from a latitudinal gradient in the boreal forest. Journal of Ecology, 110, (5), p. 1043-1053.

He Minhui, Yang Bao, Braüning Achim, Rossi Sergio, Ljungqvist Fredrik Charpentier, Shishov Vladimir, Grießinger Jussi, Wang Jianglin, Liu Jingjing et Qin Chun. (2019). Recent advances in dendroclimatology in China. Earth-Science Reviews, 194, p. 521-535.

He Minhui, Yang Bao, Rossi Sergio, Braüning Achim, Shishov Vladimir et Kang Shuyuan. (2019). Simulated and predicted responses of tree stem radial growth to climate change—A case study in semi-arid north central China. Dendrochronologia, 58, e125632.

He Minhui, Yang Bao, Shishov Vladimir, Rossi Sergio, Braüning Achim, Ljungqvist Fredrik Charpentier et Grießinger Jussi. (2018). Projections for the changes in growing season length of tree-ring formation on the Tibetan Plateau based on CMIP5 model simulations. International Journal of Biometeorology, 62, (4), p. 631-641.

He Minhui, Yang Bao, Shishov Vladimir, Rossi Sergio, Braüning Achim, Ljungqvist Fredrik Charpentier et Grießinger Jussi. (2018). Relationships between wood formation and cambium phenology on the Tibetan Plateau during 1960–2014. Forests, 9, (2), e86.

He Xujian, Chen Shanshan, Wang Jinmei, Smith Nicholas G., Rossi Sergio, Yang Hongjun, Liu Jianquan et Chen Lei. (2021). Delaying effect of humidity on leaf unfolding in Europe. Science of The Total Environment, 800, e149563.

Higounet Aurane. (2020). Les impacts économiques du réchauffement climatique sur les érablières québécoises : analyse et réflexion. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Huang Jian-Guo, Guo Xiali, Rossi Sergio, Zhai Lihong, Yu Biyun, Zhang Shaokang et Zhang Mingfang. (2018). Intra-annual wood formation of subtropical Chinese red pine shows better growth in dry season than wet season. Tree Physiology, 38, (8), p. 1225-1236.

Huang Jian-Guo, Ma Qianqian, Rossi Sergio, Biondi Franco, Deslauriers Annie, Fonti Patrick, Liang Eryuan, Mäkinen Harri, Oberhuber Walter, Rathgeber Cyrille B. K., Tognetti Roberto, Treml Václav, Yang Bao, Zhang Jiao-Lin, Antonucci Serena, Bergeron Yves, Camarero J. Julio, Campelo Filipe, Čufar Katarina, Cuny Henri E., De Luis Martin, Giovannelli Alessio, Gričar Jožica, Gruber Andreas, Gryc Vladimír, Güney Aylin, Guo Xiali, Huang Wei, Jyske Tuula, Kašpar Jakub, King Gregory, Krause Cornelia, Lemay Audrey, Liu Feng, Lombardi Fabio, Martinez del Castillo Edurne, Morin Hubert, Nabais Cristina, Nöjd Pekka, Peters Richard L., Prislan Peter, Saracino Antonio, Swidrak Irene, Vavrčík Hanuš, Vieira Joana, Yu Biyun, Zhang Shaokang, Zeng Qiao, Zhang Yaling et Ziaco Emanuele. (2020). Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, (34), p. 20645-20652.

Huang Jian‐Guo, Zhang Yaling, Wang Minhuang, Yu Xiaohan, Deslauriers Annie, Fonti Patrick, Liang Eryuan, Mäkinen Harri, Oberhuber Walter, Rathgeber Cyrille B. K., Tognetti Roberto, Treml Václav, Yang Bao, Zhai Lihong, Zhang Jiao‐Lin, Antonucci Serena, Bergeron Yves, Camarero Jesus Julio, Campelo Filipe, Čufar Katarina, Cuny Henri E., De Luis Martin, Fajstavr Marek, Giovannelli Alessio, Gričar Jožica, Gruber Andreas, Gryc Vladimír, Güney Aylin, Jyske Tuula, Kašpar Jakub, King Gregory, Krause Cornelia, Lemay Audrey, Liu Feng, Lombardi Fabio, del Castillo Edurne Martinez, Morin Hubert, Nabais Cristina, Nöjd Pekka, Peters Richard L., Prislan Peter, Saracino Antonio, Shishov Vladimir V., Swidrak Irene, Vavrčík Hanuš, Vieira Joana, Zeng Qiao, Liu Yu et Rossi Sergio. (2022). A critical thermal transition driving spring phenology of Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology, 29, (6), p. 1606-1617.

Jacob Céline, Bernatchez Pascal, Dupras Jérôme et Cusson Mathieu. (2021). Not just an engineering problem: The role of knowledge and understanding of ecosystem services for adaptive management of coastal erosion. Ecosystem Services, 51, e101349.

Jafari Reza, Farzaneh Masoud et Menini Richard. (2010). Superhydrophobic and icephobic surfaces prepared by RF-sputtered polytetrafluoroethylene coatings. Applied surface science, 257, (5), p. 1540-1543.

Jain Pratiksha, Khare Siddhartha, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Raymond Patricia et Rossi Sergio. (2021). Predicting the location of maple habitat under warming scenarios in two regions at the northern range in Canada. Forest Science, 67, (4), p. 446-456.

Kang Jian, Jiang Shaowei, Tardif Jacques C., Liang Hanxue, Zhang Shaokang, Li Jingye, Yu Biyun, Bergeron Yves, Rossi Sergio, Wang Zhou, Zhou Peng et Huang Jian-Guo. (2021). Radial growth responses of two dominant conifers to climate in the Altai Mountains, Central Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 298-299, e108297.

Klisz Marcin, Chakraborty Debojyoti, Cvjetković Branislav, Grabner Michael, Lintunen Anna, Mayer Konrad, George Jan-Peter et Rossi Sergio. (2023). Functional traits of boreal species and adaptation to local conditions. Dans Miguel Montoro Mirona, Hubert Morin, Sylvie Gauthier et Yves Bergeron (dir.), Boreal forests in the face of climate change. (74, p. 323-355). Cham : Springer.

Kochtitzky Will, Copland Luke, Wohlleben Trudy, Iqaluk Pilipoosie, Girard Catherine, Vincent Warwick F. et Culley Alexander I.. (2023). Slow change since the Little Ice Age at a far northern glacier with the potential for system reorganization: Thores Glacier, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. Arctic Science, 9, (2), p. 451-464.

Krause Cornelia, Rossi Sergio, Thibeault-Martel Maxime et Plourde Pierre -Y.. (2010). Relationships of climate and cell features in stems and roots of black spruce and balsam fir. Annals of Forest Science, 67, (4), e402.

Kurokawa Sara Yumi Sassamoto, Weiss Gabriel, Lapointe David, Delagrange Sylvain et Rossi Sergio. (2023). Daily timings of sap production in sugar maple in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of Biometeorology, 67, p. 211-218.

Lamraoui Fayçal. (2014). In-cloud icing and supercooled cloud microphysics : from reanalysis to mesoscale modeling. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Lamraoui Fayçal, Benoit Robert, Perron Jean, Fortin Guy et Masson Christian. (2015). Hybrid fine scale climatology and microphysics of in-cloud icing : From 32km reanalysis to 5km mesoscale modeling. Atmospheric Research, 154, p. 175-190.

Larouche Éric. (2002). Exploration de différentes architectures de réseaux de neurones pour la prédiction de la glace atmosphérique sur les conducteurs des réseaux électriques. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Larouche Ursula. (2016). Entre le développement durable et l’acceptabilité sociale : pour une éthique de la gestion des ressources naturelles : le cas d’Arianne Phosphate inc. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Laurent Achille-Benjamin, Gaboury Simon, Wells Jean-Robert, Bonfils Sibi, Boucher Jean-François, Bouchard Sylvie, D'Amours Sophie et Villeneuve Claude. (2013). Cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessment of glued-laminated wood product from Quebec’s boreal forest. Forest Products Journal, 63, (5/6), p. 190-198.

Léger-Daigle Romy, Noisette Fanny, Bélanger Simon, Cusson Mathieu et Nozais Christian. (2022). Photoacclimation and light thresholds for cold temperate seagrasses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, e805065.

Lemay Audrey, Krause Cornelia, Rossi Sergio et Achim Alexis. (2017). Xylogenesis in stems and roots after thinning in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. Tree Physiology, 37, (11), p. 1554-1563.

Li X. N., Liang Eryuan, Gričar Jožica, Prislan Peter, Rossi Sergio et Čufar Katarina. (2013). Age dependence of xylogenesis and its climatic sensitivity in Smith fir on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Tree Physiology, 33, (1), p. 48-56.

Li Xiaoxia, Liang Eryuan, Gričar Jožica, Rossi Sergio, Čufar Katarina et Ellison Aaron M.. (2017). Critical minimum temperature limits xylogenesis and maintains treelines on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 62, (11), p. 804-812.

Li Xiaoxia, Rossi Sergio, Liang Eryuan et Camarero J. Julio. (2016). Temperature thresholds for the onset of xylogenesis in alpine shrubs on the Tibetan Plateau. Trees, 30, (6), p. 2091-2099.

Li Xiaoxia, Rossi Sergio, Sigdel Shalik Ram, Dawadi Binod et Liang Eryuan. (2021). Warming menaces high-altitude Himalayan birch forests : evidence from cambial phenology and wood anatomy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309, e108577.

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