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Nombre de documents archivés : 22.

Ayang Albert, Wamkeue René, Ouhrouche Mohand, Djongyang Noël, Essiane Salomé Ndjakomo, Pombe Joseph Kessel et Ekemb Gabriel. (2019). Maximum likelihood parameters estimation of single-diode model of photovoltaic generator. Renewable Energy, 130, p. 111-121.

Belkhir Salah, Hocine Moulai, Fathallah Soukeur et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2010). Electric field assessment for application to live working. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 30, (3),

Boussetoua Mohammed, Ouhrouche Mohand et Perron Jean. (2011). 10 kW Mast-Mounted Transverse Flux PM Generator for Main Rotor De-Icing. AMIL Report 2011-MB-01.

Boussetoua Mohammed, Ouhrouche Mohand et Perron Jean. (2008). Concept Demonstration of a Transversal Magnetic Flux Generator. AMIL Report 2008-MB-01.

Boussetoua Mohammed, Ouhrouche Mohand et Perron Jean. (2007). Literature Revue: Mast-Mounted Generator. AMIL Report 2007-MB-01.

Errouissi Rachid et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2010). Nonlinear predictive controller for a permanent magnet synchronous motor drive. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81, (2), p. 394-406.

Errouissi Rachid et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2009). Robust continuous generalized predictive control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor drive. Dans : 2009 IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC) , 22-23 October 2009, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Errouissi Rachid, Ouhrouche Mohand et Chen Wen-Hua. (2010). Robust nonlinear generalized predictive control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor with an anti-windup compensator. Dans : IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) , 4-7 July, Bari, Italy.

Errouissi Rachid, Ouhrouche Mohand, Chen Wen-Hua et Trzynadlowski Andrzej M.. (2012). Robust Cascaded Nonlinear Predictive Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Antiwindup Compensator. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59, (8), p. 3078-3088.

Kairous Djilali, Beaudoin Jean Jacques, Wamkeue René et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2015). Sliding mode control for voltage source converter applied to wind energy systems. Dans : 2014 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA) , 19-22 October 2014, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

Kairous Djilali, Wamkeue René et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2015). Second order sliding-mode for direct power control of DFIG under distorted grid. Dans : 2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) , 17-19 August 2015, Oshawa, ON, Canada.

Kamel Ouari, Ouhrouche Mohand, Rekioua Toufik et Nabil Taib. (2015). Nonlinear Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion System Using Dfig with Aerodynamic Torque Observer. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 65, (6), p. 333-341.

Ouari Kamel, Rekioua Toufik et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2014). Real time simulation of nonlinear generalized predictive control for wind energy conversion system with nonlinear observer. ISA Transactions, 53, (1), p. 76-84.

Ouhrouche Mohand. (2021). Circuits électriques: Méthodes d’analyse et applications. (2e). Montréal, Qc : Presses internationales Polytechnique.

Ouhrouche Mohand, Errouissi Rachid, Trzynadlowski Andrzej M., Tehrani Kambiz et Benzaioua Ammar. (2016). A Novel Predictive Direct Torque Controller for Induction Motor Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63, (8), p. 5221-5230.

Tameghe Theubou, Wamkeue René, Kamwa Innocent, Joos Geza et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2017). An enhanced current control scheme for microgrids supporting inverters applications. Dans : IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , 29 October 2017 - 01 November 2017, Beijing, China.

Tameghe Tommy A. Theubou, Wamkeue René, Kamwa Innocent, Ouhrouche Mohand et Kandil Nahi. (2018). Online Grid Support Inverter Parameters Identification Using Extended Kalman Filters. Dans : IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , 21-23 October 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Tchakoua Takoutsing Pierre, Ouhrouche Mohand, Tameghe Tommy Andy, Ekemb Gabriel, Wamkeue René et Slaoui-Hasnaoui Fouad. (2015). Basis of theoretical formulations for new approach for modelling darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine rotors using electrical equivalent circuit analogy. Dans : 2015 3rd International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC) , 10-13 December 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.

Tchakoua Takoutsing Pierre, Ouhrouche Mohand, Tameghe Tommy Andy, Ekemb Gabriel, Wamkeue René et Slaoui-Hasnaoui Fouad. (2015). Development of equivalent electric circuit model for darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine rotor using mechanic - Electric analogy approach. Dans : 2015 3rd International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC) , 10-13 December 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.

Tchakoua Takoutsing Pierre, Wamkeue René, Ouhrouche Mohand, Benini Ernesto et Ekemb Gabriel. (2016). Electric Circuit Model for the Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of a Three-Blade Darrieus-Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: The Tchakoua Model. Energies, 9, (10), e820.

Tchakoua Takoutsing Pierre, Wamkeue René, Ouhrouche Mohand, Slaoui-Hasnaoui Fouad, Tameghe Tommy et Ekemb Gabriel. (2014). Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring: State-of-the-Art Review, New Trends, and Future Challenges. Energies, 7, (4), p. 2595-2630.

Thongam Jogendra Singh et Ouhrouche Mohand. (2011). MPPT Control Methods in Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Dans Carriveau Rupp (dir.), Fundamental and Advanced Topics in Wind Power. (p. 339-360). London, UK : IntechOpen.

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