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Documents publiés par "Gábor, Lukáš"

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Nombre de documents : 6.

Moudrý Vítězslav, Keil Petr, Gábor Lukáš, Lecours Vincent, Zarzo-Arias Alejandra, Barták Vojtěch, Malavasi Marco, Rocchini Duccio, Torresani Michele, Gdulová Kateřina, Grattarola Florencia, Leroy François, Marchetto Elisa, Thouverai Elisa, Prošek Jiří, Wild Jan et Šímová Petra. (2023). Scale mismatches between predictor and response variables in species distribution modelling: A review of practices for appropriate grain selection. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 47, (3), p. 467-482.

Gábor Lukáš, Moudrý Vítězslav, Barták Vojtěch et Lecours Vincent. (2020). How do species and data characteristics affect species distribution models and when to use environmental filtering? International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34, (8), p. 1567-1584.

Gábor Lukáš, Moudrý Vítězslav, Lecours Vincent, Malavasi Marco, Barták Vojtěch, Fogl Michal, Šímová Petra, Rocchini Duccio et Václavík Tomáš. (2020). The effect of positional error on fine scale species distribution models increases for specialist species. Ecography, 43, (2), p. 256-269.

Lecours Vincent, Gábor Lukáš, Edinger Evan et Devillers Rodolphe. (2020). Fine-scale habitat characterization of The Gully, the Flemish Cap, and the Orphan Knoll, Northwest Atlantic, with a focus on cold-water corals. Dans Peter T. Harris et Elaine K. Baker (dir.), Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats. (Second edition, p. 735-751). Amsterdam : Elsevier.

Moudrý Vítězslav, Lecours Vincent, Malavasi Marco, Misiuk Benjamin, Gábor Lukáš, Gdulová Kateřina, Šímová Petra et Wild Jan. (2019). Potential pitfalls in rescaling digital terrain model-derived attributes for ecological studies. Ecological Informatics, 54, (e100987),

Moudrý Vítězslav, Lecours Vincent, Gdulová Kateřina, Gábor Lukáš, Moudrá Lucie, Kropáček Jan et Wild Jan. (2018). On the use of global DEMs in ecological modelling and the accuracy of new bare-earth DEMs. Ecological Modelling, 383, p. 3-9.

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