Rodrigues Viana Luciano, Dessureault Pierre-Luc, Marty Charles, Boucher Jean-François et Paré Maxime C.. (2023). Life cycle assessment of oat flake production with two end-of-life options for agro-industrial residue management. Sustainability, 15, (6), e5124.
Miled Chaima, Chesnaux Romain, Walter Julien, Boumaiza Lamine et Paré Maxime C.. (2023). Multi-technique approach for estimating groundwater transit time through the saturated zone of an unconfined granular aquifer in Quebec, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal,
Pelletier Anthony J., Lafond Jean et Paré Maxime C.. (2023). Spatial dependency and independency of nitrogen in lowbush blueberry commercial fields. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 103, (1), p. 264-266.
Marty Charles, Khare Siddhartha, Rossi Sergio, Lafond Jean, Boivin Maxime et Paré Maxime C.. (2022). Detection of management practices and cropping phases in wild lowbush blueberry fields using multispectral UAV data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 48, (3), p. 469-480.
Morvan Simon, Paré Maxime C., Schmitt Anne, Lafond Jean et Hijri Mohamed. (2022). Limited effect of thermal pruning on wild blueberry crop and its root-associated microbiota. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, e954935.
Paré Maxime C., Fournier Marie-Pier, Lafond Jean et Deslauriers Annie. (2022). How management practices influence vegetative and reproductive plant traits of wild lowbush blueberry species. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 102, (5), p. 1007-1015.
Viana Luciano Rodrigues, Dessureault Pierre-Luc, Marty Charles, Loubet Philippe, Levasseur Annie, Boucher Jean-François et Paré Maxime C.. (2022). Would transitioning from conventional to organic oat grains production reduce environmental impacts? A LCA case study in North-East Canada. Journal of Cleaner Production, 349, e131344.
Deslauriers Annie, Garcia Léa, Charrier Guillaume, Buttò Valentinà, Pichette André et Paré Maxime C.. (2021). Cold acclimation and deacclimation in wild blueberry: direct and indirect influence of environmental factors and non-structural carbohydrates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301-302, e108349.
Marty Charles, Piquette Joanie, Dussault-Chouinard Émilie, Morin Hubert, Thiffault Nelson, Houle Daniel, Bradley Robert L., Ouimet Rock, Simpson Myrna J. et Paré Maxime C.. (2020). Canopy nitrogen addition and soil warming affect conifer seedlings’ phenology but have limited impact on growth and soil N mineralization in boreal forests of eastern Canada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3, (581363), p. 1-16.
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Faubert Patrick, Lemay-Bélisle Catherine, Bertrand Normand, Bouchard Sylvie, Chantigny Martin H., Paré Maxime C., Rochette Philippe, Ziadi Noura et Villeneuve Claude. (2019). Land application of pulp and paper mill sludge may reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to landfilling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 150, p. 104415.
Khare Siddhartha, Drolet Guillaume, Sylvain Jean-Daniel, Paré Maxime C. et Rossi Sergio. (2019). Assessment of spatio-temporal patterns of black spruce bud phenology across Quebec based on MODIS-NDVI time series and field observations. Remote Sensing, 11, (23), p. 1-16.
Marty Charles, Lévesque Josée-Anne, Bradley Robert L., Lafond Jean et Paré Maxime C.. (2019). Contrasting impacts of two weed species on lowbush blueberry fertilizer nitrogen uptake in a commercial field. PLoS ONE, 14, (4), e0215253.
Marty Charles, Lévesque Josée-Anne, Bradley Robert L., Lafond Jean et Paré Maxime C.. (2019). Lowbush blueberry fruit yield and growth response to inorganic and organic N-fertilization when competing with two common weed species. PLoS ONE, 14, (12), e0226619.
Marty Charles, Piquette Joanie, Morin Hubert, Bussières Denis, Thiffault Nelson, Houle Daniel, Bradley Robert L., Simpson Myrna J., Ouimet Rock et Paré Maxime C.. (2019). Nine years of in situ soil warming and topography impact the temperature sensitivity and basal respiration rate of the forest floor in a Canadian boreal forest. PLoS ONE, 14, (12), e0226909.
Paré Maxime C., Chagnon Pierre-Luc, Plourde Joanne et Legendre-Guillemin Valérie. (2019). Apatite stimulates the deposition of glomalin-related soil protein in a lowbush blueberry commercial field. Agriculture, 9, (3), p. 1-9.
Tremblay Catherine, Deslauriers Annie, Lafond Jean, Lajeunesse Julie et Paré Maxime C.. (2019). Effects of soil pH and fertilizers on Haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) vegetative growth. Agriculture, 9, (3), p. 56.
Lévesque Josée-Anne, Bradley Robert L., Bellemare Mireille, Lafond Jean et Paré Maxime C.. (2018). Predicting weed and lowbush blueberry biomass using the point intercept method. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 98, (4), p. 967-970.
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Faubert Patrick, Lemay-Bélisle Catherine, Bertrand Normand, Bouchard Sylvie, Chantigny Martin H., Durocher Simon, Paré Maxime C., Rochette Philippe, Tremblay Pascal, Ziadi Noura et Villeneuve Claude. (2017). Greenhouse gas emissions following land application of pulp and paper mill sludge on a clay loam soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 250, p. 102-112.
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