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Risk of falling in a timed Up and Go test using an UWB radar and an instrumented insole

Ayena Johannes C., Chioukh Lydia, Otis Martin J.-D. et Deslandes Dominic. (2021). Risk of falling in a timed Up and Go test using an UWB radar and an instrumented insole. Sensors, 21, (3), p. 722.

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Previously, studies reported that falls analysis is possible in the elderly, when using wearable sensors. However, these devices cannot be worn daily, as they need to be removed and recharged from time-to-time due to their energy consumption, data transfer, attachment to the body, etc. This study proposes to introduce a radar sensor, an unobtrusive technology, for risk of falling analysis and combine its performance with an instrumented insole. We evaluated our methods on datasets acquired during a Timed Up and Go (TUG) test where a stride length (SL) was computed by the insole using three approaches. Only the SL from the third approach was not statistically significant (p = 0.2083 > 0.05) compared to the one provided by the radar, revealing the importance of a sensor location on human body. While reducing the number of force sensors (FSR), the risk scores using an insole containing three FSRs and y-axis of acceleration were not significantly different (p > 0.05) compared to the combination of a single radar and two FSRs. We concluded that contactless TUG testing is feasible, and by supplementing the instrumented insole to the radar, more precise information could be available for the professionals to make accurate decision.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 722
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:21 Janvier 2021
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie > Génie électrique et génie électronique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées > Module d'ingénierie
Mots-clés:fall detection, biomedical monitoring, TUG, UWB radar, gait parameters, non-contact, détection de chute, surveillance biomédicale, radar UWB, paramètres de marche, sans contact
Déposé le:22 janv. 2021 01:02
Dernière modification:26 janv. 2021 22:55
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