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Eosinophil microRNAs play a regulatory role in allergic diseases included in the atopic march

Bélanger Émile, Madore Anne-Marie, Boucher-Lafleur Anne-Marie, Simon Marie-Michelle, Kwan Tony, Pastinen Tomi et Laprise Catherine. (2020). Eosinophil microRNAs play a regulatory role in allergic diseases included in the atopic march. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, (23), p. 9011.

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Background: The atopic march is defined by the increased prevalence of allergic diseases after atopic dermatitis onset. In fact, atopic dermatitis is believed to play an important role in allergen sensitization via the damaged skin barrier, leading to allergic diseases such as allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis. The eosinophil, a pro-inflammatory cell that contributes to epithelial damage, is one of the various cells recruited in the inflammatory reactions characterizing these diseases. Few studies were conducted on the transcriptome of this cell type and even less on their specific microRNA (miRNA) profile, which could modulate pathogenesis of allergic diseases and clinical manifestations post-transcriptionally. Actually, their implication in allergic diseases is not fully understood, but they are believed to play a role in inflammation-related patterns and epithelial cell proliferation.

Methods: Next-generation sequencing was performed on RNA samples from eosinophils of individuals with atopic dermatitis, atopy, allergic rhinitis and asthma to obtain differential counts of primary miRNA (pri-miRNA); these were also analyzed for asthma-related phenotypes such as forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), immunoglobulin E (IgE) and provocative concentration of methacholine inducing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (PC20) levels, as well as FEV1 to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio.

Results: Eighteen miRNAs from eosinophils were identified to be significantly different between affected individuals and unaffected ones. Based on counts from these miRNAs, individuals were then clustered into groups using Ward’s method on Euclidian distances. Groups were found to be explained by asthma diagnosis, familial history of respiratory diseases and allergic rhinitis as well as neutrophil counts.

Conclusions: The 18 differential miRNA counts for the studying phenotypes allow a better understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the development of the allergic diseases included in the atopic march.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 9011
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.3390/ijms21239011
Sujets:Sciences de la santé > Sciences médicales > Biologie moléculaire
Sciences de la santé > Sciences médicales > Génétique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences fondamentales
Mots-clés:microRNAs, miRNAs, eosinophils, atopic march, asthma, allergy, gene expression, sequencing
Déposé le:15 févr. 2021 22:39
Dernière modification:15 févr. 2021 22:39
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