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To waste or not to waste? Empirical study of waste minimization behavior

Ertz Myriam, Favier Roxane, Robinot Élisabeth et Sun Shouheng. (2021). To waste or not to waste? Empirical study of waste minimization behavior. Waste Management, 131, p. 443-452.

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This study explores the key variables that influence overall waste minimization behaviors of consumers by augmenting the theory of planned behavior (TPB) with additional variables, including environmental concern, perceived consumer effectiveness, and perceived lack of facilities. Further, subjective norm is replaced by injunctive norm and descriptive norm. A questionnaire was administered to 455 consumers from North America, a region that faces acute waste production challenges. The findings suggest that perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) constitutes the most influential variable to predict zero waste behavior (ZWB) intentions (β = 0.380 p < 0.001), even surpassing perceived behavioral control (PBC) (β = 0.232 p < 0.001), PBC also directly influences ZWB (β = 0.321 p < 0.001), and injunctive norms (β = 0.171 p < 0.05) exert a slightly greater influence than attitudes (β = 0.122 p < 0.001). Importantly, environmental concern is a meaningful antecedent to all belief variables (i.e., control belief [β = 0.689 p < 0.001], normative belief [β = 0.378 p < 0.001], and behavioral belief [β = 0.367p < 0.001]) while exerting an indirect effect on ZWB (β = 0.474 [0.299, 0.523]), especially via attitudes and PBC. Albeit perceived lack of facilities negatively impacts intentions (β = −0.073 p < 0.05), it positively relates ZWB (β = 0.189 p < 0.001) or worsens the effect of intentions on ZWB (β = −0.033 [−0.102, 0.036]). The results deliver crucial insights to devise impactful strategies and formulate sound policies to nudge consumers’ ZWB.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 443-452
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.1016/j.wasman.2021.06.032
Sujets:Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences de la gestion
Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences de la gestion > Marketing
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences économiques et administratives
Mots-clés:Waste minimization, theory of planned behavior, perceived consumer effectiveness, zero waste behavior, environmental concern, perceived lack of facilities
Déposé le:28 sept. 2021 17:03
Dernière modification:16 août 2023 04:00
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