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(1997). Organisation, vol. 6, no 2.

(1997). Organisation, vol. 6, no 1.

(1996). Organisation, vol. 5, no 2.

(1995). Organisation, vol. 5, no 1.

(1995). Organisation, vol. 4, no 2.

(1994). Organisation, vol. 4, no 1.

(1994). Organisation, vol. 3, no 2.

(1994). Organisation, vol. 3, no 1.

(1993). Organisation, vol. 2, no 2.

(1992). Organisation, vol. 1, no Spécial.

(1992). Organisation, vol. 2, no 1.

(1992). Organisation, vol. 1, no 2.

(1991). Organisation, vol. 1, no 1.

(1998). Organisations, vol. 7, no 1.

(2019). Organisations & Territoires, vol. 28, no 2.

(2018). Organisations & Territoires, vol. 27, no 1.

(2022). Organisations et territoires, vol. 31, no 1.

(2022). Organisations et territoires, vol. 31, no 2.

(2022). Organisations et territoires, vol. 31, no 3.

(2021). Organisations et territoires, vol. 30, no 1.

(2021). Organisations et territoires, vol. 30, no 2.

(2021). Organisations et territoires, vol. 30, no 3.

(2020). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 29, no 3.

(2020). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 29, no 2.

(2020). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 29, no 1.

(2019). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 28, no 1.

(2018). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 27, no 2.

(2018). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 27, no 3.

(2017). Organisations et Territoires, vol. 26, no 1-2.

(2016). Organisations et territoires, vol. 25, no 2.

(2016). Organisations et territoires, vol. 25, no 3.

(2015). Organisations et territoires, vol. 24, no 3.

(2015). Organisations et territoires, vol. 24, no 2.

(2015). Organisations et territoires, vol. 24, no 1.

(2014). Organisations et territoires, vol. 23, no 3.

(2014). Organisations et territoires, vol. 23, no 1-2.

(2013). Organisations et territoires, vol. 22, no 3.

(2013). Organisations et territoires, vol. 22, no 1-2.

(2012). Organisations et territoires, vol. 21, no 3.

(2012). Organisations et territoires, vol. 21, no 2.

(2012). Organisations et territoires, vol. 21, no 1.

(2011). Organisations et territoires, vol. 20, no 2-3.

(2011). Organisations et territoires, vol. 20, no 1.

(2010). Organisations et territoires, vol. 19, no 3.

(2010). Organisations et territoires, vol. 19, no 2.

(2010). Organisations et territoires, vol. 19, no 1.

(2009). Organisations et territoires, vol. 18, no 3.

(2009). Organisations et territoires, vol. 18, no 2.

(2009). Organisations et territoires, vol. 18, no 1.

(2008). Organisations et territoires, vol. 17, no 3.

(2008). Organisations et territoires, vol. 17, no 2.

(2008). Organisations et territoires, vol. 17, no 1.

(2007). Organisations et territoires, vol. 16, no 2-3.

(2007). Organisations et territoires, vol. 16, no 1.

(2006). Organisations et territoires, vol. 15, no 3.

(2006). Organisations et territoires, vol. 15, no 1.

(2005). Organisations et territoires, vol. 14, no 3.

(2005). Organisations et territoires, vol. 14, no 2.

(2005). Organisations et territoires, vol. 14, no 1.

(2004). Organisations et territoires, vol. 13, no 3.

(2004). Organisations et territoires, vol. 13, no 2.

(2004). Organisations et territoires, vol. 13, no 1.

(2003). Organisations et territoires, vol. 12, no 3.

(2003). Organisations et territoires, vol. 12, no 2.

(2003). Organisations et territoires, vol. 12, no 1.

(2002). Organisations et territoires, vol. 11, no 3.

(2002). Organisations et territoires, vol. 11, no 2.

(2002). Organisations et territoires, vol. 11, no 1.

(2001). Organisations et territoires, vol. 10, no 3.

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(2000). Organisations et territoires, vol. 9, no 2.

(2000). Organisations et territoires, vol. 9, no 1.

(1999). Organisations et territoires, vol. 8, no 1-2.

(1998). Organisations et territoires, vol. 7, no 2.

Audrain-Pontevia Anne-Françoise, Menvielle Loick et Ertz Myriam. (2019). Effects of three antecedents of patient compliance for users of peer-to-peer online health communities: cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21, (11), e14006.

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Bhutto Muhammad Yaseen, Ertz Myriam, Soomro Yasir Ali, Ali Khan Mussadiq Ali et Ali Waheed. (2022). Adoption of halal cosmetics: extending the theory of planned behavior with moderating role of halal literacy (evidence from Pakistan). Journal of Islamic Marketing,

Bhutto Muhammad Yaseen, Khan Mussadiq Ali, Ertz Myriam et Sun Haowei. (2022). Investigating the Role of Ethical Self-Identity and Its Effect on Consumption Values and Intentions to Adopt Green Vehicles among Generation Z. Sustainability, 14, (5), e3015.

Bhutto Muhammad Yaseen, Rūtelionė Aušra, Šeinauskienė Beata et Ertz Myriam. (2023). Exploring factors of e-waste recycling intention : the case of generation Y. PLOS ONE, 18, (10), e0287435.

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Desjardins France, Ouedraogo Salmata, Bignon Tohon Aurelas, Aouli Essolaba et Bérubé Anne-Marie. (2023). Un environnement capabilisant favorable au déploiement d’un programme canadien d’alimentation scolaire : une étude des composantes individuelles, socioéconomiques et politiques. Revue Organisations & territoires, 32, (1), p. 68-79.

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Ertz Myriam. (2021). Cascades: What is it and how did Ii reach sustainability in a highly competitive sector? Dans Jishnu Bhattacharyya, Manoj Kumar Dash, Chandana Hewege, M.S. Balaji et Weng Marc Lim (dir.), Social and Sustainability Marketing. (1e ed., p. 53-84). New York : Productivity Press.

Ertz Myriam, Addar Walid, Ouerghemmi Chourouk et Takaffoli Mahdi. (2023). Overview of factors influencing consumer engagement with plastic recycling. WIREs Energy and Environment, e493.

Ertz Myriam, Boily Émilie, Sun Shouheng et Sarigöllü Emine. (2022). Role transitions at the prosumer level: Spillover effects in the collaborative economy from an interactive marketing perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 56, (10), p. 2721-2748.

Ertz Myriam, Cioca Lucian-Ionel et Martinez Luis F.. (2023). Editorial: Highlights in environmental psychology: pro-environmental purchase intent. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, e1268177.

Ertz Myriam, Del bono Anaïs, Raufflet Emmanuel et Addar Walid. (2023). Les citoyens recyclent, mais l’industrie est défaillante et le modèle de consommation, jamais remis en question. The Conversation,

Ertz Myriam, Durif Fabian et Arcand Manon. (2015). Online product disposition on the rise : the specific case of online resale. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 32, (5), p. 66-76.

Ertz Myriam, Durif Fabien et Arcand Manon. (2017). Life after death? Study of goods multiple lives practices. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34, (2), p. 108-118.

Ertz Myriam et Elgaaied-Gambier Leila. (2023). Editorial: Meeting of giants: How can technology and consumption team up for sustainability? Frontiers in Sustainability, 4, e1130309.

Ertz Myriam, Favier Roxane, Robinot Élisabeth et Sun Shouheng. (2021). To waste or not to waste? Empirical study of waste minimization behavior. Waste Management, 131, p. 443-452.

Ertz Myriam, François Julien et Durif Fabien. (2017). How consumers react to environmental information : an experimental study. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29, (3), p. 162-178.

Ertz Myriam et Gasteau Florian. (2023). Role of smart technologies for implementing industry 4.0 environment in product lifetime extension towards circular economy: A qualitative research. Heliyon, 9, (6), e16762.

Ertz Myriam, Huang Rong, Jo Myung-Soo, Karakas Fahri et Sarigöllü Emine. (2017). From single-use to multi-use : study of consumers’ behavior toward consumption of reusable containers. Journal of Environmental Management, 193, p. 334-344.

Ertz Myriam, Jo Myung-Soo, Karakas Fahri et Sarigöllü Emine. (2021). Message sidedness effects in advertising: The role of Yin-Yang Balancing theory. Social Sciences, 10, (6), p. 229.

Ertz Myriam, Karakas Fahri et Sarigöllü Emine. (2016). Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers : an analysis of contextual factors, attitude and behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 69, (10), p. 3971-3980.

Ertz Myriam, Karakas Fahri, Stapenhurst Frederick, Draman Rasheed, Sarigöllü Emine et Jo Myung-Soo. (2019). How misconduct in business contributes to understanding the supply side of corruption international business. Critical Perspectives on International Business,

Ertz Myriam et Kubiat Patrick. (2020). The future of sustainable healthcare : extending product lifecycles. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153,

Ertz Myriam et Leblanc-Proulx Sébastien. (2019). Review of a proposed methodology for bibliometric and visualization analyses for organizations: application to the collaboration economy. Journal of Marketing Analytics, p. 1-10.

Ertz Myriam, Leblanc-Proulx Sébastien, Sarigöllü Emine et Morin Vincent. (2019). Advancing quantitative rigor in the circular economy literature: New methodology for product lifetime extension business models. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 150, p. 104437.

Ertz Myriam et Sarigöllü Emine. (2022). Consumer intentions to use collaborative economy platforms: A meta‐analysis. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46, (5), p. 1859-1876.

Ertz Myriam, Sun Shouheng, Boily Emilie, Kubiat Patrick et Quenum Gautier Georges Yao. (2022). How transitioning to Industry 4.0 promotes circular product lifetimes. Industrial Marketing Management, 101, p. 125-140.

Ertz Myriam, Tandon Urvashi, Quenum Gautier Georges Yao, Mohammed Salem et Sun Shouheng. (2022). Consumers’ coping strategies when they feel negative emotions in the face of forced deconsumption during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, e1018290.

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Khural Ram Asra, Ertz Myriam et Cerchione Roberto. (2022). Moving toward sustainability and circularity in hill road construction: A study of barriers, practices, and performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,

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Sajid Muhammed, Zakkariya K.A. et Ertz Myriam. (2023). Beyond the bin: overcoming the intention–behavior gap in zero-waste living. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal,

Salem Mohammed et Ertz Myriam. (2023). “Better start”: promoting breastfeeding through demarketing. BMC Public Health, 23, (1),

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