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Evolution of countermeasures against atmospheric icing of power lines over the past four decades and their applications into field operations

Brettschneider Stephan et Fofana Issouf. (2021). Evolution of countermeasures against atmospheric icing of power lines over the past four decades and their applications into field operations. Energies, 14, (19), p. 6291.

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The reliability and efficiency of power grids directly contribute to the economic well-being and quality of life of citizens in any country. This reliability depends, among other things, on the power lines that are exposed to different kinds of factors such as lightning, pollution, ice storm, wind, etc. In particular, ice and snow are serious threats in various areas of the world. Under certain conditions, outdoor equipment and hardware may experience various problems: cracking, fatigue, wear, flashover, etc. In actual fact, a variety of countermeasures has been proposed over the past decades and a certain number have been applied by utilities in various countries. This contribution presents the status and current trends of different techniques against atmospheric icing of power lines. A snapshot look at some significant development on this topic over the last four decades is addressed. Engineering problems in utilizing these techniques, their applications, and perspectives are also foreseen. The latest up-to-date review papers on the applications and challenges in terms of PhD thesis, journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, and web materials are reported.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 6291
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:2 Octobre 2021
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie > Génie électrique et génie électronique
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées > Module d'ingénierie
Unités de recherche > Centre international de recherche sur le givrage atmosphérique et l’ingénierie des réseaux électriques (CENGIVRE)
Mots-clés:overhead power lines, atmospheric icing, power outage, anti-icing, de-icing, line design, passive devices, coatings, mechanical methods, thermal methods, lignes électriques aériennes, givrage atmosphérique, panne de courant, antigivrage, dégivrage, conception de lignes, dispositifs passifs, revêtements, méthodes mécaniques, méthodes thermiques
Déposé le:20 oct. 2021 22:28
Dernière modification:20 oct. 2021 22:28
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