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Genetic heterogeneity in regional populations of Quebec : parental lineages in the Gaspe Peninsula

Moreau Claudia, Vézina Hélène, Yotova Vania, Hamon Robert, de Knijff Peter, Sinnett Daniel et Labuda Damian. (2009). Genetic heterogeneity in regional populations of Quebec : parental lineages in the Gaspe Peninsula. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 139, (4), p. 512-522.

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Stable colonization of the Gaspe Peninsula by Europeans started in the middle of the 18th century at the time of the British conquest of New France. The earliest settlers were Acadians, escaping British deportation policies, followed by Loyalists from the US, who preferred to remain under British rule after the Declaration of Independence. In the 19th century, the developing fishing industry attracted French Canadians from the St. Lawrence Valley and newcomers from Europe including Channel Islanders from Jersey and Guernsey. We analyzed parental lineages of the self-declared descendants of these four groups of settlers by mtDNA D-loop sequencing and Y-chromosome genotyping and compared them with French, British, and Irish samples. Their representation in terms of haplotype frequency classes reveals different signatures of founder effects, such as a loss of rare haplotypes, modification of intermediate frequency haplotypes, reduction in genetic diversity (seen in Acadians), but also enrichment by admixture. Parental lineages correlate with group identity. Descendants of early settlers, Acadians and Loyalists, preserved their identity more than those of French Canadian and Channel Islander “latecomers.” Although overall genetic diversity among Gaspesians is comparable with their European source populations, FST analysis indicated their greater differentiation. Distinct settlement history, a limited number of founders and relative genetic isolation contributed to the regionalization of the Quebec gene pool that appears less homogenous than usually anticipated.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 512-522
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.1002/ajpa.21012
Sujets:Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences humaines > Histoire
Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences sociales > Démographie
Sciences de la santé > Sciences médicales > Génétique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences humaines
Mots-clés:parental lineages, colonization of Quebec, haplotype frequency classes
Déposé le:08 oct. 2022 19:53
Dernière modification:08 oct. 2022 19:53
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