Constellation, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Season of birth and Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean/Québec (IMAGE Project)

Vézina Hélène, Houde Louis, Charbonneau H., Beaudry M., Cholette A., Daoud N., Mathieu J., Robitaille Y., Veilleux F. et Gauvreau D.. (1996). Season of birth and Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean/Québec (IMAGE Project). Psychological Medicine, 26, (1), p. 143-149.

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The birth distribution of 399 cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) identified in the region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean (Québec) was compared with that of: (a) the population currently living in the area; and (b) the population born during the same period in the area. AD cases have been recruited since 1986 by the IMAGE Project. Cases and controls were grouped according to the month of birth and according to the day of birth using density estimation. Analyses showed a significant deficit of births in the month of May. We believe these preliminary results deserve further attention and we suggest two possible explanations that could lead to a deficit of AD births at specific periods during the year.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Pages:p. 143-149
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:Janvier 1996
Identifiant unique:10.1017/S003329170003378X
Sujets:Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences humaines > Histoire
Sciences sociales et humaines > Sciences sociales > Démographie
Sciences de la santé > Sciences médicales > Génétique
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences humaines
Mots-clés:Alzheimer, Saguenay—Lac-St-Jean, démographie
Déposé le:21 oct. 2022 19:00
Dernière modification:21 oct. 2022 19:00
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