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Enhanced Mechanical Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Al–Ni‐Based Conductor Cast Alloys Containing Mg and Si

Algendy Ahmed Y., Javidani Mousa, Khangholi Siamak Nikzad, Pan Lei et Chen X.-Grant. (2023). Enhanced Mechanical Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Al–Ni‐Based Conductor Cast Alloys Containing Mg and Si. Advanced Engineering Materials, e2301241.

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The electrical conductivity (EC), mechanical strength, hot tearing susceptibility (HTS), and related microstructure of Al– x Ni–0.55Mg–0.55Si conductor alloys ( x = 1–4 wt%) are investigated. Adding Mg and Si into Al–Ni‐based alloys, numerous β″/β′ precipitate after T5 and T6 treatments, thus significantly improving the EC and mechanical strength. The HTS of the alloys reduces significantly as the Ni content increases, mainly because of an increase in the eutectic Al–Al 3 Ni and a reduction in the grain size. Under T5 condition, the tensile strengths increase gradually with the Ni content and reach a medium strength level, with yield strength (YS) of 158–205 MPa and EC of 47.1–50.7% IACS. After applying T6, all alloys achieve a high strength, with YS of 246–287 MPa and EC of 47.7–51.1% IACS. However, the strength decreases with increasing Ni content. In general, the Al3Ni–0.55Mg–0.55Si alloy presents a better trade‐off among HTS, YS, and EC among the four alloys investigated. Due to its excellent properties (EC of 49.4% IACS and YS of 178 MPa in T5, and EC of 49.7% IACS and YS of 250 MPa in T6), the Al3Ni–0.55Mg–0.55Si alloy is a promising material for the fabrication of Al conductor cast alloys.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Date:27 Novembre 2023
Identifiant unique:10.1002/adem.202301241
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie > Génie des matériaux et génie métallurgique
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées > Module d'ingénierie
Mots-clés:Al-Ni-based conductor alloys, mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, T5 and T6 heat treatment, hot tearing susceptibility, alliages conducteurs à base d'Al-Ni, résistance mécanique, conductivité électrique, traitement thermique T5 et T6, susceptibilité à la déchirure à chaud
Déposé le:18 déc. 2023 18:53
Dernière modification:27 nov. 2024 05:00
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