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Advancements in rock block volume calculation by analytical method for geological engineering applications

Koulibaly Aboubacar Sidiki, Shahbazi Alireza, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain, Quirion Marco et Chesnaux Romain. (2023). Advancements in rock block volume calculation by analytical method for geological engineering applications. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, e344.

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The shape, the volume, and the distribution of the rock blocks represent important geomechanical factors of a rock mass behavior in engineering works. Several methods have been developed for estimating these parameters, including numerical models, as well as analytical and empirical methods. However, their determination in actual in-situ conditions can be quite challenging. The existing analytical methods show limitations in determining the in-situ rock blocks volume. Numerical models provide more reliable estimates of these parameters, but they are not accessible to all, and they require a good working knowledge. Increasing the accuracy of existing analytical methods, or developing more reliable and accessible methods, are more realistic approaches to obtain better estimates of rock block volumes. This paper presents a new method to obtain more accurate estimates of in-situ rock block volume. The method is developed for rock a mass consisting of three persistent joint sets, each set having constant spacing and orientation values. It is based on vector products to obtain exact block volumes, an improvement as compared to previous methods. The volumes of the rock blocks are calculated through the multiplication of the blocks’ edge vector. The results of the developed equation are validated with the output of numerical simulations using 3DEC version 7.0 software, and the results indicate that the developed method makes it possible to determine in-situ rock block volume more reliably than the existing methods.

Type de document:Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation
Version évaluée par les pairs:Oui
Identifiant unique:10.1007/s12665-023-11027-6
Sujets:Sciences naturelles et génie > Génie
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences appliquées
Sciences naturelles et génie > Sciences naturelles > Sciences de la terre (géologie, géographie)
Département, module, service et unité de recherche:Unités de recherche > Chaire de recherche du Canada en prévision et prévention des risques liés aux aléas hydro-géotechniques (P2GeoRISQUE)
Départements et modules > Département des sciences appliquées > Unité d'enseignement en sciences de la Terre
Mots-clés:block volume, rock mass, analytical method, vector multiplication, volume de bloc, massif rocheux, méthode analytique, multiplication vectorielle
Déposé le:08 août 2023 18:34
Dernière modification:27 juin 2024 04:00
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