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Abi Attoumane. (2023). Regional groundwater levels in crystalline aquifers: structural domains, groundwater level monitoring, and factors controlling the response time and variability. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Abi Attoumane, Walter Julien, Saeidi Ali et Chesnaux Romain. (2022). A cluster-based multiparametric similarity test for the compartmentalization of crystalline rocks into structural domains. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,

Abi Attoumane, Walter Julien, Saeidi Ali et Chesnaux Romain. (2021). A similarity test for the compartementalization of crystalline rocks into structural domains. Dans : EGU General Assembly 2021 , 19–30 April 2021, Gather Online.

Adombi Adoubi Vincent de Paul. (2024). Développement de modèles d'apprentissage automatique guidés par la théorie en hydrogéologie. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Adombi Adoubi Vincent De Paul, Chesnaux Romain et Boucher Marie-Amélie. (2021). Review: Theory-guided machine learning applied to hydrogeology—state of the art, opportunities and future challenges. Hydrogeology Journal, 29, p. 2671-2683.

Ahmad Ijaz, Richards Jeremy P., Pearson D. Graham, Liu Jingao, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Jugo Pedro J., Shah Muhammad T., Leybourne Matthew et Jagoutzs Oliver. (2021). Fractionation of sulfide phases controls the chalcophile metal budget of arc magmas: evidence from the Chilas complex, Kohistan arc, Pakistan. Dans Ali Sholeh et Rui Wangh (dir.), Tectonomagmatic Influences on Metallogeny and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: A Tribute to Jeremy P. Richards (Volume II). (p. 297-310). Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists. Littleton, Colorado : Society of Economic Geologists.

Ahmadou Youssoufou Youssouf. (2019). Origine des granophyres du Complexe du Lac Doré (CLD) et minéralisations associées, région de Chibougamau, Sous-province de l’Abitibi (Québec). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Allou Assaoulé Benjamin. (2005). Facteurs, paramètres, dynamique de distribution et genèse des dépôts de columbo-tantalite d'Issia, centre-ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi..

Alves Adriana, de Souza Pereira Giovanna, de Assis Janasi Valdecir, Higgins Michael D., Polo Liza Angelica, Stanley Juriaans Orlando et Vieira Ribeiro Bruno. (2015). The origin of felsic microgranitoid enclaves: Insights from plagioclase crystal size distributions and thermodynamic models. Lithos, 239, p. 33-44.

Andreoli Marco A.G., Maier Wolfgang D., McDonald Iain, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Roelofse Frederick, Cloete M.C., Okujeni C. et Hart R.J.. (2008). Siderophile minerals in the melt Sheet of the Morokweng impact crater, South Africa : similarities and differences with the Sudbury deposits. Dans : LPI Contributions, Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, August 17-21, 2008, Vredefort Dome, South Africa , August 17-21, 2008, Vredefort Dome, South Africa.

Arandia Martinez Fabian Tito. (2015). Conception d'un système de prévisions hydrologiques d'ensemble multimodèle en contexte opérationnel. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Arguin Jean-Philippe. (2015). L'effet de la cristallisation de la chromite sur le fractionnement de l'osmium, de l'iridium, du ruthenium et du rhodium dans les magmas picritiques : exemple de la Grande Province ignée d'Emeishan, sud-ouest de la Chine. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Arguin Jean-Philippe, Pagé Philippe, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Girard Réjean et Duran Charley J.. (2018). An integrated model for ilmenite, Al-spinel, and corundum exsolutions in titanomagnetite from oxide-rich layers of the Lac Doré Complex (Québec, Canada). Minerals, 8, (11), p. 476.

Arguin Jean-Philippe, Pagé Philippe, Barnes Sarah-Jane, Yu Song-Yue et Song Xie-Yan. (2016). The effect of chromite crystallization on the distribution of osmium, iridium, ruthenium and rhodium in picritic magmas : an example from the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, Southwestern China. Journal of Petrology, 57, (5), p. 1019-1047.

Arguin Jean-Philippe, Pagé Philippe, Girard Réjean et Barnes Sarah-Jane. The spatial variation of mineralogy in the vanadiferous magnetite deposit of the Lac Doré Complex (Chibougamau, Québec) and its implications on the chemical purity of magnetite concentrates. Dans : 14th SGA Biennial Meeting - Mineral Resources to Discover , 20-23 aout 2017, Quebec, QC.

Askaripour Mahdi, Saeidi Ali, Rouleau Alain et Mercier-Langevin Patrick. (2022). Rockburst in underground excavations: A review of mechanism, classification, and prediction methods. Underground Space,

Aubin Alexandre. (2004). The Schakalsberg seamount : physical volcanology, structure, alteration and mineralization. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Aubin Mélanie. (2018). Détermination de la densité optimale pour la séparation des fractions organiques et minérales des sédiments lacustres nordiques dans la perspective d'étudier les phases cumulatives des métaux. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Audet Marc-Antoine. (2009). Le massif du Koniambo, Nouvelle-Calédonie : formation et obduction d'un complexe ophiolitique du type SSZ : enrichissement en nickel, cobalt et scandium dans les profils résiduels. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Augustin Jérôme. (2017). Étude des minéralisations aurifères du district de Mana, Burkina Faso. Évolution hydrothermale d’un système aurifère et contraintes tectono-métamorphiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

B. Gagné Emmanuelle. (2014). Caractérisation d'aquifères régionaux en socle rocheux à partir de mines souterraines. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Bachmann Roger W., Canfield Daniel E., Sharma Sapna et Lecours Vincent. (2020). Warming of near-surface summer water temperatures in Lakes of the Conterminous United States. Water, 12, (12), e3381.

Bachmann Roger W., Sharma Sapna, Canfield Daniel E. et Lecours Vincent. (2019). The distribution and prediction of summer near-surface water temperatures in lakes of the Coterminous United States and Southern Canada. Geosciences, 9, (7), e296.

Bagheri Hamed et Lecours Vincent. (2012). Benthic habitat mapping using high-Resolution image mosaicking. Sea Technology, 53, (10), p. 15-20.

Bahri El Mustapha. (2007). Caractérisation spectrale de la dégradation des milieux naturels en régions semi-arides, à partir des données ASTER : cas du Moyen Atlas au Maroc. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Bai Liping, Barnes Sarah-Jane et Baker Don R.. (2017). Sperrylite saturation in magmatic sulfide melts: implications for formation of PGE-bearing arsenides and sulfarsenides. American Mineralogist, 102, (5), p. 966-974.

Baker Don R., Barnes Sarah-Jane, Simon Gail et Bernier Frederic. (2001). Fluid transport of sulfur and metals between sulfide melt and basaltic melt. The Canadian mineralogist, 39, (2), p. 537-546.

Baker Don R., Mancini L., Polacci M., Higgins Michael D., Gualda G.A.R., Hill R.J. et Rivers M.L.. (2012). An introduction to the application of X-ray microtomography to the three-dimensional study of igneous rocks. Lithos, 148, p. 262-276.

Bandyayera Daniel. (1997). Formation des latérites nickélifères et mode de distribution des éléments du groupe du platine dans les profils latéritiques du complexe de Musongati, Burundi. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Bao Zhiwei. (2001). Geochemistry of the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in Southwestern Guizhou Province, China. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Barbe Patrice. (2011). Caractérisation d'une minéralisation aurifère centrée sur une brèche intrusive, propriété Dubuisson, Val d'Or, Québec, Canada. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Barde-Cabusson S., Finizola A., Peltier A., Chaput M., Taquet N., Dumont S., Duputel Z., Guy A., Mathieu Lucie, Saumet S., Sorbadère F. et Vieille M.. (2012). Structural control of collapse events inferred by self-potential mapping on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 209-210, p. 9-18.

Barde-Cabusson S., Levieux G., Lénat J.-F., Finizola A., Revil A., Chaput M., Dumont S., Duputel Z., Guy A., Mathieu Lucie, Saumet S., Sorbadère F. et Vieille M.. (2009). Transient self-potential anomalies associated with recent lava flows at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 187, (3-4), p. 158-166.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Achterbergh Esme Van, Makovicky Emil et Li Chusi. (2001). Proton microprobe results for the partitioning of platinum-group elements between monosulphide solid solution and sulphide liquid. South african journal of geology, 104, p. 275-286.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2007). Application of LA-ICP-MS analyses to the formation of ni-sulfide ore deposits. Dans : 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting , 28-31 October 2007, Denver, CO.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. Chalcophile element concentrations in magmatic nickel sulphide deposits. Dans : 14th SGA Biennial Meeting - Mineral Resources to Discover , 20-23 aout 2017, Quebec, QC.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2016). Chalcophile Elements. Dans William M. White (dir.), Encyclopedia of geochemistry. (p. 1-5). Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1998). Elements : platinum group. Dans Clare P. Marshall et Rhodes W. Fairbridge (dir.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry. (p. 218-219). Heidelberg, Germany : Springer Netherlands. ISBN 0412755009 978-0-412-75500-2

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1991). Friends of Igneous Rocks : fifth annual meeting. Geoscience Canada, 18, (1), p. 19.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2004). Large igneous provinces as the sites of magmatic (platinum-group element and nickel) ore deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68, (11), A583.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2003). A mass balance of the platinum-group elements for the entire bushveld complex. Dans : 2003 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition , November 2-5, 2003, Seattle, Washington.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1983). Pan-African serpentinites in central south west Africa/Namibia and the chemical classification of serpentinites. Dans R. McG. Miller (dir.), Evolution of the Damara Orogen of South West Africa/Namibia. (p. 147-155). Special publication (Geological Society of Southe Africa) : National Geodynamics Programme. Johannesburg : Geological Society of South Africa.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1987). The petrography and geochemistry of komatiite flows from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and a model for their formation — Reply. Lithos, 20, (2), p. 182-185.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1985). The petrography and geochemistry of komatiite flows from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and a model for their formation. Lithos, 18, p. 241-270.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1987). Unusual nickel and copper to noble-metal ratios from the Råna Layered Intrusion, northern Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology / Norsk geologisk tidsskrift, 67, (3), p. 215-231.

Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1990). The use of metal ratios in prospecting for platinum-group element deposits in mafic and ultramafic intrusions. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 37, (1), p. 91-99.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Boyd Rognvald, Korneliussen A., Nilsson L.P., Often Morten, Pedersen R.B. et Robins B.. (1988). The use of mantle normalization and metal ratios in discriminating between the effects of partial melting, crystal fractionation and sulphide segregation on Platinum-Group Elements, gold, nickel and copper : examples from Norway. Dans Hazel Margaret Prichard, P. J. Potts, J. F. W. Bowles et S. J. Cribb (dir.), Geo-Platinum 87. (p. 113-143). Netherlands : Springer Netherlands.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Brenan James. (2012). Introduction to a special issue on geochemistry of chalcophile and siderophile elements. Chemical Geology, 302-303, p. 1-2.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Couture Jean-François, Sawyer Edward W. et Bouchaib Chakib. (1993). Nickel-copper occurrences in the Belleterre-Angliers Belt of the Pontiac Subprovince and the use of Cu-Pd ratios in interpreting platinum-group element distributions. Economic Geology, 88, (6), p. 1402-1418.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A., Prichard Hazel Margaret, Fisher Peter C., McDonald Iain, Maier Wolfgang D. et Andreoli Marco A.G.. (2008). Siderophile and chalcophile elements in sulphides from the Morokweng LL meteorite and implications for platinum-group element deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, 72, (12), A57.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2005). Cobalt, gold and platinum-group element distribution in compositionally zoned sulphide droplets from the Medvezhy Creek Mine, Noril’sk, Russia. Dans : 10th International Platinum Symposium, "Platinum-Group Elements - from Genesis to Beneficiation and Environmental Impacts" , August 8-11, 2005, Oulu, Finlande.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2006). Platinum-group element, gold, silver and base metal distribution in compositionally zoned sulfide droplets from the Medvezky Creek Mine, Noril'sk, Russia. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 152, (2), p. 187-200.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Cox Richard A. et Zientek Michael L.. (2006). Platinum-group element, gold, silver and base metal distribution in compositionally zoned sulfide droplets from the Medvezky Creek Mine, Noril’sk, Russia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 152, (2), p. 187-200.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Crocket James H.. (2001). Ore-forming processes in dynamic magmatic systems : preface. Canadian Mineralogist, 39, (2), p. 419-420.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Dare Sarah A. S.. (2010). Pd diffusion into pentlandite evidence from laser ablation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, (12), A54.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Djon Moïse Lionnel N.. (2012). Reply to comments by LJ Cabri on "Changes in sulfides and platinum-group minerals with the degree of alteration in the Roby, Twilight, and High Grade Zones of the Lac des Iles Complex, Ontario, Canada". Mineralium Deposita, 47, (8), p. 953-956.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Duke J.Murray. (1990). Advances in the study of platinum-group elements : preface. Canadian Mineralogist, 28, (3), p. 377-378.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Francis Don. (1995). The distribution of platinum-group elements, nickel, copper, and gold in the Muskox layered intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada. Economic Geology, 90, (1), p. 135-154.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Giovenazzo Danielle. (1990). Platinum-group elements in the Bravo intrusion, Cape Smith Fold Belt, Northern Quebec. Canadian Mineralogist, 28, (3), p. 431-449.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Gomwe Tafadzwa Sharon. (2011). The Pd deposits of the Lac des Iles Complex, Northwestern Ontario. Reviews in Economic Geology, 17, p. 351-370.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Gorton M.P. et Naldrett Anthony J.. (1983). A comparative study of olivine and clinopyroxene spinifex flows from Alexo, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 83, (3), p. 293-308.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Lightfoot Peter C.. (2005). Formation of magmatic nickel-sulfide ore deposits and processses affecting their copper and platinum-group element contents. Dans J.W. Hedenquist, J.F.H. Thompson, R.J. Goldfarb et J.P. Richards (dir.), Economic geology 100th anniversary volume : 1905-2005. (p. 179-213). Littleton, CO : Society of Economic Geologist.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Maier Wolfgang D.. (1999). The fractionation of Ni, Cu and the noble metals in silicate and sulphide liquids. Short Course Notes - Geological Association of Canada, 13, p. 69-106.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Maier Wolfgang D.. (2002). Plaitnum-Group Elements in the Upper Zone of the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex : preliminary results from the Bellevue Borehole. Dans : 9th International Platinum Symposium , July 21-25, 2002, Billings, Montana: Durham, Duke University.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Maier Wolfgang D.. (2002). Platinum-group element distributions in the Rustenberg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Dans Louis J. Cabri (dir.), The geology, geochemistry, mineralogy and mineral beneficiation of platinum-group elements. (Special Volume 54, 54, p. 431-458). Montréal : Canadian Institute of Mining.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Maier Wolfgang D.. (2002). Platinum-group element distributions in the Rustenburg layered suite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Dans Louis J. Cabri (dir.), The geology, geochemistry, mineralogy and mineral beneficiation of platinum-group elements. (Special Vo, p. 431-458). Montréal, Québec : Canadian Institute of Mining.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Maier Wolfgang D.. (2002). Platinum-group elements and microstructures of normal Merensky Reef from Impala Platinum Mines, Bushveld Complex. Journal of Petrology, 43, (1), p. 103-128.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Maier Wolfgang D. et Ashwal Lewis D.. (2004). Platinum-group element distribution in the Main Zone and Upper Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Chemical geology, 208, (1-4), p. 293-317.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Maier Wolfgang D. et Ashwal Lewis D.. (2004). Platinum-group element distribution in the Main Zone and Upper Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Chemical Geology, 208, (1-4), p. 293-317.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Maier Wolfgang D. et Curl Edward A.. (2010). Composition of the marginal rocks and sills of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex, South Africa : implications for the formation of the platinum-group element deposits. Economic Geology, 105, (8), p. 1491-1511.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Maier Wolfgang D. et Curl Edward A.. (2011). Is the platinum in the Bushveld complex derived from the lithospheric mantle? Mineralogical Magazine, 75, (3), p. 488.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Makovicky Emil, Karup-Moller S., Makovicky M. et Rose-Hansen John. (1994). Partition coefficients for Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ir between monosulphide solid solution and sulphide liquid and the implications for the formation of compositionally zoned Ni-Cu sulphide bodies by fractional crystallization of sulphide liquid. Mineralogical Magazine, 58A (A-K), p. 51-52.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Makovicky Emil, Makovicky M., Rose-Hansen John et Karup-Moller S.. (1997). Partition coefficients for Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ir between monosulfide solid solution and sulfide liquid and the formation of compositionally zoned Ni – Cu sulfide bodies by fractional crystallization of sulfide liquid. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, (4), p. 366-374.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Mansur Eduardo T.. (2022). Distribution of Te, As, Bi, Sb, and Se in mid-ocean ridge basalt and komatiites and in picrites and basalts from large igneous provinces: Implications for the formation of magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum group element deposits. Economic Geology, 117, (8), p. 1919-1933.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Mansur Eduardo T.. (2020). The Use of mantle normalization of TABS to deduce the effects of sulfide segregation, crustal assimilation and magma degassing in mafic lavas. Dans : 14th International Ni-Cu-PGE Symposium , 24 November 2020, En ligne.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Mansur Eduardo T., Maier Wolfgang D. et Prevec Stephen A.. (2022). A comparison of trace element concentrations in chromite from komatiites, picrites, and layered intrusions: implications for the formation of massive chromite layers. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Mansur Eduardo T. et Pagé Philippe. (2022). Differences in composition of chromites from low-Ti and high-Ti picrites of the Emeishan large igneous province and comparison with chromites of the UG-2 platinum-deposit of the Bushveld Complex. Lithos, 412-413, e106613.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Mansur Eduardo T., Pagé Philippe, Meric Julien et Arguin Jean-Philippe. (2020). A comparison of major and trace element compositions of chromites from the Stillwater, Bushveld and Great Dyke layered intrusions with chromites from komatiites, boninites and large igneous provinces. Dans : EGU General Assembly 2020 , 4-8 May 2020, En ligne.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Mansur Eduardo T., Pagé Philippe, Meric Julien et Arguin Jean-Philippe. (2020). Major and trace element compositions of chromites from the Stillwater, Bushveld and Great Dyke intrusions compared with chromites from komatiites, boninites and large igneous provinces. Dans : 14th International Nickel Symposium and Naldrett Memorial , 4-11 September 2020, En ligne.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Melezhik Victor A. et Sokolov Stanislav V.. Chalcophile element concentrations in the Pechenga sulphides : comparison with the Cape Smith sulphides. Dans : IGCP Project 427 - Abstracts from the 1999 field conference in Rouyn-Noranda on Ore Forming Processes in Dynamic Magmatic Systems , 15-17 July 1999, Rouyn-Noranda, QC.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Melezhik Victor A. et Sokolov Stanislav V.. (2001). The composition and mode of formation of the Pechenga nickel deposits, Kola Peninsula, northwestern Russia. The Canadian Mineralogist, 39, (2), p. 447-471.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Naldrett Anthony J.. (1987). Fractionation of the platinum-group elements and gold in some komatiites of the Abitibi greenstone belt, northern Ontario. Economic Geology, 82, (1), p. 165-183.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Naldrett Anthony J. et Gorton M.P.. (1985). The origin of the fractionation of platinum-group elements in terrestrial magmas. Chemical Geology, 53, (3), p. 303-323.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Often Morten. (1988). Are aluminum-depleted/group II type komatiites formed by contamination rather than by garnet segregation? Chemical Geology, 70, (1-2), p. 140.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Often Morten. (1990). Ti-rich komatiites from northern Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105, (1), p. 42-54.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Pagé Philippe. (2012). The composition of the stillwater and bushveld parental magmas. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, (6), p. 1457.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Pagé Philippe, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Zientek Michael L. et Fisher Peter C.. (2016). Chalcophile and platinum-group element distribution in the Ultramafic series of the Stillwater Complex, MT, USA — implications for processes enriching chromite layers in Os, Ir, Ru, and Rh. Mineralium Deposita, 51, (1), p. 25-47.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Pagé Philippe, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Zientek Michael L. et Fisher Peter Charles. (2014). Processes leading to concentration of platinum-group elements in chromite rich rocks. Dans : 12th International Platinum Symposium , 11-14 August 2014, Yekateringurg, Urals, Russia.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Pagé Philippe et Zientek Michael L.. Chalcophile element distribution in the lower banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA. Dans : 13th International Platinum Symposium , June 30-July 6 2018, Polokwane, South Africa.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Pagé Philippe et Zientek Michael L.. (2020). The Lower Banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana: whole-rock lithophile, chalcophile, and platinum-group element distributions. Mineralium Deposita, 55, p. 163-186.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Pagé Philippe et Zientek Michael L.. (2018). Whole-rock geochemistry in the ultramafic and lower banded series of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA. Dans : Wager and Brown Workshop on Layered Intrusions , June 27-30 2018, Polokwane, South Africa.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Peregoedova Anna et Baker Don R.. (2005). Transport of Au, platinum-group elements, Ni and Cu in a S-vapor. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, 69, (10), A740.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Picard C.P.. (1993). The behaviour of platinum-group elements during partial melting, crystal fractionation, and sulphide segregation : an example from the Cape Smith Fold Belt, northern Quebec. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57, (1), p. 79-87.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Picard C.P., Giovenazzo Danielle et Tremblay C.. (1992). The composition of nickel‐copper sulphide deposits and their host rocks from the Cape Smith Fold Belt, Northern Quebec. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, (3), p. 335-347.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Cox Richard A., Fisher Peter C. et Godel Bélinda. (2007). Highly siderophile elements in platinum-group element ore deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (15), A62.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Prichard Hazel Margaret, Cox Richard A., Fisher Peter C. et Godel Bélinda. (2008). The location of the chalcophile and siderophile elements in platinum-group element ore deposits (a textural, microbeam and whole rock geochemical study) : implications for the formation of the deposits. Chemical Geology, 248, (3), p. 295-317.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Ripley Edward M.. (2016). Highly siderophile and strongly chalcophile elements in magmatic ore deposits. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 81, (1), p. 725-774.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Savard Dany, Bédard L. Paul et Maier Wolfgang D.. (2009). Selenium and sulfur concentrations in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa and implications for formation of the platinum-group element deposits. Mineralium deposita, 44, (6), p. 647-663.

Barnes Sarah-Jane et Sawyer Edward W.. (1980). An alternative model for the Damara Mobile Belt : ocean crust subduction and continental convergence. Precambrian Research, 13, (4), p. 297-336.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Zientek Michael L. et Severson Mark J.. (1997). Ni, Cu, Au, and platinum-group element contents of sulphides associated with intraplate magmatism : a synthesis. Canadian journal of earth sciences, 34, (4), p. 337-351.

Barnes Sarah-Jane, Zientek Michael L. et Severson Mark J.. (1997). Ni, Cu, Au, and platinum-group element contents of sulphides associated with intraplate magmatism : a synthesis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, (4), p. 337-351.

Barnes Stephen J. et Barnes Sarah-Jane. (1990). A new interpretation of the Katiniq nickel deposit, Ungava, northern Quebec. Economic Geology, 85, (6), p. 1269-1272.

Barros Daniela de França, Petrere Miguel, Lecours Vincent, Butturi-Gomes Davi, Castello Leandro et Isaac Victoria Judith. (2020). Effects of deforestation and other environmental variables on floodplain fish catch in the Amazon. Fisheries Research, 230, (e105643),

Beaudry Dominique. (1992). Analyse structurale des assemblages volcanosédimentaires au voisinage de la faille Porcupine-Destor, Abitibi, Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Beaulieu Alexandre. (2004). Propriétés invariantes d'échelle et anisotropes de morphologies d'érosion fluviatile. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi ..

Bédard L. Paul. (1996). Archean High-Mg Quartz-Monzodiorite Suite : A Re-evaluation of the Parental Magma and Differentiation. The Journal of Geology, 104, (6), p. 713-728.

Bédard L. Paul. (1992). Géochimie et pétrographie du pluton archéen Houghton en Abitbi nord. i.e. Abitibi. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Bédard L. Paul. (2017). GGR 2017 Review : Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 41, (4), p. 522-524.

Bédard L. Paul et Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2002). A comparison of N-type semi-planar and coaxial INAA detectors for 33 geochemical reference samples. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 254, (3), p. 485-497.

Bédard L. Paul et Barnes Sarah-Jane. (2002). A comparison of N-type semi-planar and coaxial INAA detectors for 33 geochemical reference samples. Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry, 254, (3), p. 485-497.

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