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Regroupement : Aucun | Auteur | Type de document | Date
Aller à 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2006 | 2004
Nombre de documents archivés : 65.


Jamali Abdeslam, Snaiki Reda et Rahem Ahmed. (2025). Towards accurate ice accretion and galloping risk maps for Quebec: A data-driven approach. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 233, e104460.


Perron Jean. (2024). Hubble Tension Explanation from This Cosmological Model AΛΩ (Slow Bang Model, SB). Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 10, (1), p. 106-125.

Verreault Antoine, Cicek Paul-Vahé et Robichaud Alexandre. (2024). Oversampling ADC: A review of recent design trends. IEEE Access, 12, p. 121753-121779.


Cerclet Tobie, Guérin Julie Élize, Savard Véronique, Zarrougui Ramzi, Simard Marie-Christine, Côté Marie, Boucher Jean-François et Chesnaux Romain. (2023). Cover layer design based on bauxite residue for ecological restoration: A Northern climatic zone study case—geochemical phase. Dans B Abbasi, J Parshley, A Fourie et M Tibbett (dir.), Mine Closure 2023: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mine Closure. (p. 1-14). Perth : Australian Centre for Geomechanics.


Hidouri Slah, Jafari Reza, Fournier Claire, Girard Catherine et Momen Gelareh. (2022). Formulation of nanohybrid coating based on essential oil and fluoroalkyl silane for antibacterial superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Surface Science Advances, 9, e100252.


Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Contention Based Medium Access Control Protocol for Point-To-Multipoint Backhaul Networks in the 3.65 GHz Band. Dans : 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting , 4-10 December 2021, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Computing techniques for environmental research and public health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (18), e9851.

Jeon Gwanggil et Chehri Abdellah. (2021). Special issue on applied computational intelligence. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33, (22),

Segning Colince Meli, Ezzaidi Hassan, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Ngomo Suzy. (2021). A neurophysiological pattern as a precursor of work-related musculoskeletal disorders using EEG combined with EMG. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (4), p. 2001.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2021). Hurricane risk assessment of offshore wind turbines under a changing climate scenario. Dans : IABSE Congress : Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs , 22 to 24 September 2021, Ghent, Belgique.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2021). Reduced-order modeling with efficient data assimilation: A real-time prediction framework for wind-turbine wakes. Dans : 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability , 2021, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.


Agbe Henry, Sarkar Dilip K. et Chen X-Grant. (2020). Tunable Superhydrophobic Aluminum Surfaces with Anti-Biofouling and Antibacterial Properties. Coatings, 10, (10), p. 982.

Kijewski-Correa Tracy, Taflanidis Alexandros, Vardeman Charles, Sweet James, Zhang Jize, Snaiki Reda, Wu Teng, Silver Zachariah et Kennedy Andrew. (2020). Geospatial environments for hurricane risk assessment: Applications to situational awareness and resilience planning in New Jersey. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6, p. 549106.

Li S., Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2020). Active simulation of transient wind fields in a multiple-fan wind tunnel via deep reinforcement learning. Dans : Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference , May 26-29, 2020, New York, United States.

Rakhmonov Jovid, Liu Kun, Pan Lei, Breton Francis et Chen X-Grant. (2020). Enhanced mechanical properties of high-temperature-resistant Al–Cu cast alloy by microalloying with Mg. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827, (154305),

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2020). Hurricane hazard assessment along the United States northeastern coast: Surface wind and rain fields under changing climate. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6, p. 573054.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2020). Revisiting hurricane track model for wind risk assessment. Structural Safety, 87, p. 102003.

Snaiki Reda, Wu Teng, Whittaker Andrew S. et Atkinson Joseph F.. (2020). Hurricane wind and storm surge effects on coastal bridges under a changing climate. Transportation research record, 2674, (6), p. 23-32.

Snaiki Reda, Wu Teng, Whittaker Andrew S. et Atkinson Joseph F.. (2020). Hurricane wind and storm surge effects on coastal bridges under a changing climate. Dans : Proceedings of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting , Jan 12-16, 2020, Washington, D.C, USA..

Vaidis Maxime et Otis Martin J.-D.. (2020). Toward a robot swarm protecting a group of migrants. Intelligent Service Robotics, 13, p. 299-314.

Vazirinasab E., Maghsoudi Khosrow, Jafari Reza et Momen Gelareh. (2020). A comparative study of the icephobic and self-cleaning properties of Teflon materials having different surface morphologies. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 276, p. 116415.


Chen Sinan, Liu Kun et Chen X-Grant. (2019). Elevated-temperature low-cycle fatigue behaviors of Al-Si 356 and 319 foundry alloys. Dans : TMS-Light Metals 2019 , March 10-14, San Antonio, Texas.

Eke Samuel, Clerc Guy, Aka-Ngnui Thomas et Fofana Issouf. (2019). Transformer condition assessment using Fuzzy C-means clustering techniques. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 35, (2), p. 47-55.

Liu Kun, Cao X., Bolouri Amir et Chen X-Grant. (2019). Effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on tensile behavior of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys at solid and near-solid states. Dans : TMS-2019 Shape Casting: 7th International Symposium celebrating Prof. John Campbell’s 80 th Birthday , March 10-14, San Antonio, Texas.

Maghsoudi Khosrow, Momen Gelareh, Jafari Reza et Farzaneh Masoud. (2019). Rigorous testing to assess the self-cleaning properties of an ultra-water-repellent silicone rubber surface. Surface and Coatings Technology, 374, p. 557-568.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). Knowledge-enhanced deep learning for simulation of extratropical cyclone wind risk. Dans : 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15) , September 1-6, 2019, Beijing, China.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). A knowledge-enhanced deep learning for simulation of idealized storm surge. Dans : Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019 (EMI 2019) , September 1-6, 2019, Pasadena, California, USA.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). Knowledge-enhanced deep learning for simulation of tropical cyclone boundary layer winds. Dans : Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15) , September 1-6, 2019, Beijing, China.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). Knowledge-enhanced deep learning for simulation of tropical cyclone boundary-layer winds. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 194, p. 103983.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). Modeling rain-induced effects on boundary-layer wind field of tropical cyclones. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 194, p. 103986.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2019). A simplified dynamic system for estimating hurricane supergradient winds. Dans : Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15) , September 1-6, 2019, Beijing, China.

Villemure Félix-Antoine, Fiset Mathieu, Bastien Josée, Mitchell Denis et Fournier Benoit. (2019). Behavior of epoxy bonded bars in concrete affected by alkali-silica reaction. ACI Materials Journal, 116, (6), p. 179-191.


Maghsoudi Khosrow, Momen Gelareh, Jafari Reza et Farzaneh Masoud. (2018). Direct replication of micro-nanostructures in the fabrication of superhydrophobic silicone rubber surfaces by compression molding. Applied Surface Science, 458, p. 619-628.

Oumert L. Safiddine, Boucherit Ahmed, Zafour Amel Hadj-Ziane et Fofana Issouf. (2018). Comparative study of the degradation rate of new and regenerated mineral oils following electrical stress. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12, (21), p. 5891-5897.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2018). An analytical framework for rapid estimate of rain rate during tropical cyclones. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 174, p. 50-60.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2018). An improved methodology for risk assessment of tropical cyclones under changing climate. Dans : Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology , April 16 -20, 2018, Ponte Verda, FL, USA.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2018). A new boundary layer wind field model for landfalling hurricanes. Dans : Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment , August 6-10, 2018, New York, NY, USA.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2018). A semi-empirical model for mean wind velocity profile of landfalling hurricane boundary layers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 180, p. 249-261.


Chehouri Adam, Younès Rafic, Khoder Jihan, Perron Jean et Ilinca Adrian. (2017). A selection process for genetic algorithm using clustering analysis. Algorithms, 10, (4), p. 123.

Fiset Mathieu, Bastien Josée et Mitchell Denis. (2017). Methods for shear strengthening of thick concrete slabs. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31, (3), p. 1-10.

Liu Kun, Ma Hezhaoye et Chen X-Grant. (2017). Enhanced elevated-temperature properties via Mo addition in Al-Mn-Mg 3004 alloy. Journal of alloys and compounds, 694, p. 354-365.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2017). Dynamic interaction of wind and rain fields in the boundary layer of a tropical cyclone. Dans : Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2017 (EMI 2017) , June 4-7, 2017, San Diego, CA, USA.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2017). A linear height-resolving windfield model for tropical cyclone boundary layer. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 171, p. 248-260.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2017). Modeling tropical cyclone boundary layer: Height-resolving pressure and wind fields. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 170, p. 18-27.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2017). A theoretical model for rapid estimates of rainfall during tropical cyclones. Dans : Proceedings of 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (13ACWE) , May 21-24, 2017, Gainesville, FL, USA.

Villeneuve Claude, Riffon Olivier, Segers Ian et Tremblay David. (2017). Mines et développement durable, comment aborder la quadrature du cercle? Dans Alain Rouleau et Dominique Gasquet (dir.), L’industrie minière et le développement durable : une perspective internationale francophone. (p. 5-29). Points de repère. Québec : Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD).


Bolouri Amir, Liu Kun et Chen X-Grant. (2016). Effects of iron-rich intermetallics and grain structure on semisolid tensile properties of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys near solidus temperature. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,

Chehouri Adam, Younès Rafic, Perron Jean et Ilinca Adrian. (2016). A constraint-handling technique for genetic algorithms using a violation factor. Journal of Computer Science, 12, (7), p. 350-362.

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2016). A simplified analytical wind‐field model for hurricane boundary layer. Dans : Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2016 (EMI 2016)s & Reliability Conference 2016 (PMC 2016) , May 22-25, 2016, Nashville, TN, USA..

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2016). Temperature and moisture effects on the hurricane wind field based on a simplified model. Dans : Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2016 (EMI 2016)chanics & Reliability Conference 2016 (PMC 2016) , May 22-25, 2016, Nashville, TN, USA..

Snaiki Reda et Wu Teng. (2016). Temperature and moisture effects on the tropical cyclone boundary layer: pressure and wind fields. Dans : Proceedings of 8th International Colloquium on Bluff-Body Aerodynamics and its Application (BBAAVIII) , June 7-11, 2016, Boston, USA.


Arroyo Fernandez Oscar Henry, Fofana Issouf, Jalbert Jocelyn et Ryadi Mohamed. (2015). Relationships between methanol marker and mechanical performance of electrical insulation papers for power transformers under accelerated thermal aging. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 22, (6), p. 3625-3632.

Liu Kun et Chen X-Grant. (2015). Development of Al-Mn-Mg 3004 alloy for applications at elevated temperature via dispersoid strengthening. Materials and Design, 84, p. 340-350.

Liu Kun et Chen X-Grant. (2015). Evolution of intermetallics, dispersoids and elevated-temperature properties at various Fe contents in Al-Mn-Mg 3004 alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,


Fiset Mathieu, Bastien Josée et Mitchell Denis. (2014). Experimental and analytical studies of strengthening using drilled-in bonded shear reinforcement. Dans : 15th International Conference Sructural Faults & Repair-2014 , 8th – 10th July 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Saha Sudeshna, Kocaefe Duygu, Boluk Yaman, Mshvildadze Vakhtang, Legault Jean et Pichette André. (2013). Boreal forest conifer extracts : potential natural additives for acrylic polyurethane coatings for the protection of heat-treated jack pine. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 10, (1), p. 109-122.


Jafari Reza et Farzaneh Masoud. (2012). A simple method to create superhydrophobic aluminium surfaces. Materials science forum, 706-09, p. 2874-2879.


Brassard Jean-Denis, Sarkar Dilip K. et Perron Jean. (2011). Surface modifications and functionalization of Oxyde nanoparticules for superhydrophobic applications. Dans : Thermec , Québec, Canada..

Ibrahim Hussein, Ghandour M., Dimitrova Mariya Hristova, Ilinca Adrian et Perron Jean. (2011). Integration of wind energy into electricity systems : technical challenges and actual solutions. Energy Procedia, 6, p. 815-824.

Jafari Reza et Farzaneh Masoud. (2011). Fabrication of superhydrophobic nanostructured surface on aluminum alloy. Applied Physics A. Materials Science & Processing, 102, (1), p. 195-199.


Jafari Reza, Farzaneh Masoud et Menini Richard. (2010). Superhydrophobic and icephobic surfaces prepared by RF-sputtered polytetrafluoroethylene coatings. Applied surface science, 257, (5), p. 1540-1543.

Otis Martin J.-D., Duchaine Vincent, Billette Greg, Perreault Simon, Gosselin Clément et Laurendeau Denis. (2010). Cartesian control of a cable-driven haptic mechanism. Dans Mehrdad Hosseini Zadeh (dir.), Advances in Haptics. (p. 75-102). New York : InTech.


Otis Martin J.-D., Nguyen-Dang Thien-Ly, Laliberte Thierry, Ouellet Denis, Laurendeau Denis et Gosselin Clément. (2009). Cable tension control and analysis of reel transparency for 6-DOF haptic foot platform on a cable-driven locomotion interface. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3, (1), p. 16-29.


Perron Alexandre, Kiss László et Verreault René. (2006). A multifibre optic sensor to measure the liquid film thickness between a moving bubble and an inclined solid surface. Measurement Science and Technology, 17, (6), p. 1594-1600.


Otis Martin J.-D.. (2004). Développement d'un système de propulsion pour un biomicrorobot hexapode avec un ionomère perfluorosulfonique. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke.

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