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Nombre de documents archivés : 53.

Beaupré Priscilla, da Silva Rubens A. et Chevrette Tommy. (2022). The Impact of Pain on Functionality, Postural Control and Fall Risk in Woman Aged 45 to 64 Years Old. Geriatrics, 7, (1), e10.

Billaut François, Bourgeois Hubert et Paradis‐Deschênes Pénélope. (2022). High‐intensity interval training combined with blood‐flow restriction predominantly alters anaerobic capacity in endurance‐trained athletes. The FASEB Journal, 36, (S1),

Boucher Vincent G., Pelaez Sandra, Parent Andrée-Anne, Plouffe Jacques et Comtois Alain-Steve. (2020). Momentum during a running competition: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13, (5), p. 615-632.

Bouffard Stephan, Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope et Billaut François. (2021). Neuromuscular adjustments following sprint training with ischemic preconditioning in endurance athletes: preliminary data. Sports, 9, (9), p. 124.

Bravo Gonzalo, Viviani Carlos, Lavallière Martin, Arezes Pedro, Martínez Marta, Dianat Iman, Bragança Sara et Castellucci Héctor. (2020). Do older workers suffer more workplace injuries? A systematic review. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, p. 1-30.

Castellucci H. I., Arezes P., Lavallière Martin, Costa N., DaDalt O. et Coughlin J. F.. (2018). Dealing with aging and multigeneration workforce topics at top global companies: evidence from public disclosure information. Dans 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). (p. 187-191). Piscataway, NJ : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Castellucci H. I., Bravo G., Arezes P. M. et Lavallière Martin. (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20, (125), p. 1-25.

Chevrette Tommy, Pulido Loïc et Bouchard Julie. Défis de la recherche collaborative et de l’interdisciplinarité – Table ronde. Dans : 86e congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir , 7-11 mai 2018, Chicoutimi, Québec.

David Romain, Billot Maxime, Ojardias Etienne, Parratte Bernard, Roulaud Manuel, Ounajim Amine, Louis Frédéric, Meklat Hachemi, Foucault Philippe, Lombard Christophe, Jossart Anne, Mainini Laura, Lavallière Martin, Goudman Lisa, Moens Maarten, Laroche Davy, Salga Marjorie, Genêt François, Daviet Jean-Christophe, Perrochon Anaick, Compagnat Maxence et Rigoard Philippe. (2022). A 6-Month Home-Based Functional Electrical Stimulation Program for Foot Drop in a Post-Stroke Patient: Considerations on a Time Course Analysis of Walking Performance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (15), e9204.

de Lima Maria do Carmo Correia, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Beaupré Priscilla et Chevrette Tommy. (2022). Mental health status and life satisfaction in women aged 45 to 64 with hip pain: preliminary results. Journal of pain management & medecine, 8, (3), e1000170.

Delavary Milad, Ghayeninezhad Zahra et Lavallière Martin. (2020). Evaluating the impact of increased fuel cost and Iran’s currency devaluation on road traffic volume and offenses in Iran, 2011–2019. Safety, 6, (4), p. 1-14.

Delavary Milad, Kalantari Amir Hossein, Mohammadzadeh Moghaddam Abolfazl, Fakoor Vahid, Lavallière Martin et Wilhelm Siebert Felix. (2023). Road traffic mortality in Iran : longitudinal trend and seasonal analysis, March 2011-February 2020. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,

Desjardins France et Lavallière Martin. (2023). Evaluation of a road safety awareness campaign deployed along the roadside in Saguenay (Québec, Canada). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, (11), e6012.

Dion Jacinthe, Hains Jennifer, Vachon Patrick, Plouffe Jacques, Laberge Luc, Perron Michel, McDuff Pierre, Kalinova Émilia et Leone Mario. (2016). Be thinner or larger? Correlates of body dissatisfaction in a large sample of French-Canadian children. The Journal of Pediatrics,

Duchesne Catherine, Gheysen Freja, Boré Arnaud, Albouy Geneviève, Nadeau Alexandra, Robillard Marie-Ève, Bobeuf Florian, Lafontaine Anne-Louise, Lungu Ovidiu, Bherer Louis et Doyon Julien. (2016). Influence of aerobic exercise training on the neural correlates of motor learning in Parkinson's disease individuals. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, p. 559-569.

Dugas Marc-Olivier, Simard Laurie, Chevrette Tommy et Lavallière Martin. (2021). Is the ACSM and FRIEND Metabolic Equations Valid for Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among 18-34 Aged Men? : Preliminary Results. Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology, 2, (1), e2.

Fausto Bernadette A., Adorno Maldonado Pedro F., Ross Lesley A., Lavallière Martin et Edwards Jerri D.. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 149, p. 105852.

Furlan Andrea D., Kajaks Tara, Tiong Margaret, Lavallière Martin, Campos Jennifer L., Babineau Jessica, Haghzare Shabnam, Ma Tracey et Vrkljan Brenda. (2020). Advanced vehicle technologies and road safety: A scoping review of the evidence. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 147, p. 105741.

Hadianfar Ali, Delavary Milad, Lavallière Martin, Nejatian Amir et Mehrpour Omid. (2023). Identify successful restrictions in suppressing the early outbreak of COVID-19 in Arizona, United States : interrupted time series analysis. PLOS ONE, 18, (11), e0291205.

Hadianfar Ali, Yousefi Razieh, Delavary Milad, Fakoor Vahid, Shakeri Mohammad T. et Lavallière Martin. (2021). Effects of government policies and the Nowruz holidays on confirmed COVID-19 cases in Iran: An intervention time series analysis. PLoS ONE, 16, (8), e0256516.

Hancock P. A., Kajaks Tara, Caird Jeff K., Chignell Mark H., Mizobuchi Sachi, Burns Peter C., Feng Jing, Fernie Geoff R., Lavallière Martin, Noy Ian Y., Redelmeier Donald A. et Vrkljan Brenda H.. (2020). Challenges to human drivers in increasingly automated vehicles. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 62, (2), p. 310-328.

Handrigan Grant, Fougère Gilles, Billot Maxime et Lavallière Martin. (2019). Les effets de la vibration du tendon d’Achille, du long fibulaire et du tibial antérieur sur le contrôle de l’équilibre et l’électromyographie de la jambe inférieure chez l’adulte jeune avec et sans entorse de la cheville. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 49, (6), p. 433.

Imhoff Sarah, Lavallière Martin, Germain-Robitaille Mathieu, Teasdale Normand et Fait Philippe. (2017). Training driving ability in a traumatic brain-injured individual using a driving simulator: a case report. International Medical Case Reports Journal, 10, p. 41-45.

Kadri Mohamed Abdelhafid, Bouchard Emilie, Lauzier Lydiane, Mecheri Hakim, Bégin William, Lavallière Martin, Massé-Alarie Hugo, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Beaulieu Louis-David. (2023). Distinctive phases and variability of vibration-induced postural reactions highlighted by center of pressure analysis. PLOS ONE, 18, (1), e0280835.

Kadri Mohamed Abdelhafid, Chevalier Gabrielle, Mecheri Hakim, Ngomo Suzy, Lavallière Martin, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Beaulieu Louis-David. (2020). Time course and variability of tendinous vibration-induced postural reactions in forward and backward directions. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 51, p. 102386.

Kadri Mohamed Abdelhafid, Ngomo Suzy, Lavallière Martin, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Beaulieu Louis-David. (2019). La variabilité intra- et inter-sujets des réactions posturales induites par les vibrations dépend de la durée de stimulation chez des adultes en bonne santé. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 49, (6), p. 450.

Lapointe Julien, Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope, Woorons Xavier, Lemaître Frédéric et Billaut François. (2020). Impact of hypoventilation training on muscle oxygenation, myoelectrical changes, systemic [K+], and repeated-sprint ability in basketball players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living,

Lavallière Martin, Burstein Arielle A., Arezes Pedro et Coughlin Joseph F.. (2016). Tackling the challenges of an aging workforce with the use of wearable technologies and the quantified-self. DYNA, 83, (197),

Lavallière Martin, D’Ambrosio Lisa, Gennis Angelina, Burstein Arielle, Godfrey Kathryn M., Waerstad Hilde, Puleo Rozanne M., Lauenroth Andreas et Coughlin Joseph F.. (2017). Walking a mile in another’s shoes: The impact of wearing an Age Suit. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 38, (2), p. 171-187.

Lavallière Martin, Simoneau Marc, Tremblay Mathieu, Laurendeau Denis et Teasdale Normand. (2012). Active training and driving-specific feedback improve older drivers' visual search prior to lane changes. BMC Geriatrics, 12, (5),

Lavallière Martin, Teasdale Normand, Tremblay Mathieu, Ngân N., Simoneau Marc et Laurendeau Denis. (2007). Visual inspections made by young and elderly drivers before lane changing. Advances in Transportation Studies, p. 17-24.

Lavallière Martin, Tremblay Mathieu, Cantin V., Simoneau Marc et Teasdale Normand. (2006). Aging yields a smaller number of fixations and a reduced gaze amplitude when driving in a simulator. Advances in Transportation Studies, p. 21-30.

Lehouillier Frédérique, Dugas Marc-Olivier et Lavallière Martin. (2021). Impact of a season of bike patrol on police officers’ level of fitness : a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (12), p. 6214-6225.

Leone Mario, Comtois Alain-Steve, Kalinova Émilia, Perron Michel et Babineau Charles. (2010). Motor skills assessment of canadian school boys and girls aged 6 to 12 years old. Research Group on Physical Appraisal in Children.

Leone Mario, Kalinova Émilia et Comtois Alain-Steve. (2011). Global motor skill assessment from the UQAC-UQAM test battery : normative values by age and gender. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université du Québec à Montréal.

Leone Mario, Kalinova Émilia et Comtois Alain-Steve. (2011). Global motor skill assessment from the UQAC-UQAM test battery : canadian normative values by age and gender. Centre de recherche universitaire et interdisciplinaire sur la qualité et les saines habitudes de vie.

Mackrous Isabelle, Lavallière Martin et Teasdale Normand. (2014). Adaptation to simulator sickness in older drivers following multiple sessions in a driving simulator. Gerontechnology, 12, (2), p. 101-111.

Morin Marika, Petitclerc Émilie, Fortin Anne-Marie, Gagnon Cynthia, Hébert Luc J., Leone Mario et Duchesne Élise. (2015). Strength-training induces skeletal muscle adaptations in patients with myotonic dystrophy type I: a case series study. Dans : 10th edition of the International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-10) , 8-10 juin 2015, Paris, France.

Nadeau Alexandra, Lungu Ovidiu, Boré Arnaud, Plamondon Réjean, Duchesne Catherine, Robillard Marie-Ève, Bobeuf Florian, Lafontaine Anne-Louise, Gheysen Freja, Bherer Louis et Doyon Julien. (2018). A 12-week cycling training regimen improves upper limb functions in people with Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, (351),

Nadeau Alexandra, Lungu Ovidiu, Duchesne Catherine, Robillard Marie-Ève, Boré Arnaud, Bobeuf Florian, Plamondon Réjean, Lafontaine Anne-Louise, Gheysen Freja, Bherer Louis et Doyon Julien. (2017). A 12-week cycling training regimen improves gait and executive functions concomitantly in people with parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, (690),

Paquette Linda, Truchon Elie, Lavallière Martin et Lalande Daniel. (2019). Preliminary evidence of a relationship between injury and sport camera use in winter sliding sports. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, (6S), p. 735.

Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope, Joanisse Denis R. et Billaut François. (2017). Sex-Specific Impact of Ischemic Preconditioning on Tissue Oxygenation and Maximal Concentric Force. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, (e674), p. 1-9.

Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope, Joanisse Denis R., Mauriège Pascale et Billaut François. (2020). Ischemic preconditioning enhances aerobic adaptations to sprint-interval training in athletes without altering systemic hypoxic signaling and immune function. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living,

Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope, Lapointe Julien, Joanisse Denis R. et Billaut François. (2020). Similar recovery of maximal cycling performance after ischemic preconditioning, neuromuscular electrical stimulation or active recovery in endurance athletes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19, (4), p. 761-771.

Plouffe Jacques, Lalande Daniel, Hébert Étienne, Roussel Marc-Antoine et Lemieux Samuel. (2020). La passion sportive chez des entraineurs universitaires québécois : définition, développement et maintien. Sciences et Pratiques des Activités Physiques Sportives et Artistiques, 9, (18), p. 64-76.

Range Jerome, Côté Charles, Castellucci Héctor I., Tremblay Mathieu et Lavallière Martin. (2023). Driving the prevention of low back pain in police officers : a systematic review. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 9, (4), p. 39-49.

Roussel Marie-Pier, Morin Marika, Girardin Mélina, Fortin Anne-Marie, Leone Mario, Mathieu Jean, Gagnon Cynthia et Duchesne Élise. (2019). Training program-induced skeletal muscle adaptations in two men with myotonic dystrophy type 1. BMC Research Notes, 12, e529.

Savoie Camille, Lavallière Martin, Voyer Philippe et Bouchard Suzanne. (2022). Road safety of older drivers and the nursing profession: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17, (4), e12452.

Simard Laurie, Maltais Francis, Bouchard Julie, Breuleux Yan, Lavallière Martin et Chevrette Tommy. (2021). Covid-19 Pandemic Decrease Physical Activity And May Affect Vo2Max Among School-age Children: Preliminary Results. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 53, (8S), p. 232.

Terrier Romain, Forestier Nicolas, Berrigan Félix, Germain-Robitaille Mathieu, Lavallière Martin et Teasdale Normand. (2011). Effect of terminal accuracy requirements on temporal gaze-hand coordination during fast discrete and reciprocal pointings. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 8, (10),

Tessier J-F, Kaszap M., Lavallière Martin, Tremblay Mathieu et Teasdale Normand. (2008). Implementing an analog speedometer in STISIM Drive using Parallax BSTAMP microcontroller. Advances in Transportation Studies, p. 91-96.

Tremblay Mathieu, Gallant François, Lavallière Martin, Chiasson Martine, Silvey Dustin, Behm David, Albert Wayne J. et Johnson Michel J.. (2015). Driving performance on the descending limb of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in undergraduate students : a pilot study. PLoS ONE, 10, (2),

Tremblay Mathieu, Lavallière Martin, Albert Wayne J., Boudreau Simon R. et Johnson Michel J.. (2019). Exploring simulated driving performance among varsity male soccer players. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, (5), p. 528-533.

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