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Augeard Nathan, Bostick Geoff, Miller Jordan, Walton David, Tousignant-Laflamme Yannick, Hudon Anne, Bussières André, Cooper Lynn, McNiven Nicol, Thomas Aliki, Singer Lesley, Fishman Scott M., Bement Marie H., Hush Julia M., Sluka Kathleen A., Watt-Watson Judy, Carlesso Lisa C., Dufour Sinead, Fletcher Roland, Harman Katherine, Hunter Judith, Ngomo Suzy, Pearson Neil, Perreault Kadija, Shay Barbara, Stilwell Peter, Tupper Susan et Wideman Timothy H.. (2022). Development of a national pain management competency profile to guide entry-level physiotherapy education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Pain, 6, (1), p. 1-11.

Azuma Ricardo Henrique Esquivel, Merlo Jeanne Karlette, Jacinto Jeferson Lucas, Borim Jayne Maria, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Pacagnelli Francis L., Nunes João Pedro, Ribeiro Alex Silva et Aguiar Andreo Fernando. (2021). Photobiomodulation therapy at 808 nm does not improve biceps Brachii performance to exhaustion and delayed-onset muscle soreness in young adult women: A randomized, controlled, crossover trial. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, e664582.


Baillot Aurélie, St-Pierre Maxime, Bernard Paquito, Burkhardt Laura, Chorfi Wafaa, Oppert Jean-Michel, Bellicha Alice et Brunet Jennifer. (2022). Exercise and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the feasibility and acceptability of exercise and controlled trial methods. Obesity Reviews, 23, (9), e13480.

Baillot Aurélie, St-Pierre Maxime, Lapointe Josyanne, Bernard Paquito, Bond Dale, Romain Ahmed Jérôme, Garneau Pierre Y, Biertho Laurent, Tchernof André, Blackburn Patricia, Langlois Marie-France et Brunet Jennifer. (2022). Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioral Intervention to Increase Physical Activity: Protocol for a Single-Case Experimental Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11, (9), e39633.

Beaupré Priscilla, da Silva Rubens A. et Chevrette Tommy. (2022). The Impact of Pain on Functionality, Postural Control and Fall Risk in Woman Aged 45 to 64 Years Old. Geriatrics, 7, (1), e10.

Bélair Nicolas, Côté Isabelle, Gagnon Cynthia, Mathieu Jean et Duchesne Elise. (2022). Explanatory factors of dynamic balance impairment in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Muscle & Nerve, 65, (6), p. 683-687.

Bernier Jessica, Lavoie Mélissa et Poitras Marie-Ève. (2021). What are the Needs of People Living in Remote Areas About the Essential Components of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program? Quels sont les besoins des personnes vivant en régions éloignées au regard des composantes essentielles d’un programme de réadaptation cardiaque? Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 4, (2), p. 47-66.

Billaut François, Bourgeois Hubert et Paradis‐Deschênes Pénélope. (2022). High‐intensity interval training combined with blood‐flow restriction predominantly alters anaerobic capacity in endurance‐trained athletes. The FASEB Journal, 36, (S1),

Blackburn Patricia, Plouffe Jacques, Theunynck Denis, Maltais Danielle et Émond Claudie. (2015). Relationship between self-determined motivation towards physical activity and physical fitness among university students. Dans : 14th Meeting The International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) , 3 au 6 juin 2015, Édimbourg, Écosse.

Blais Audrey-Ann, Tremblay Cynthia, Guarnaccia Laury, Tremblay Léane, Laflamme-Thibault Sandrine, Côté Sharlene, Tremblay Patrice, Bouchard Julie et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2021). The Importance of adapting functional test instructions for older adults with neurocognitive disorders. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics, 39, (4), p. 370-386.

Bolduc Elise, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Dallaire Mathieu et Jean Emmanuelle. (2022). Note de breffage : Investir dans son équilibre pour prévenir les chutes - Résultats d'une étude sur les troubles de l'équilibre chez les personnes âgées qui ont la maladie de Parkinson. Consortium InterS4.

Bordeleau Claude et Morency Linda. (2010). Pygmalion ou le favoritisme dans la famille et le sport. FDA, Famille d'aujourd'hui., 17, (2), p. 28-30.

Boucher Vincent G., Pelaez Sandra, Parent Andrée-Anne, Plouffe Jacques et Comtois Alain-Steve. (2020). Momentum during a running competition: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13, (5), p. 615-632.

Bouffard Stephan, Paradis-Deschênes Pénélope et Billaut François. (2021). Neuromuscular adjustments following sprint training with ischemic preconditioning in endurance athletes: preliminary data. Sports, 9, (9), p. 124.

Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Dufresne Sébastien S. et Frenette Jérôme. (2016). A short-term statin treatment changes the contractile properties of fast-twitch skeletal muscles. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17,

Bravo Gonzalo, Viviani Carlos, Lavallière Martin, Arezes Pedro, Martínez Marta, Dianat Iman, Bragança Sara et Castellucci Héctor. (2020). Do older workers suffer more workplace injuries? A systematic review. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, p. 1-30.

Bruniera Juliana Ribeiro Zuculin, Camiloti Janaina Fernanda, de Melo Penha Olga, Franco Pricila Perini Rigotti, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et de Moraes Marchiori Luciana Lozza. (2015). Comparative analysis of postural balance by posturography in patients with isolated vertigo or associated with hearing loss. Audiology - Communication Research, 20, (4), p. 321-326.


Carvalho Adriana P. F., Dufresne Sébastien S., de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Beraldo Fernanda K. S., de Souza Pablo Albuquerque, da Silva Rubia S., Dubois Maryane, Dallaire Mathieu, Ngomo Suzy et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2019). Pregnant and non-pregnant women and low back pain-related differences on postural control measures during different balance tasks. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 17,

Carvalho Carlos E., da Silva Rubens Alexandre, de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Nascimento Juliana A. et Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires. (2015). Relationship between foot posture measures and force platform parameters during two balance tasks in older and young subjects. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27, (3), p. 705-710.

Castellucci H. I., Arezes P., Lavallière Martin, Costa N., DaDalt O. et Coughlin J. F.. (2018). Dealing with aging and multigeneration workforce topics at top global companies: evidence from public disclosure information. Dans 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). (p. 187-191). Piscataway, NJ : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Castellucci H. I., Bravo G., Arezes P. M. et Lavallière Martin. (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20, (125), p. 1-25.

Castilho Aline R., de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Fabrin Leticia F., de Souza Pablo Albuquerque, da Silva Rubia S. et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2018). Influence of cognitive mental state on postural balance of older people / Influência do Estado Mental Cognitivo no Equilíbrio Postural de Idosos. Journal of Health Sciences, 20, (3), p. 190-194.

Cavaguchi Amanda M.S., de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Macedo Christiane de Souza Guerino, de Souza Pablo Albuquerque, Aguiar Andreo Fernando, Dallaire Mathieu, Ngomo Suzy et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2019). Impact of lifting of two types of barrels on postural control, trunk muscle recruitment, and kinematic measures in manual workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, (12),

Chapron Kevin, Lapointe Patrick, Lessard Isabelle, Darsmstadt-Belanger Hans, Bouchard Kevin, Gagnon Cynthia, Lavoie Melissa, Duchesne Élise et Gaboury Sebastien. (2021). Acti-DM1: monitoring the activity level of people with myotonic dystrophy type 1 through activity and exercise recognition. IEEE Access, 9, p. 49960-49973.

Chapron Kévin, Plantevin Valère, Thullier Florentin, Bouchard Kévin, Duchesne Élise et Gaboury Sébastien. (2018). A more efficient transportable and scalable system for real-time activities and exercises recognition. Sensors, 18, (1), p. 1-20.

Chevrette Tommy, Pulido Loïc et Bouchard Julie. Défis de la recherche collaborative et de l’interdisciplinarité – Table ronde. Dans : 86e congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir , 7-11 mai 2018, Chicoutimi, Québec.

Chouinard Maud-Christine, Gagnon Cynthia, Maltais Danielle et Mathieu Jean. (2009). Gestion de la santé : approche conceptuelle pour l’organisation des services en réadaptation. Dans : 3e Colloque de réadaptation en déficience physique du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean , 2 avril 2009, Chicoutimi, Québec.

Coelho Vinícius S., Kozu Alexandre H., Santos Cléssius F., Victorio Vitor Leonardo George, de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Parreira Rodolfo B. et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2010). Avaliação dos efeitos do método Pilates na função do tronco. Terapia Manual, 8, (40), p. 508-516.

Conte Talita C., Duran-Bishop Gilberto, Orfi Zakaria, Mokhtari Inès, Deprez Alyson, Côté Isabelle, Molina Thomas, Kim Tae-Yeon, Tellier Lydia, Roussel Marie-Pier, Maggiorani Damien, Benabdallah Basma, Leclerc Severine, Feulner Lara, Pellerito Ornella, Mathieu Jean, Andelfinger Gregor, Gagnon Cynthia, Beauséjour Christian, McGraw Serge, Duchesne Elise et Dumont Nicolas A.. (2023). Clearance of defective muscle stem cells by senolytics restores myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Nature Communications, 14, e4033.

Côté Claude H., Bouchard Patrice et Duchesne Élise. (2015). Identification of New Targets Used by 15-deoxy-delta-12,14-Prostaglandin J2 to Stimulate Skeletal Muscle Cell Proliferation. Annals of Sports Medicine and Resarch, 2, (4), p. 1027.

Côté Claude H., Bouchard Patrice, van Rooijen Nico, Marsolais David et Duchesne Élise. (2013). Monocyte depletion increases local proliferation of macrophage subsets after skeletal muscle injury. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14, p. 359.

Côté Claude H., Tremblay Marie-Hélène, Duchesne Élise et Lapoite Benoît M.. (2008). Inflammation-induced leukocyte accumulation in injured skeletal muscle: role of mast cells. Muscle & Nerve, 37, (6), p. 754-763.

Côté Julie, Antle David, Kim Emery et Ngomo Suzy. (2015). Effets de la posture de travail sur les patrons musculaires de la région lombaire lors d’une tâche répétitive. Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST).


da Silva Carolina K., Trelha Celita S. et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2013). Fear of falling and self-perception of health in older participants and non-participants of physical activity programs. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 19, (4), p. 763-769.

da Silva Carolina S. Martins, Costa Giselle A. N., Aguiar Andreo F., Camargo Mariana Z., Fernandes Karen B.P., Oliveira Marcio R. et da Silva Rubens A.. (2022). Effect of the use of a cream with leucine and lactic acid associated with electrostimulation in contouring and facial tonus: A randomized clinical controlled trial. Cosmetics, 9, (2), p. 36.

da silva Douglas K., Jacinto Jeferson L., de Andrade Walquiria B., Roveratti Mirela C., Estoche José M., Balvedi Mario C. W., de Oliveira Douglas B., da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Aguiar Andreo Fernando. (2017). Citrulline malate does not improve muscle recovery after resistance exercise in untrained young adult men. Nutrients, 9, (10), p. 1132.

da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2013). Normalização EMG: considerações da literatura para avaliação da função muscular = EMG normalization: considerations of the literature for muscular function evaluation. ConScientiae Saúde, 12, (3), p. 470-479.

da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Larivière Christian, Arsenault Bertrand, Nadeau Sylvie et Plamondon André. (2009). Effect of pelvic stabilization and hip position on trunk extensor activity during back extension exercises on a roman chair. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 41, p. 136-142.

Dallaire Mathieu, Gagnon Guillaume, Fortin Émilie, Nepton Josée, Severn Anne-France, Côté Sharlène, Smaili Suhaila, M., Gonçalves de Oliveira Araújo H. A., de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Ngomo Suzy, Bouchard Julie et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2021). The Impact of Parkinson’s Disease on Postural Control in Older People and How Sex can Mediate These Results: A Systematic Review. Geriatrics, 6, (4), p. 105.

de Almeida Isabela Andrelino, Terra Marcelle Brandão, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Ferraz Henrique Ballalai et Santos Suhaila Mahmoud Smaili. (2016). Comparing postural balance among older adults and Parkinson’s disease patients. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 22, (4), p. 261-265.

de Andrade Cristiele Dariane Aguiar, Cavallari da Costa Gois Márcia Larissa, Victorio Vitor Leonardo George, Chemouni Raio Jacqueline, Cremasco Zechim Fernanda, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Shizuko Fujisawa Dirce. (2012). Equilíbrio e risco de quedas em crianças com deficiência visual. ConScientiae Saúde, 11, (4), p. 625-634.

de Freitas Eliane Regina Sernache, Rogério Fernando R. P. G., Yamacita Cárita M., Vareshi Mayara de Luca et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2013). Does usual practice of physical activity affect balance in elderly women? = Prática habitual de atividade física afeta o equilíbrio de idosas? Fisioterapia em Movimento, 26, (4), p. 813-820.

de Lima Maria do Carmo Correia, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Beaupré Priscilla et Chevrette Tommy. (2022). Mental health status and life satisfaction in women aged 45 to 64 with hip pain: preliminary results. Journal of pain management & medecine, 8, (3), e1000170.

de Lima Maria do Carmo Correia, Dallaire Mathieu, Tremblay Catherine, Nicole Alexis, Fortin Émilie, Maluf Isabela Calixto, Nepton Josée, Severn Anne-France, Tremblay Patrice, Côté Sharlène, Bouchard Julie et da Silva Rubens A.. (2022). Physical and Functional Clinical Profile of Older Adults in Specialized Geriatric Rehabilitation Care Services in Saguenay-Québec: A Retrospective Study at La Baie Hospital. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (16), e9994.

De Maio Marianna, Cortis Cristina, Iannaccone Alice, da Silva Rubens A. et Fusco Andrea. (2021). Association between Anthropometric Variables, Sex, and Visual Biofeedback in Dynamic Postural Control Assessed on a Computerized Wobble Board. Applied Sciences, 11, (18), e8370.

de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Carvalho Carlos E. et Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires. (2017). Comparison of postural control in five tasks of balance and relation of risk of falls between older and young adult women. Fisioterapia e Pesquisa, 24, (2),

de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Coelho Vinicius Arantes, Carvalho Carlos E., Teixeira Denilson de Castro et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2011). Relationship between force platform and two functional tests for measuring balance in the elderly. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 15, (6), p. 429-435.

de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Rabello Lucas Maciel, Spadão Ana Carolina, Macedo Christiane de Souza Guerino, Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires, de Oliveira Rodrigo Franco et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2012). Avaliação de diferentes tarefas de equilíbrio em atletas de handebol e futsal feminino. Terapia Manual, 10, (49), p. 328-332.

de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Inokuti Thiago Tadashi, Bispo Nuno de Noronha de Costa, Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires, de Oliveira Rodrigo Franco et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2015). Elderly individuals with increased risk of falls show postural balance impairment. Fisioterapia em Movimento, 28, (2), p. 269-276.

de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Matos Luana da Silva, Simon Paula Thamirys Chaves, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et de Souza Pinho Costa Viviane. (2015). The comparison of postural balance in elderly active, sedentary and with vestibulopathy. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 13,

de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Vidotto Laís S., de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, Merli Myriam Fernanda, Probst Vanessa Suziane et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2015). Can functional exercise capacity discriminate older individuals with poor postural control? Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 21, (3), p. 250-255.

de Oliveira Márcio Rogério, Vieira Edgar R., de Oliveira Gil André Wilson, Parron Fernandes Karen Barros, Teixeira Denilson de Castro, Amorim Cesar F. et da Silva Rubens Alexandre. (2018). One-legged stance sway of older adults with and without falls. PLoS ONE, 13, (9), e0203887.

de Souza Pinho Costa Viviane, Molari Mário, dos Santos João Paulo Manfré, de Freitas Eliane Regina Sernache, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Parron Fernandes Karen Barros. (2015). Evaluation factors for determining the quality of life of physically independent elderly. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 13,

de Souza Pinho Costa Viviane, Teixeira Costa Bianca, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Moreira da Costa Filho Ruy et Cardoso Jefferson R.. (2015). The effect of elastic abdominal binder use on respiratory function on persons with high spinal cord injury at orthostatic position. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 13, p. 335.

Deschênes Gervais. (2012). Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de Michael Schleifer (coll. Leonie Richler & Lee Londei ; trad. de l'anglais Pascale Torracinta) (2010). Valeurs et sentiments chez les adolescents : Comment avoir un dialogue qui favorise le respect mutuel? Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 35, (2), p. 422-427.

Deschênes S., St-Hilaire M.-H., Maltais Danielle et Blackburn P.. (2019). Effets de l’exercice sur le profil de risque cardiométabolique et les symptômes somatiques de vétérans souffrant d’une blessure de stress opérationnel : projet pilote. Dans : Journée scientifique du Centre intersectoriel en santé durable , 12 novembre 2019, Chicoutimi, Québec.

dos Santos Denis C., de Freitas Eliane Regina Sernache, Liboni Renata Dinardi Borges, Marquez Audrey de Souza, Bignardi Paulo Roberto, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Parron Fernandes Karen Barros. (2020). Pulmonary function impairment in diabetic older individuals. British Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 2, (8), p. 351-356.

dos Santos João Paulo Manfré, Ferreira Duana Ruchkaber, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Oliveira Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires, de Oliveira Rodrigo Franco, Parron Fernandes Marcos Tadeu, de Souza Pinho Costa Viviane et Parron Fernandes Karen Barros. (2012). Avaliação da funcionalidade de idosos com osteoartrite utilizando o Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS). Terapia Manual, 10, (50), p. 480-485.

Dubois Maryane, Lafond Jean-Sébastien A., Kadri Mohamed Abdelhafid, Simard Sébastien, Guimaraes José Luiz Miranda, da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Dufresne Sébastien S.. (2022). Feasibility of a community-based physiotherapy program for cancer patients during and after treatments in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation, 5, p. 17-26.

Duchesne Catherine, Gheysen Freja, Boré Arnaud, Albouy Geneviève, Nadeau Alexandra, Robillard Marie-Ève, Bobeuf Florian, Lafontaine Anne-Louise, Lungu Ovidiu, Bherer Louis et Doyon Julien. (2016). Influence of aerobic exercise training on the neural correlates of motor learning in Parkinson's disease individuals. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, p. 559-569.

Duchesne Élise. (2018). Effets du sexe biologique sur les atteintes musculaires observées chez les personnes atteintes de DM1. Dans : 11e édition du colloque interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires de Dystrophie musculaire Canada , 3-4 mai 2018, Québec, Canada.

Duchesne Élise. (2015). Physiopathologie des atteintes musculaires observées chez les patients atteints de DM1 et pistes de solutions. Dans : Colloque interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique , 16-17 avril 2015, Laval, Canada.

Duchesne Élise, Bouchard Patrice, Roussel Marie-Pier et Côté Claude H.. (2013). Mast cells can regulate skeletal muscle cell proliferation by multiple mechanisms. Muscle & Nerve, 48, (3), p. 403-414.

Duchesne Élise et Côté Claude H.. (2009). Can the prostaglandin 15Δ-PGJ2 influence skeletal muscle regeneration. Dans : 49th American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting , 5-9 décembre 2009, San Diego, CA.

Duchesne Élise et Côté Claude H.. (2011). Rôles variés des mastocytes au stade précoce de la myogenèse. Dans : Journée annuelle de la recherche de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Laval , Québec, Canada.

Duchesne Élise, Dufresne Sébastien S. et Dumont Nicolas A.. (2017). Impact of inflammation and anti-inflammatory modalities on skeletal muscle healing : from fundamental research to the clinic. Physical Therapy, 97, (8), p. 807-817.

Duchesne Élise, Hébert Luc J., Roussel Marie-Pier et Gagnon Cynthia. (2019). Lower-limb muscle strength and walking capacity in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Dans : 12th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-12) , 10-14 juin 2019, Gothenburg, Suède.

Duchesne Élise, Roussel Marie-Pier et Côté Claude H.. (2012). Muscle regeneration: impact of mast cells on inflammatory cell recruitment and muscle cell proliferation. Dans : American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 59th Annual Meeting , 29 mai au 2 juin 2012, San Fransisco, Californie.

Duchesne Élise, Roussel Marie-Pier, Gagnon Cynthia et Hébert Luc J.. (2019). Strength-training as a therapeutic strategy in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Dans : 12th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-12) , 10-14 juin 2019, Gothenburg, Suède.

Duchesne Élise, Roussel Marie-Pier, Mokhtari Inès, Aoussim Amira et Morissette Mathieu. (2019). Identification of protein markers related to the training-induced positive response observed in individuals with DM1. Dans : 12th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-12) , 10-14 juin 2019, Gothenburg, Suède.

Duchesne Élise, Tremblay Marie-Hélène et Côté Claude H.. (2011). Mast cell tryptase stimulates myoblast proliferation; a mechanism relying on protease-activated receptor-2 and cyclooxygenase-2. BMC Musckuloskeletal Disorders, 12, p. 235.

Duchesne Élise, Tremblay Marie-Hélène et Côté Claude H.. (2008). Muscle cell proliferation during muscle healing can be stimulated by mast cell: 1360: Board #99 May 28 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM. Dans : 55th American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting , 28 -31 mai 2008, Indianapolis, IN.

Duchesne Élise, Tremblay Marie-Hélène et Côté Claude H.. (2007). Un nouveau mécanisme de modulation de la régénération musculaire : caractérisation de l'effet de la tryptase sur la prolifération des cellules musculaires. Dans : Journée annuelle du Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation , 2007, Québec, Canada.

Duchesne Élise, Tremblay Marie-Hélène et Côté Claude H.. (2007). Un nouveau mécanisme de modulation de la régénération musculaire: caractérisation de l’effet de la tryptase sur la prolifération des cellules musculaires. Dans : Journée annuelle du Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation , 2007, Québec, Canada.

Dufresne Sébastien S., Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Bossé Sabrina, Argaw Anteneh, Hamoudi Dounia, Marcadet Laetitia, Gamu Daniel, Fajardo Val A., Yagita Hideo, Penninger Josef M., Tupling A. Russell et Frenette Jérôme. (2018). Genetic deletion of muscle RANK or selective inhibition of RANKL is not as effective as full-length OPG-fc in mitigating muscular dystrophy. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 6, p. 31.

Dufresne Sébastien S., Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Bossé Sabrina et Frenette Jérôme. (2016). Physiological role of receptor activator nuclear factor-κB (RANK) in denervation-induced muscle atrophy and dysfunction. Receptoirs & Clinical Investigation, 3, (2),

Dufresne Sébastien S., Dumont Nicolas A., Boulanger-Piette Antoine, Fajardo Val A., Gamu Daniel, Kake-Guena Sandrine Aurélie, David Rares Ovidiu, Bouchard Patrice, Lavergne Éliane, Penninger Josef M., Pape Paul C., Tupling A. Russell et Frenette Jérôme. (2016). Muscle RANK is a key regulator of calcium storage, SERCA activity, and function of fast-twitch skeletal muscles. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology,

Dufresne Sébastien S., Frenette Jérôme et Dumont Nicolas A. (2016). Inflammation et regénération musculaire : une arme à double tranchant. Médecine / Sciences, 32, (6-7), p. 591-597.

Dugas Marc-Olivier, Simard Laurie, Chevrette Tommy et Lavallière Martin. (2021). Is the ACSM and FRIEND Metabolic Equations Valid for Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among 18-34 Aged Men? : Preliminary Results. Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology, 2, (1), e2.

Dugas Marc-Olivier, Simard Laurie, Lehouillier Frédérique, Blackburn Patricia, Ribeiro Fernanda, Chevrette Tommy et Lavallière Martin. (2020). ACSM And FRIEND Running Equations, Are They Valid For Healthy Active Women?: Preliminary Results: 255 Board #71 May 27 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52, (7S), p. 52.


Estoche José Maria, Jacinto Jeferson L., Roveratti Mirela C., Gabardo Juliano M., Buzzachera Cosme F., de Oliveira Erick P., Ribeiro Alex S., da Silva Rubens Alexandre et Aguiar Andreo Fernando. (2019). Branched-chain amino acids do not improve muscle recovery from resistance exercise in untrained young adults. Amino Acids,


Fausto Bernadette A., Adorno Maldonado Pedro F., Ross Lesley A., Lavallière Martin et Edwards Jerri D.. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 149, p. 105852.

Ferreira Daiene Cristina, da Silva Rubens Alexandre, Araújo Cynthia Gobbi Alves, Mantovani Paula Renata et Macedo Christiane de Souza Guerino. (2020). McConnell patellar taping on postural control of women with patellofemoral pain syndrome: randomized clinical trial. Fisioterapia em Movimento, 33, e003357.

Furlan Andrea D., Kajaks Tara, Tiong Margaret, Lavallière Martin, Campos Jennifer L., Babineau Jessica, Haghzare Shabnam, Ma Tracey et Vrkljan Brenda. (2020). Advanced vehicle technologies and road safety: A scoping review of the evidence. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 147, p. 105741.


Gagnon Cynthia, Bouchard L., Duchesne Élise et Mathieu Jean. (2017). The new CREATION biobank. Dans : 11th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-11) , 5-9 septembre 2017, San Fransisco, CA.

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